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Marketing Concepts and Internal Relations

Unit2: Marketing Essential

By Ahmed Bin Waseem


Table of Contents
Topics Slide
Introduction to Marketing Essentials 3
Burger and Pizza Corner Background 4
Introduction to Marketing trends 5
Current trends 6
Future Trends 7
Overview of different Marketing Processes 8
Role and Responsibilities of Marketing Manager 9
Influences and Importance of different Marketing Roles 10
Significance of different departments 11
Bibliography 12


Shakes and Juice corner

• Shakes and Juice corner was established later in 1997.

• Owned by our grand father, and later owned by my father and

his brothers.

• It started with 7 employees and now it has 35 employees and

five outlets.

• The business is limited to Islamabad, Pakistan.


Introduction to Current and Future trends of

• Marketing: According to Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong, two
ideal marketing theorist, they said “Marketing is a social and
managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain
what they need and want through creating and exchanging
products and value with others.”
(Kotler and Armstrong, n.d.)

Current Trends of Marketing

• The concept of marketing, current and trends. The marketing

concept is that firms should analyze customers needs and make

rational decisions to compete their competitors in satisfying
those needs and wants.

• Many companies have adopted this idea and have achieved a

lot of success in their business.

(Simkin et al, n.d.)


Future trends of Marketing

• Innovation initiatives

• Analytics & measurement

• Mobile initiatives

• Content marketing

(Rowntree, 2016)

Overview of different Marketing Processes

Construct a Build a profitable

Understand the Build a strong and
Design a marketing relationship with
market place and profitable
marketing delivered program customer to
customer needs relationship with
strategy for superior create profits and
and wants customer
values customer equity

(Kotler and Armstrong, n.d.)


Role and responsibilities of a Marketing


• Effectively promoting general sales

• Helping employees to understand the marketing strategy plan

• Social media and Public Relations

(Ezell, 2017)

Influences and Interrelations of different

departments with the Marketing department
• Customer relations department

• Accounts department

• Engineering department

• Human resource department

• Research and development department

(Rao, 2007)

Value and Importance of the Marketing role

• Increase Potential Buyers

• Higher Sales

• Success and reputation of the company

• Successful benchmarking with other competitors


Significance of having interrelationships

between different functional departments
• Increase Trust

• Better Customer Service

• Improved Efficiency

• Reduction of Conflicts

• Effective Communication Between Different Departments in an


(Root.G, n.d.)
Bibliography 13

• (2019). Do you know this term?.

[online] Available at:
[Accessed 25 Sep. 2019

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