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Why solar energy?
• The fossil fuels are non renewable source so
we can not depend on them forever.
• So the option we have is to transfer towards
other sources of energies of which solar
energy is the most important one due to less
maintenance requirement and less after cost.
What is solar energy?
• Solar energy is a form of renewable energy that is
available without any limit and can be used for
our need. Over decades and centuries, this type
of energy is being used by living beings in one
way or another to lead a smooth life.
• Sun is the source of solar energy and this energy
cannot be destroyed. This non-conventional form
of energy does not pollute or affect any other
things, which is also the reason to promote the
use of solar energy in every field.
Production of solar energy
Types of solar energy
• Two major technologies have been developed to
harness it:
• Photovoltaic solar technology, which directly converts
sunlight into electricity using panels made of
semiconductor cells.
• Solar thermal technology, which captures
the sun’s heat. This heat is used directly or converted
into mechanical energy and in turn electricity, known
as concentrated solar power. This heat is used directly
(low-temperature solar thermal) or converted into
mechanical energy and in turn electricity (concentrated
solar power – CSP).
Possibilities of use of solar energy
• There are many applications that are used in
our daily life which are possible for us to
understand and make them more superior.
• Some of them are explained below:
Solar Heating of Buildings:
• Collecting the solar radiation by some element
of the building itself i.e. solar energy is
admitted directly into the building through
large South-facing windows.
• Using separate solar collectors which may
heat either water or air or storage devices
which can accumulate the collected solar
energy for use at night and during inclement
Solar Water Heating:

• A solar water heating unit comprises a

blackened flat plate metal collector with an
associated metal tubing facing the general
direction of the sun.
• This system of water heating is commonly
used in hotels, guest houses, tourist
bungalows, hospitals, canteens as well as
domestic and industrial units.
• In arid semi and or coastal areas there is
scarcity of potable water. The abundant
sunlight in these areas can be used for
converting saline water into potable distilled
water by the method of solar distillation.
• Per liter distilled water cost obtained by this
system is cheaper than distilled water
obtained by other electrical energy-based
Solar Electric Power Generation:
• Electric energy or electricity can be produced
directly from solar energy by means of
photovoltaic cells.
• They are also used for weather monitoring
and as portable power sources for televisions,
calculators, watches, computer card readers,
battery charging and in satellites etc.
Solar Thermal Power Production:
• Solar thermal power production means the
conversion of solar energy into electricity
through thermal energy.
• In this procedure, solar energy is first utilized
to heat up a working fluid, gas, water or any
other volatile liquid. This heat energy is then
converted into mechanical energy m a
Advantages of solar energy
• Renewable Energy Source
• Reduces Electricity Bills
• Diverse Applications
• Low Maintenance Costs
• Technology Development
Disadvantages of solar energy
• Initial cost is high
• Weather Dependent
• Solar Energy Storage Is Expensive
• Uses a Lot of Space
• Associated with Pollution

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