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Case Study Unit 1

• Naufal Hakim W.

• Fia Fachrani A. (190202654)

• Masyita Nur V. (190202660)

• Dede Alfirah (190202662)

Creating A Sense of Indentity

– Background
The international construction and engineering group KMB is based in Munich,
Germany and has manufacturing subsidiaries and associated companies
throughout the world. Its company magazine is published five times a year and is
distributed by post to staff worldwide. The following letter, sent by a member of
staff in its Brazilian sales office, appearedin the magazine’s latest issue.
Agenda or Draft

Suggestion for improving communications:

1. Introduce an employee of the month scheme
2. Highlight key issues and pin point critical areas for action
3. Gathering every year to build a great communication and connection
4. Give feedback that is clear and precise

As a member of the working group, write a memo to the heads of all KMB’s
subsidiaries. This should inform them that the meeting took place a should outline
the plan of action agreed. Finally, the memo should ask for their coorporation in
implementing the suggestion. …. (conclution)
Based on our gtoup, the conclution is the office center should hold a meeting
every months with the directior each suboffice. Other than that, the suboffice
should hold a gathering to build a good communication and connection for all
Case Study
Stage 1
Company : KMB
Activity : International Constructipn and Engineering
Based in : Munich, Germany
Structure : Head Office KMB
Key points of Aldo Renato’s letter to the editor of the company magazine :
1. He is feel uninformed
2. Global Communications Director should overhaul KMB’s communications
system so that all members og staff are kept fully informed
3. People from oversids, subsidiaries said thay felt a lack of involvement and
wanted more information frpm head office about new developments within the
Key point of Communication Director’s e-mail to KMB’s Chief Executive :
1. Overseas staff don’t think they get enough information about whitin the group
2. We urgently need to improve our communication system to show that we
used staff
3. To strengthen their sense of common purpose within the organization globally.

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