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ATithi deva bhavah
Pakistan Himalayas

Deccan Plateau

Sri Lanka
Deccan Plateau
The Deccan plateau is the oldest portion of
India and was part of the single land mass
comprising South America, Africa,
Australia and Antarctica.
As the continents drifted apart, the moving
Deccan plate collided with the Tibetan
block of South Asia about 50 million years
Over the years, the persistent pressure of
the Deccan drifting northwards created the
Himalayan mountains, a process that is
still continuing.
Indian history dates back to 3000 BC.
• Indus Valley civilisation was a highly
developed urban civilisation -Cities of
Harappa and Mohenjodaro
• The Great Dynasties
By 6th century BC, the Magadh rulers
dominated the Northern plains.
Cholas rule extended to Sri Lanka and South
East Asia,
• These were followed by the Hoysala and the
Vijayanagar empires
The Muslim Invasions
The first Muslim invasions of the country
started for its riches between 1001 and

In 1525, Babur, a descendant of Timur, as

well as Genghis Khan invaded Punjab and
eventually founded the Mughal empire in
India. The death of Aurangzeb saw the
decline of the Mughal rule in India.
British Rule
Over the centuries India had always been
attractive to traders, and one of the first
Europeans to come to India was the
Portuguese trader Vasco da Gama sailing via
the Cape of Good Hope in 1498.
Vasco da Gama was followed by the French,
the Dutch and the English, all of whom were
lured by the commercial interests that India
By the last quarter of the 18th century the
English established themselves as the
dominant power in India

The 19th century saw a revival of national

pride and social reform and the Indians
began to tire of the suppressive British rule.
Father of the Nation – Mahatma Gandhi
devised a unique strategy for India's
freedom struggle based on non-violence and
civil disobedience.
It pushed the British into agreeing to transfer
power on August 15, 1947, the day that is
now celebrated as India's Independence
Today, India is the world's largest democracy
with a federal form of government.
India Today
Area: 3.29 million sq. km. (1.27 million
sq. mi.); about one-third the size of
the U.S.

States: 28 States and 6 union territories

Cities: Capital--New Delhi

Other major cities—Mumbai, Kolkata,
Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad,
Ahmedabad, Pune.

Population (2003 est.): 1.05 billion; urban 27.8%.

Ethnic groups: Indo-Aryan 72%, Dravidian
25%, Mongoloid 2%, others.
Religions: Hindu 81.3%, Muslim 12%,
Christian 2.3%, Sikh 1.9%, other groups
including Buddhist, Jain, Parsi 2.5%.
Literacy--55.2%. Life expectancy--63 years.
Work force: 416 million. Agriculture--63%;
industry and commerce--22%; services
and government--11%; transport and
It is the world's 12th largest economy -- and
the third largest in Asia behind Japan and
Services, industry and agriculture account
for 50.7%, 26.6% and 22.7% of GDP
Nearly two-thirds of the population depends
on agriculture for their livelihood.
About 25% of the population lives below the
poverty line, but a large and growing
middle class of 320-340 million has
disposable income for consumer goods.

India's size, population, and strategic location

gives it a prominent voice in international
affairs, and its growing industrial base,
military strength, and scientific and
technical capacity give it added weight.
It collaborates closely with other developing
countries on issues from trade to
environmental protection.
India remains a leader of the developing world
and the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM)

• The North enjoys cold climate in the winter

months between November and March.
• The coastal areas have a tropical climate
throughout the year,
• The plains and most central and southern
regions of the country are hot in the
summer months of April and June.
• Most of the country has a vigorous
monsoon, which lasts from July and
• India's official language is Hindi -is the primary
tongue of 30% of the people.
• The States are free to decide their own regional
languages for internal administration and
education, so there are 18 official languages
spoken throughout the country.
• Sanskrit is an ancient language rarely used except
in rituals and ceremonies.
• English enjoys associate status, it is widely
spoken and is one of the most important
languages for national, political, and commercial
• In all there are 24 different languages, each
spoken by a million or more persons; as well as
millions of other languages and dialects.
Religions- secular country
As the birthplace of four major
religions that exist even today, India
is rightfully known as the land of
spirituality and philosophy.

- Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism,

Christianity, Sikhism, Zoroastrians
- The great Mughal emperor, Akbar,
who reigned between 1556 and 1605,
tried to establish a new religion, Din-
E-Elahi. Sadly, it did not survive.
Type: Federal republic.
Branches: Executive--president (chief of
state), prime minister (head of
government), Council of Ministers
Legislature-- (Rajya Sabha or Upper House,
and Lok Sabha or Lower House).
Political parties: Bharatiya Janata Party,
Congress (I), Janata Dal (United),
Communist Party of India, Communist
Party of India-Marxist, and numerous
regional and small national parties.
Diversities of India
It has been said that the states of
India are more diverse than the
countries in Europe.
From the largest to the smallest, each
has a unique history and culture,
dress, festivals and way of
celebrating them.

Come to India and explore the sheer

variety that makes up our country.
Historical Facts

• India is the world's largest, oldest, continuous

• Varanasi, "the ancient city" Lord Buddha visited it
in 500 B.C. is the oldest, continuously inhabited
city in the world
• Grammar constitutes one of India's greatest
contributions to Western philology. (Panini 750
and 500 BC)
• Invented the Number System. Zero was invented
by Aryabhatta.
• The World's first university in Takshashila in
700BC. More than 10,500 students from all over
the world studied more than 60 subjects.
• Sanskrit is the mother of all the European
Indian Family System
Social Interdependence
-One of the great themes pervading Indian life

•Everything a person does properly involves

interaction with other people.
•Social interaction is regarded as being of the
highest priority in Indian families.
•All social interaction involve constant attention to
hierarchy, respect, honor, the feelings of others,
rights and obligations, hospitality, and gifts of food,
clothing, and other desirable items.
•Finely tuned rules of etiquette help facilitate each
individual's many social relationships.
Hospitality, Humbleness
in front of elders

Guest -Atithi Devo Bhav

A Guest is to be treated like God

Parents are like God

Both give us what we need, not what we want.

Teacher is also like God

Guru Brahma Gurur Vishnu| Guru Devo Maheshwaraha| Guru Saakshat
Para Brahma| Tasmai Sree Gurave Namaha ||

Guru is verily the representative of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. He creates,

sustains knowledge and destroys the weeds of ignorance. I salute such a
Developed in India, Yoga is a psycho-physical
discipline with roots going back about 5,000
Yoga practices
1) physical postures : asanas; 2) breathing
exercises: pranayama and 3) meditation.
Traditionally, the goal of Yoga was union with the
Absolute, with Atman (Soul)
Now: improved physical fitness, mental clarity,
greater self-understanding, stress control and
general well-being.
The beauty of Yoga is in its versatility, allowing
practitioners to focus on the physical,
psychological or spiritual, or a combination of all
Ayurveda-Herbal Medicine

Ayurveda- earliest school of

medicine known to humans

Charaka, the father of medicine

consolidated Ayurveda 2500 years
ago. Today Ayurveda is fast
regaining its rightful place in our
World heritage sites in

Agra Fort Ajanta Brihadisvara

Darjeeling Elephanta Ellora Caves
Himalayan Railway cave
Fatehpur Sikri Hampi Humanyun Tomb
Khajuraho Konark Mallapuram
Old Goa Pottadakal Qutab Minar
Sanchi Taj Mahal Mahabodhi
Temple Complex
Agra Fort

Ajanta Caves
Ellora Caves
Fatehpur Sikri

Humayun Tomb

Qutab Minar
Beaches of India

Northern India

The origin of classical dance in India goes back to 2BC
when the ancient treatise on dance, Natya Shastra, was compiled.
Kathakali and Mohiniattam

Tamil Nadu
Kuchipudi-Andhra Odissi-Orissa

Kathak -UP Manipuri- Manipur

Arts of India
Indian Cinema-Bollywood

Indian film industry- largest in the world in terms of number of films

produced and maybe also the number of tickets sold.
Dresses of India
Festivals of India

Diwali-Festival of Lights
Dusshera-Festival of win of good over evil
Ramzan Eid
Bakri Eid
Harvest Festivals :
Holi, Onam, Baisakhi, Pongal
Festivals of India……

Guru Purnima-To honor guru

Raksha Bandhan - Bond of love between brother and sister
Kumbh Mela-Once in 12 years
Ganesh Chaturthi-Festival of 10 days
******Festivals bring joy and happiness in our lives. If
we celebrate all festivals alike we can spread the
message of joy, happiness, brotherhood and
humanity among one another and live as one family
and community.
Indian Food

Healthy Diet
Interesting Facts about
India and Indians!
38% of Doctors in America are
12% of Scientists in America are
36% of NASA employees are Indians.
34% of MICROSOFT employees are
28% of IBM employees are Indians
17% of INTEL employees are Indians
13% of XEROX employees are Indians
Made by: Pradyum sahay
Class: 10th B
Roll no: 24

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