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Young & Rubicam’s Brand Asset

Valuator (BAV)
• BAV is Brand asset Valuator
• BAV represents a unique brand equity
research tool.

• BAV measures brand on five fundamental

measures of equity value and in terms of a
broad array of perceptual dimensions.
Five Pillars
• There are five key components of brand health in
BAV—the five pillars.
• Each pillar is derived from various measures that
relate to different aspects of consumers’ brand
perceptions and that together trace the progression
of a brand’s development.
– Differentiation
– Energy: ability to meet future needs
– Relevance
– Esteem: how well the brand is regarded and respected
– Knowledge: how familiar and intimate the consumers are
with the brand

Brand Health
• Leading indicators of Brand Health: Brand
strength (Differentiation, energy, relevance).
These three pillars point to the brand’s future
value, rather than just reflecting its past.

• Lagging indicators of Brand Health: Brand

strength (Esteem and knowledge). It is a
report card on a brand’s past performance.
A Two-Dimensional Framework for Diagnosing Brands:
The Power Grid

BrandAsset® Valuator

Brand Strength Brand Stature


Differentiation Relevance Esteem Knowledge

Leading Lagging

The PowerGrid
• Y & R integrated two macro dimensional of
brand strength and brand stature into a visual
analytical device known as Power Grid.

• Power grid depicts the stages in the cycle of

brand development
Brand Health Is Captured on the
Power Leaders
Unrealized Potential

(Differentiation and Relevance)




Base: USA Total Adults BAV 2000
(Esteem and Knowledge)
• Ist Quadrant: Brands generally began their life
in the lower left quadrant, where they first
need to develop relevant differentiation and
establish their reason for being.

• The movement from there is up into the top

left quadrant.
• IInd Quadrant: Increased differentiation,
followed by relevance, initiates a growth in
brand strength.
• This quadrant represents two types of brands:
– For mass target brands , this is the emerging
potential, in which brand’s growing strength must
be translated into stature.
– Specialist or narrowly targeted brands remain in
this quadrant.
– New potential competitors will emerge from this
• IIIrd Quadrant: Leadership Quadrant
• It is populated by brand leaders with high
strength and stature.

• Brand whose strength has started to dip below

the level of their stature display the first signs
of weakness- which may well be masked by
their still-buoyant sales and wide penetration.
• IVth Quadrant:
• Brands that fails to maintain their strength
and their relevant differentiation –began to
fade and move ‘down’ into the bottom right
Brand Image Associations
• In addition to the pillars measures, BAV
measures brands on a series of 48 brand
image and brand personality attributes.
Drivers of Brand Energy and Stature
• Brand Elasticity: It is the ease with which a brand
can be ‘stretched 'into a new category.

• Brand Alliances: It is the effect of individual

brands of different types of brand alliance
– The Alliance between Levi’s and Walmart produced an
improvement of the brand strength of WalMart but
left Levi’s virtually unchanged.
– In contrast, Levi’s did benefit from an alliance with
Yahoo, growing in differentiation and brand strength.
Commonalty Between the Basic BAV
Model and the CBBE Framework
• Differentiation-Superiority
• Relevance- Consideration
• Energy-Judgment
• Esteem- Credibility
• Knowledge-Resonance
– CBBE framework maintains that awareness is necessary
first step in building brand equity
– BAV models treats familiarity in a more effective manner,
thus sees it as the last step in building brand equity.


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