Module - 1 Introduction Design of Sanitary Sewers

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by Muhammad Farhan Arooj

BSc. Civil Engineering, UET Lahore - 2001

MS. Civil & Environmental Engineering, KAIST, South Korea - 2004
Editor Water Research, Top 25 Research Topics in the World, Exposure of more
than 400 wastewater treatment plants and Solid Waste Management Projects in the
Develop the student’s knowledge of

 To plan, design wastewater collection

 To plan, design wastewater Treatment
 To introduce Environmental Laws, EIA and
Solid Waste Management.
 Upon successful completion of the course, the student should
be able to comprehend:

 Public Health Aspect of Wastewater Collection

 Wastewater Collection Design

 Wastewater Treatment Design

 Wastewater Quality Parameters & Assessment

A. Sources of waste water; Domestic and Industrial. Estimation of sanitary
sewage and storm water quantities. Hydraulics of sewers and design of
sewerage system. Sewage pumping stations. Characteristics of Domestic and
Industrial wastewater.
B. Wastewater treatment; purpose, principles and design of various
wastewater treatment processes including screens, grit chambers,
sedimentation tanks, Activated sludge process, SBR, Trickling Filters,
wastewater stabilization ponds and Aerated Lagoons. Sludge digestion
and disposal.
C. Disposal of wastewater on land and water bodies. Waste assimilative
capacity of streams. Use of treated effluent for irrigation.
D. National Environmental Quality standards (NEQS). Introduction to
Environmental Impact Assessment. Evaluation of Environmental Impacts.
E. Solid Waste Management
2 + 1 credit hours course
Theory – 2 credit hours
● Quizzes 10 %
● Projects / Assignments 10 %
● 2 x Mid term exam 30 %
● End of Semester Exam 50 %

Practical – 1 credit hour

● Lab work 60 %
● Final Viva 40 %
● Study in groups but submit work on your own
● No copying of project / assignments
● Severe penalty in case someone found cheating
● No make up quizzes or projects / assignments
● At least 80 % attendance is mandatory to appear in the exam

● Fundamental course in Civil Engineering

● Good class conduct and is very important to understand this
Text Book

Water Supply & Sewerage by

E.W Steel and Torence J. Mc Ghee
4th, 5th, 6th Edition (whichever Available).


1. Water Supply & Sanitary Engineering

S. C. Rangwala
2. Waste water Engineering, Treatment, Disposal, reuse by
Metcalf and Eddy, 3rd Edition.
3. Water and waste water Engineering by
Fair & Geyer
4. Water and waste water Technology by
Mask J. Hammer
PLO 02 - Problem Analysis

An ability to identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using
first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences.

SLO Score→ Exemplary (5) Proficient (4) Developing (3) Beginning (2) Novice (1)

Identify and Formulate: Completely identifies Identifies and Identifies and Identifies and
Mathematically and formulates all formulates more than formulates 25% to formulates up to 25% Formulates no
Formulates the identified relevant information 75% of all relevant 75% of all relevant of all relevant relevant information
information. without any mistakes. information information information
Research: Identify and Completely Identifies Identifies and Identifies and Identifies and
Identifies and
formulates missing and formulates all formulates more than formulates 25% to formulates up to 25%
2.2 formulates no missing
information and resolve missing information 75% of missing 75% of missing of missing
the ambiguity. without any mistakes. information. information. information.
Solve: Completely solve Identifies some
Completely solves the
the problem without any Arrives at a correct relevant equations
Completely solves the problem but has
mistake with appropriate partial solution, but cannot Cannot move beyond
2.3 problem without any minor data assembly
manipulation of leading towards the manipulate them the given information.
mistake. mistakes leading to a
equations and accurate final answer. towards a correct
wrong answer.
data assembly. partial solution.
Conclude: Answers are Answers are correctly Answers are wrongly Answers are correctly Answers are wrongly Answers are neither
interpreted and are interpreted and are interpreted but are interpreted but are interpreted and are interpreted nor
verified in other ways also verified in other verified in other ways not verified in other not verified in other verified in other ways
possible. ways possible. possible. ways possible. ways possible. possible.

Sewage: It is the Liquid Waste of Wastewater produced as a result

of water use.
Sewer: It is a Pipe or Conduit for carrying sewage. It is generally
closed and flow takes place under gravity.
Sewerage: it is a comprehensive term. This term is applied to the
Art Of the collection of wastewater and conveying it to the point
of final disposal with or without treatment.


1. Domestic It is waste water from residential buildings,

offices, other buildings and institutions etc.

2. Industrial It is liquid waste from industrial processes

like dying, paper making, fertilizers, chemicals, leather

3. Storm water It include surface run off generated by

rainfalls and street wash.

1. Sanitary Sewer: Sewer which carries sanitary sewage

i.e., wastewater originating from a municipality
including domestic and industrial wastewater.

2. Storm Sewer: It carries storm sewage including surface

run off and street washes.

3. Combined Sewer: It carries domestic, industrial and

storm sewage.

4. House Sewer: is a pipe conveying wastewater from

an individual structure to a common sewer or some
other point of disposal.

5. Lateral Sewer: It receive discharge

from house sewers
6. Sub main sewer: It receive discharge
from one or more laterals.
7. Main/Trunk Sewer: Receive discharge
from two or more sub mains.
8. Force Mains are pressurized sewer
lines which convey sewage from a
pumping station to another main or to
a point of treatment or disposal
9. Outfall Sewer: Receive discharge from
all collecting system and convey it to
the point of final disposal (e.g., a
water body etc)
Components of Wastewater Engineering

• Collection system (network of sewer pipes)

• Disposal Works (Sewage pumping stations)
• Treatment works (render treatment)


1. Separate System If storm water is carried separately

from domestic and industrial waste, the system is
called separate system.

When favored
I) There is an immediate need for collection of
sanitary sewage but not for storm sewage.
II) Where sanitary sewage need treatment but storm
water does not
2. Combined System: A system in which sewer carry both
sanitary as well as storm sewage.

When favored
I) When combined sewage can be disposed off with out
II) When both need treatment
III) When streets are narrow and two separate sewers cannot be

3. Partially Combined: If some portion of storm or surface run

off (from roofs, roads, open spaces etc) is allowed to be carried
along with sanitary sewage, the system is known as partially
combined system.

Note: In urban areas, mostly, partially combined system is used.


It is the water that enters sewer through poor joints, cracked pipes and
walls and covers of manholes. Infiltration is almost non-existent in dry
weather but it will increase during rainy season.

Infiltration rates ≤ 45 lit /km of sewer/day/mm dia (E.W. Steel)

WASA: 225 mm – 610 mm, Infiltration = 5 % of Av. Sewage flow.

> 610 mm, Infiltration = 10 % of Av. Sewage flow.
Sanitary and industrial sewage is derived from water
supply, so it has a relationship with amount of water
consumption. Generally 80–90% of water
consumption is taken as sewage flow.

Variation In Sewage Flow

Like water supply, sewage flow varies from time to
time. Since sewers must be able to accommodate the
max flow the variation in sewage flow need to be

Generally, following formula is used to estimate the

rates (Peak Factor) of max. to average flow, where p
is the population in thousands
Qmax 14
 M  1 ( E.W Steel)
Qav 4 p
Significance of Av. or min.
Av. Flow (m3/d) Peak Factor flows

 2,500 4.0 1) Used in design of sewage

2,500-5,000 3.4 pumping stations.
5,000-10,000 3.1
2) Used to investigate
10,000-25,000 2.7 velocities in sewers during low
25000-50,000 2.5 flow period.
50,000-100,000 2.3
100,000-250,000 2.15
250,000-500,00 2.08
> 500,000 2.0

The residential area of a city has a population density of 15000 per

1Km2 and an area of 120,000 m2. If the average water consumption
is 400 lpcd find the average sewage flow and the max sewage flow
that can be expected in m3/day.

Problem 2

For the above problem design a sewer system generally based on

current knowledge.(n=0.012)


The residential area of a city has a population density of 15000

per 1Km2 and an area of 120,000 m2. If the average water
consumption in 400 lpcd find the average sewage flow and the
max sewage flow that can be expected in m3/day

Total pop = 15000  = 1800 persons.
1000 1000

Per capita sewage flow = 0.8  400 = 320 lpcd.

Av. Sewage flow = 1800  320 = 576 m3/d.

14 14
M=1+ = 1+ = 3.6
4 p 4  1.8

Max/Peak Sewage Flow = 576  3.6 = 2085 m3/d.

1. Collection Works: Period of design is “Indefinite” as the system is
designed to case for the maximum development of the area.
2. Disposal Works: Design period is usually 10 years. Rates of flow
required are: average daily, peak and minimum flow rates,
including infiltration.
3. Treatment Works: Design period is 15 to 20 years flow rates
required are average and peak.

It is the level of the invert of the sewer pipe
Invert: Inverted Arch
Invert Level = G.L– Cover over pipe– thickness of Pipe– dia of pipe.

Steps For Design Of Sewer

1. Preliminary Investigations
2. Design consideration/Formulation of design criteria
3. Actual Design
4. Preparation of drawings and BOQ
5. Subsequent modifications.

 If map of the area is not already available, the first step is to carry out
survey to draw a map of the project area.
Different details are marked on the map like
• Streets
• Railway lines
• Streams
• Location of under ground utilities like gas, water mains etc.
 Establish BENCH MARKS through out the area and make contour profiles.
 Soil conditions should be investigated for the type of structure, location
of water table, presence of any underground rock etc.
 Collection of rainfall and run off data.
 Study of natural slopes of the area and selection of a suitable disposal


(i) Design Flow

Sanitary Sewer = Peak Sewage flow + Infilt + Industrial flow

Partially Combined = 2  (Peak sewage flow) + Infilt + Industrial Flow

(ii) Design Equation

Sewers are designed on the basis of open channel flow.

V= 1 2 1 (Manning’s Formula)
R s 3 2

V = Velocity, m/sec
R = hydraulic mean depth =
wetted perimeter
= D/4, when pipe is flowing full or ½ full
S = slope of sewer
n = Co-efficient of roughness for pipe (0.012 for R.C.C pipes)
(see table 15.1 EW steel for more n values)

(iii) Minimum Velocities

Min velocities also called self cleansing velocities must be maintained
in sewers to avoid deposition of suspended solids and subsequent
choking of sewers.

Sanitary sewers = 0.6 m/sec [organic particle sp. gs = 1.61]

Storm sewers = 1 m/sec [inorganic particle sp. gs = 2.65]
Partially combined = 0.7 m/sec. 22
(iv) Maximum Velocities
2.4 m/sec (E.W Steel)
A limit on higher velocity is imposed due to abrasive character of
solids in wastewater
Scraping or wearing away.

(v) Min. Sewer Size

225 mm is taken as min sever size. [WASA, PHED]
why: choaking takes place with bigger size particles/substances
which are usually thrown into sewer through manholes etc.
[Examples: shrubs, bricks etc].

(vi) Min Cover:

1m is taken as min cover over sewers to avoid damage from live loads
coming on sewers.

(vii) Manholes
House connections
Where provided

1. At every change in direction

2. Where two different dia pipes are to be connected.
225 mm – 350 mm spacing 100 m
460 mm – 760 mm spacing 120 m [WASA]
> 760 mm spacing 150 m

Note For plots, one manhole be provided for 2 plots

viii) Qd/Qf Ratios

WASA recommend the Qd/Qf ratios in order to provide air space in the
upper portion of sewers for ventilation purpose. Qd represent design
flow and Qf is flow when sewer is flowing full.

Sewer Size Ratio (Qd/Qf)

225 – 380 mm 0.7
460 – 1220 mm 0.75
1370 mm and larger 0.8

By design of sewer, we mean the following two things

1. To find Size of sewer
Q = AV is used to find size

2. To find required Slope to maintain a minimum velocity in sewers.

V= 1 R 23 s 12

Is used to find slope.


Typical drawings include

• Sewer joints
• Manholes
• Disposal station
• Sewer profiles or L – sections

Mostly done due to some unforeseen incident, to accommodate some
additional demand/requirement of the client etc.
Problem 3

Design a partially combined sewer system with following data

Population density for residential area= 10000 per 1Km2
% age of residential area = 90%
% age of Industrial area = 10%; Peak Factor = 2
Total area = 820,000 m2
Water consumption (lpcd) = (100 + reg. number /25)
Manning roughness coefficient = 0.012
Assume suitable data as applicable


It is necessary to determine velocity and depth of sewage in a pipe

when it is flowing only partially full. For this, use of the GRAPH will
allow quick computation of the hydraulic elements of partially filled
circular sewer.
For using this graph, it is necessary to find first the conditions
when a sewer is flowing full. Then by calculating the ratio of any
two known hydraulic elements, the others can be found.

Significance Of Partial Flow Study

Conditions during partial flow, must frequently be determined in
combined / partially combined sewers due to the following
• To investigate velocities during dry weather flow to determine
possibilities of deposits occurring in pipes.

• Knowledge of depth of flow is of value in designing sewer inter

Problem 4
A 915 mm circular combined sewer is laid on
a slope of 0.003 and it is flowing full with n =
0.013. What will be the velocity and depth of
flow when the sewer is carrying 8.5 m3/min
discharge. (0.1416 m3/sec).

Problem 4
A 915 mm circular combined sewer is laid on a slope of 0.003 and it
is flow full with n = 0.013. What will be the velocity and depth of
flow when the sewer is carrying 8.5 m3/min discharge. (0.1416

 
0.003 
1 3 1
Q when flowing full = V =(1/n)R2/3S1/2
=  D

= 1.57 m/sec 0.013 4

 0.915  1.57
3.142 2
Q = A  V= = 1.036 m3/sec
Qa/Qf = 0.1416/1.036 = 0.14

d/D= 0.3 (from discharge line) d = 0.3  0.915 = 0.275 = 275 mm

at 0.1416 m3/sec
Find velocity at actual depth of flow : Va/Vf = 0.6 (from graph
against 0.3)
Va = 0.6  1.57 = 0.94 m/sec
Sewer Sewer
Minimum slope
diameter(in) diameter(mm)
6 150 0.0043
8 200 0.0033
10 255 0.0025
12 310 0.0019
15 380 0.0014
18 460 0.0011
21 530 0.00092
24 610 0.00077
Note: 225mm, 310mm, 380mm, 460mm, 530mm, 610mm, 690mm, 760mm,
840mm, 915mm, 990mm, 1070mm and 1220mm are the commercial dias
Problem 5

Answer the following questions related to

partially combined sewerage system design:
Design population=4000;
Avg water consumption=(150+(Roll #/25)),
Infiltration =10% of the average sewage flow.
n (RCC pipe)=0.013
a. Find out the average and peak sewage flow
b. Calculate the design flow for partially combined
sewer flow.
c. Calculate the sewer size and appropriate slope to
maintain self cleaning velocity
d. Using the figure 1 find out the actual velocity and
depth of flow at peak flow in dry weather.

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