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System -
Unit 1:
Basic concepts
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Database and Need for DBMS,
1.3 Characteristics, Users, Views, schema,
1.4 3-tier architecture,
1.5 Introduction of Parallel, Distributed Databases,
databases and Cloud databases.
1.6 Models (Relational model, Object Models)

1.7 Advantages and disadvantages of each model .

• A database-management system (DBMS) is a collection of interrelated data and a
set of programs to access those data.
• This is a collection of related data with an implicit meaning and hence is a
• The collection of data, usually referred to as the database, contains information
relevant to an enterprise.
• The primary goal of a DBMS is to provide a way to store and retrieve database
information that is both convenient and efficient.
• By data, we mean known facts that can be recorded and that have implicit
meaning. For example, consider the names, telephone numbers, and addresses
of the people you know.
• Software such as DBASE IV or V, Microsoft ACCESS, or EXCEL.
• A datum – a unit of data – is a symbol or a set of symbols which is used to
represent something.
• This relationship between symbols and what they represent is the essence of
what we mean by information. Hence, information is interpreted data – data
supplied with semantics
• Knowledge refers to the practical use of information. While information can be
transported, stored or shared without many difficulties the same can not be said
about knowledge.
• Database systems are designed to manage large bodies of information.
• Management of data involves both defining structures for storage of information
and providing mechanisms for the manipulation of information.
• In addition, the database system must ensure the safety of the information stored,
despite system crashes or attempts at unauthorized access.
• If data are to be shared among several users, the system must avoid possible
anomalous results.
• Because information is so important in most organizations, computer scientists
have developed a large body of concepts and techniques for managing data.
Database and Need for DBMS
• What is data:
• Data is the known facts or figures that have implicit meaning. It can also be
defined as it is the representation of facts ,concepts or instruction in a formal
manner, which is suitable for understanding and processing. Data can be
represented in alphabets(A-Z, a-z),in digits(0-9) and using special
characters(+,-.#,$, etc) e.g: 25, “ajit” etc.

• Information :
• Information is the processed data on which decisions and actions are based.
Information can be defined as the organized and classified data to provide
meaningful values. Eg: “The age of Ravi is 25”

• File:
• File is a collection of related data stored in secondary memory.
Database and Need for DBMS
• A database is organized collection of related data of an organization stored in
formatted way which is shared by multiple users.
• The main feature of data in a database are:
1. It must be well organized
2. It is related
3. It is accessible in a logical order without any difficulty
4. It is stored only once.
• For example: consider the roll no, name, address of a student stored in a
student file. It is collection of related data with an implicit meaning. Data in
the database may be persistent, integrated and shared.
• Persistent:
• If data is removed from database due to some explicit request from user to
• Integrated:
• A database can be a collection of data from different files and when any
redundancy among those files are removed from database is said to be
integrated data.
• Sharing Data:
• The data stored in the database can be shared by multiple users
simultaneously with out affecting the correctness of data.
Database and Need for DBMS
• Database Management System (DBMS):
• A database management system consists of collection of related data and
refers to a set of programs for defining, creation, maintenance and
manipulation of a database.

• Function of DBMS:
1. Defining database schema: it must give facility for defining the database
structure also specifies access rights to authorized users.
2. Manipulation of the database: The dbms must have functions like insertion
of record into database updation of data, deletion of data, retrieval of data
3. Sharing of database: The DBMS must share data items for multiple users
by maintaining consistency of data.
4. Protection of database: It must protect the database against unauthorized
5. Database recovery: If for any reason the system fails DBMS must facilitate
data base recovery
Database and Need for DBMS
Advantages of dbms:
•Reduction of redundancies: Centralized control of data by the DBA avoids
unnecessary duplication of data and effectively reduces the total amount of data
storage required avoiding duplication in the elimination of the inconsistencies that
tend to be present in redundant data files.
•Sharing of data: A database allows the sharing of data under its control by any
number of application programs or users.
•Data Integrity: Data integrity means that the data contained in the database is both
accurate and consistent. Therefore data values being entered for storage could be
checked to ensure that they fall with in a specified range and are of the correct
•Data Security: The DBA who has the ultimate responsibility for the data in the
dbms can ensure that proper access procedures are followed including proper
authentication schemas for access to the DBS and additional check before
permitting access to sensitive data.
•Conflict resolution: DBA resolve the conflict on requirements of various user and
applications. The DBA chooses the best file structure and access method to get
optional performance for the application.
Database and Need for DBMS
• Data Independence: independence is usually considered from two points of
views; physically data independence and logical data independence.
• Physical data Independence allows changes in the physical storage
devices or organization of the files to be made without requiring changes in
the conceptual view or any of the external views and hence in the application
programs using the data base.
• Logical data independence indicates that the conceptual schema can be
changed without affecting the existing external schema or any application
• Disadvantage of DBMS:
1. DBMS software and hardware (networking installation) cost is high
2. The processing overhead by the dbms for implementation of security,
integrity and sharing of the data.
3. centralized database control
4. Setup of the database system requires more knowledge, money, skills, and
5. The complexity of the database may result in poor performance.
Characteristics, Users, Views, schema.
•Stores any kind of data:
• A DBMS should be able to store any kind of data. It should not be restricted to
the employee name, salary and address. Any kind of data that exists in the
real world can be stored in DBMS because we need to work with all kinds of
data that is present around us.

•Support ACID Properties:

• Any DBMS is able to support ACID (Accuracy, Completeness, Isolation, and
Durability) properties.
• It is made sure is every DBMS that the real purpose of data should not be lost
while performing transactions like delete, insert an update.
• Let us take an example; if an employee name is updated then it should make
sure that there is no duplicate data and no mismatch of student information.

•Represents complex relationship between data:

• Data stored in a database is connected with each other and a relationship is
made in between data.
• DBMS should be able to represent the complex relationship between data to
make the efficient and accurate use of data.
Characteristics, Users, Views, schema.
• Backup and recovery:
• There are many chances of failure of whole database. At that time no one will
be able to get the database back and for sure company will be in a big loss.
• The only solution is to take backup of database and whenever it is needed, it
can be stored back. All the databases must have this characteristic.

• Structures and described data:

• A database should not contains only the data but also all the structures and
definitions of the data.
• This data represent itself that what actions should be taken on it.
• These descriptions include the structure, types and format of data and
relationship between them.

• Data integrity:
• Integrity ensures the quality and reliability of database system.
• It protects the unauthorized access of database and makes it more secure.
• It brings only the consistence and accurate data into the database.
Characteristics, Users, Views, schema.
• Concurrent use of database
• There are many chances that many users will be accessing the data at the
same time.
• They may require altering the database system concurrently.
• At that time, DBMS supports them to concurrently use the database without
any problem.
Characteristics, Users, Views, schema.
Types of Database Users:

•Application Programmers:
• Application programmers are the one who writes application programs that
uses the database.
• These application programs are written in programming languages like
COBOL or PL (Programming Language 1), Java and fourth generation
• They interact with DBMS through DML (Data manipulation language) calls.
• And all these functions are performed by generating a request to the DBMS.
• If application programmers are not there then there will be no creativity in the
whole team of Database.
•End Users:
• End users are those who access the database from the terminal end.
• They use the developed applications and they don’t have any knowledge
about the design and working of database.
• These are the second class of users and their main motto is just to get their
task done. There are basically two types of end users that are discussed on
next slide.
Characteristics, Users, Views, schema.
• Casual User:
• These users have great knowledge of query language.
• Casual users access data by entering different queries from the terminal end.
• They do not write programs but they can interact with the system by writing

• Naive:
• Any user who does not have any knowledge about database can be in this
• There task is to just use the developed application and get the desired results.
• For example: Clerical staff in any bank is a naïve user. They don’t have any
dbms knowledge but they still use the database and perform their given task.

• DBA (Database Administrator):

• DBA can be a single person or it can be a group of person.
• Database Administrator is responsible for everything that is related to
• He makes the policies, strategies and provides technical supports.
Characteristics, Users, Views, schema.
• System Analyst:
• System analyst is responsible for the design, structure and properties of
• All the requirements of the end users are handled by system analyst.
Feasibility, economic and technical aspects of DBMS is the main concern of
system analyst.
Characteristics, Users, Views, schema.
•A view is a virtual or logical table that allows to view or manipulate parts of the
tables. To reduce REDUNDANT DATA to the minimum possible, Oracle allows the
creation of an object called a VIEW.

•Types of views :
• Read-only View : Allows only SELECT operations.
• Updateable View : Allows SELECT as well as INSERT , UPDATE and
DELETE operations.
Characteristics, Users, Views, schema.
DBMS Schemas
•A database schema is the skeleton structure that represents the logical view of the
entire database.
•It defines how the data is organized and how the relations among them are
•A database schema can be divided broadly into two categories −
• Physical Database Schema − This schema pertains to the actual storage of
data and its form of storage like files, indices, etc. It defines how the data will
be stored in a secondary storage.
• Logical Database Schema − This schema defines all the logical constraints
that need to be applied on the data stored. It defines tables, views, and
integrity constraints.
3-tier Architecture
What does Three-Tier Architecture mean?
•A three-tier architecture is a client-server architecture in which the functional process
logic, data access, computer data storage and user interface are developed and
maintained as independent modules on separate platforms.
•Three-tier architecture is a software design pattern and a well-established software
•Three-tier architecture allows any one of the three tiers to be upgraded or replaced
•The user interface is implemented on a desktop PC and uses a standard graphical
user interface with different modules running on the application server.
•The relational database management system on the database server contains the
computer data storage logic. The middle tiers are usually multitiered.

The three tiers in a three-tier architecture are:

• Presentation Tier.
• Application Tier.
• Data Tier.
3-tier Architecture

- Presentation Tier: Occupies the top

level and displays information related to
services available on a website. This
tier communicates with other tiers by
sending results to the browser and
other tiers in the network.

- Application Tier: Also called the middle

tier, logic tier, business logic or logic
tier, this tier is pulled from the presentation tier. It controls application
functionality by performing detailed processing.

- Data Tier: Houses database servers where information is stored and

retrieved. Data in this tier is kept independent of application servers or
business logic.
Parallel Database

- A parallel database is designed to take

advantage of such architectures by running
multiple instances which "share" a single
physical database. In appropriate applications,
a parallel server can allow access to a
single database by users on multiple machines,
with increased performance.
- A parallel database system seeks to improve
performance through parallelization of various
operations, such as loading data, building
indexes and evaluating queries. ...Parallel
databases improve processing and
input/output speeds by using multiple CPUs
and disks in parallel.
Distributed Databases

• Distributed database is a system in which storage devices are not connected to a

common processing unit.

• Database is controlled by Distributed Database Management System and data

may be stored at the same location or spread over the interconnected network. It is
a loosely coupled system.

• Shared nothing architecture is used in distributed databases.

Distributed Databases

Goals of Distributed Database system:

Reliability: In distributed database system, if one system fails down or stops

working for some time another system can complete the task.

Availability: In distributed database system reliability can be achieved even if

sever fails down. Another system is available to serve the client request.

Performance: Performance can be achieved by distributing database over

different locations. So the databases are available to every location which is easy to

Types of distributed databases:

1.Homogeneous distributed databases system.

2.Heterogeneous distributed database system.
Distributed Databases

Homogeneous distributed databases system :

Homogeneous distributed database system is a network of two or more databases
(With same type of DBMS software) which can be stored on one or more machines.
So, in this system data can be accessed and modified simultaneously on several
databases in the network. Homogeneous distributed system are easy to handle.

Example: Consider that we have three departments using Oracle-9i for DBMS. If
some changes are made in one department then, it would update the other
department also.
Distributed Databases

2. Heterogeneous distributed database system:

Heterogeneous distributed database system is a network of two or more

databases with different types of DBMS software, which can be stored on one or
more machines.
In this system data can be accessible to several databases in the network with
the help of generic connectivity (ODBC and JDBC).

Example: In the following diagram, different DBMS software are accessible to

each other using ODBC and JDBC.
• Mobile databases are separate from the main database and can easily be
transported to various places. Even though they are not connected to the main
database, they can still communicate with the database to share and exchange

• The mobile database includes the following components:

1. The main system database that stores all the data and is linked to the mobile
2. The mobile database that allows users to view information even while on the
move. It shares information with the main database.
3. The device that uses the mobile database to access data. This device can be a
mobile phone, laptop etc.
4. A communication link that allows the transfer of data between the mobile
database and the main database.

A Database model defines the logical design and structure of a database and
defines how data will be stored, accessed and updated in a database
management system.

Few Types of Model:

•Hierarchical Model
•Network Model
•Entity-relationship Model
•Relational Model
•Object Model

Hierarchical model :
•The hierarchical model organizes data into a tree-like structure, where each record
has a single parent or root. Sibling records are sorted in a particular order. That
order is used as the physical order for storing the database. This model is good for
describing many real-world relationships.

•This model was primarily used by IBM’s Information Management Systems in the
60s and 70s, but they are rarely seen today due to certain operational

Network model :
•The network model builds on the hierarchical model by allowing many-to-many
relationships between linked records, implying multiple parent records.

Object-oriented database model :

•This model defines a database as a
collection of objects, or reusable software
elements, with associated features and

•There are several kinds of object-oriented


• multimedia database incorporates

media, such as images, that could not
be stored in a relational database.

• hypertext database allows any

object to link to any other object. It’s
useful for organizing lots of disparate
data, but it’s not ideal for numerical

Entity-relationship model:
•This model captures the
relationships between real-world
entities much like the network
model, but it isn’t as directly tied to
the physical structure of the

•Here, the people, places, and

things about which data points are
stored are referred to as entities,
each of which has certain attributes
that together make up their domain.
The cardinality, or relationships
between entities, are mapped as

Relational model:

•Relational databases are typically written in Structured Query Language (SQL).

The model was introduced by E.F. Codd in 1970.

•The most common model, the relational model sorts data into tables, also known
as relations, each of which consists of columns and rows.

•Each column lists an attribute of the entity in question, such as price, zip code, or
birth date.

•Each row, also called a tuple, includes data about a specific instance of the entity
in question, such as a particular employee.

•Within the database, tables can be normalized, or brought to comply with

normalization rules that make the database flexible, adaptable, and scalable.

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