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South East Central Railway

Freight Incentive Measures

SECR: Freight Loading (MT)

Up to Up to Act Diff % Var

AUG'18 AUG'19 over LY over LY

Coal Total 60.58 55.48 -5.10 -8.42

Raw Mat. for Steel
0.96 1.09 0.13 13.54
PIFS Total 2.35 1.89 -0.46 -19.57
Iron Ore Total 3.15 3.47 0.32 10.16
Cement 7.02 7.29 0.27 3.85
Food Grains 0.69 0.66 -0.03 -4.35
Fertilisers 0.010 0.00 -0.01 -100.00
Mineral Oil 0.27 0.29 0.02 7.41
Container Service 0.24 0.22 -0.02 -8.33
Balance other Goods 1.22 1.70 0.48 39.34
Total 76.49 72.04 -4.45 -5.82
SECR: Freight Earnings(in Cr)

Up to Up to Act Diff % Var

AUG'18 AUG'19 over LY over LY

Coal Total 7014.37 7081.30 66.93 0.95

Raw Mat. for Steel
47.04 57.70 10.66 22.66
PIFS Total 372.56 283.16 -89.40 -24.00
Iron Ore Total 73.91 105.65 31.74 42.94
Cement 740.74 780.28 39.54 5.34
Food Grains 122.58 111.94 -10.64 -8.68
Fertilisers 0.63 0.38 -0.25 -39.68
Mineral Oil 36.66 38.68 2.02 5.51
Container Service 21.63 19.26 -2.37 -10.96
Balance other Goods 90.71 193.24 102.53 113.03
Total 8520.83 8671.59 150.76 1.77
A : Freight rate related measures:
1 Levy of Busy Season Surcharge Deferred:
• BSC, which is levied @ 15% from 1 Oct-30 June,
has been deferred till further advise (Except for
iron ore and POL).
• Coal & coke and container traffic are already exempted.

2. Waiver of Supplementary charges on Mini and Two point


• The 5% Supplementary charges applicable on Loading on

Mini and Two point rakes being waived off.

• This is likely to boost loading of Smaller cargo sizes

and help cement, steel, food grains and fertilizers loading.
3. Round-trip charging on container traffic:

• As per haulage charge rating of container traffic, 0-50 km is the

minimum distance slab for charging.
• Therefore, round-trip charging of container trip has been
introduced for a distance of less than 50 km on each way.
• Under this scheme, haulage charge for 0-100 km slab will be
charged for total to and fro movement, instead of charging for
0-50 km slab each way.
• Impact- this comes out to be about 35% cheaper per TEU for
the complete round-trip
• This will benefit container traffic upto 50 km O-D pair.
4. Discount on movement of empty containers and empty flat

• A discount of 25% discount in haulage charge of containers

has been given to encourage movement of empty/flat to ports;
thereby increasing loaded container traffic in return.

• It is expected to enhance price-competitiveness of Railway

vis-a-vis other modes of transport and expand freight basket by
capturing new traffic.
5. Large-scale de-notification of commodities for container

• As per container haulage charging policy, notified commodities

are charged at Container Class Rates (CCR), which is 15%
lower than General Tariff Rates (GTR). Rest of the
commodities are charged at Freight All Kind (FAK) rates,
which are even lower than CCR.

• Recently, 90 more commodities have been de-notified, which

brought down their haulage charge from CCR to FAK rates.

• Now, out of total 635 commodities in Goods Tariff, only 38

commodities are under notified/CCR rates (11 of these are POL
B: Measures to enhance ease of business
and digitization
1. Pan-India Implementation of eT-RR

•Facility of eT-RR has been successfully implemented across the

country w.e.f. 01.08.2019

•eT-RR is user-friendly and paperless transaction system where

Railway Receipt is generated and transmitted electronically to
customer through FOIS. Delivery of goods is given through e-
surrender of eT-RR. That is, customer is saved the hassle of
carrying physical Railway Receipt from originating to destination

•This facility is expected to bring down the transaction costs of

rail customers, and also pave the way for greater digitization.
• eT-RR provides facility for transmission of RR
electronically to Rail users through TMS/FOIS.
• To opt eT-RR registration of Consignor and
Consignee for e-demand is required.
• It saves transit time, paperless and easy to store in
system for long time.
• eT-RR is applicable for all traffic including
Container traffic except Iron Ore.
• eT-RR is applicable for multiple RRs.

• Filter option made available to view demand list to
opt eT-RR.
• Customer can Register/Deregister eT-RR up to RR
• Customer can change Consignee name, code, bank
details up to release of rake (to facilitate steel traffic
• eT-RR can be opted for manual indent also.
2. Weighment-related reforms

• Pre-weighbin system for weighment of goods traffic has been

permitted in private sidings. This is expected to bring down the
time for Weighment and loading, and also bring in higher
accuracy in Weighment. It shall go a long way in redressing the
issues related to weighment.

• As per earlier policy, if a second Weighment of wagons was

done, the higher of the two reading was considered final for
charging or levy of penalty. Now, the policy has been
modified to state that second weighment will be considered
final for charging. This policy change makes the provision of
second weighment meaningful and is expected to redress
customers’ grievance in accuracy of weighment.
2. Weighment-related reforms

• Low density commodities like Pet Coke, Met Coke, Chuni and
De-oiled cake have also been exempted from mandatory
weighment. This is likely to save transit time and increase
fluidity, which translate in to cost saving for customers also.

 STS rate will be offered for traffic presently

moving by road due to competitive road
 Coal/coke, iron ore(all types),POL &
commodities below class-100 are excluded
from this policy.
 Upto 30% concession can be offered
depending upon volume of traffic, road rates
and margin over freight rates of class 100.
 Customer is benefited by transportation of
consignments through rail mode at the rate
at par or cheaper than road mode.

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