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BY: Karl Kevin C. Bacon

What’s An Infographic

• Infographics are visual presentations of information that use the elements

of design to quickly communicate an Idea.
• It is basically an artistic representation of data and information using
different elements such as: Graphs, Pictures, Diagrams, Narrative,
Timelines, Check lists.
• Infographics allow us to tell a more complete story of the data and are more
engaging than most traditional ways of communication data and
• The focus of good infographics is always on communicating insights.
Ways that infographics can be used

• Presenting survey data – Infographics are highly useful in presenting

results gathered from survey data. When organized in an infographic, it
becomes much easier and faster to draw meaning from data.
• Simplifying a complicated concept – The core purpose of an infographics is
to simplify a complex idea which makes them great educational tools,
especially when presenting an overview of a topic instead of an in-depth
• Explaining how things work – In additional to simplifying complex ideas
infographics are often used to reveal the mechanics behind how objects
work. Skilled designers can create infographics that pull apart complex
products like cameras, iPhone, and clocks, and graphically explain their core
• Comparisons – When drawing comparisons, infographics help organize
similarities and differences by visually creating parallels that complement
the information being presented.
Infographic Elements and Tools

• Graphs and bars

• Pies and icons
• Human infographics
• Timeline infographics
• Puzzle pieces
Principles in creating an infographic

• Be creative – you can use the combination of the text, shapes and image to
present your message in a creative way.
• Be unique – your message must be something people can relate to, but it
must be presented in a unique way to attract the viewers’ attention. Present
it in a surprising and exciting way to draw attention.
• Be Simple – presenting a simple, yet elegant design will attract more attention
than cluttered elements that may more the audience. Too many colors and pictures
may be hard to understand and distract the readers from getting the message.
• Use Graphics and Visuals – you can illustrate your point with pictures, typography,
and color.
• Use the Forwarding tool – it is important that the viewer will be able to easily click
“share” after reading your infographic so that your message can be forwarded and
read by as many people as possible.

• Create an ICT project for any of the following advocacies:

1. Antidrug campaigns
2. Youth election volunteer mobilization
3. Animal welfare and rights
4. Environmental conservation and action
5. Contemporary ICT issues such as cyber bullying, copyright infringement, green
technology, and Internet addiction

• Create a INFOGRAPHIC about our subject Empowerment Technology.



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