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CHAPTER 25 By: Annika Alcala

Ellaine Guevarra
Gabby Llamas
Jennica Mallorca


Give ten, new points of view

judging from this Chapter.


He had a chance to defy
the custom and put a stop to
help in saving his friend's

oHe had a choice but he didn't.

oHe did not know how to react to

issues and problems.

o He is playing safe, could be

called as plastic


He was bitter against the


o They were the reason why his friend

died, they forced him to death.)

“That man was one of the greatest men in

Umuofia. You drove him to kill himself,
and now he will be buried like a dog…..”


Oberika only saw the

greatness of Okonkwo when
he died.


The commissioner wanted

respect, dignity and pride.
(includes not ruining his

He was persuasive to take

down Okonkwo's body. (He
even, wanted justice after
his death.)

It was either he was pitiful of

Okonkwo or happy that he
died. (Since, he wrote a story
about it.)


Okonkwo is so much like

Chinua Achebe once said that Ikemefuna was an “ill-fated” boy since
the beginning of the story.

After reading Chapter 25. The last of the chapters, I saw the
significance of even including Ikemefuna in the story, along with
Okonkwo, the main character.

Okonkwo was so much like him, “an ill fated man”. It is ironic that he
was the greatest men, but had an ill ending.

The arrival of the locusts, like the arrival of the Colonizers are just the
same because, both of them might have seemed nice but they were
simply troublesome and it gave way to the death of two ill fated


Okonkwo’s death only made

way to what the
Commissioner wanted.
The Commissioner called his book “The Pacification of the Primitive
Tribes of the Lower Niger.” He even said, Okonkwo’s story might be
a very interesting addition to his book.

Pacification means to soothe, to put an end to anger.

Okonkwo killing himself might have only meant one thing, he was not
at peace with himself and with what the Missionaries especially the
Commissioner has done, it brought him to death.

If death meant peace, then Okonkwo gave them more of a reason to be

proud of what they have done to the Nigers. Even the villager’s didn’t
start the riot.


His village did not

appreciate him as much as
he deserved.
If he was really a village hero, won’t the villagers fight for him? Won’t
they fight like they wanted Okonkwo to fight for them in the very
beginning of the story?

It was like he was not worth the action, he was not worth thinking
about. Just like his friend Obierika who, just spoke right after he died
because really there was nothing else anyone could do.

If only their village gave Okonkwo more support, I think it could

possibly alter the result or the conclusion of this story. I think he
would deserve it, because preserving their beliefs is standing up for
something that is big, even if he was doing it for himself, his point
did make a lot of sense.


His death proved that he was

neither a hero nor a villain.
(Not contented with his life)
The quote from Batman says “It’s either you die a hero, or you live long
enough to see yourself as a villain.”

For this story, it’s quite confusing whether or not Okonkwo died a hero
or he saw himself as a villain, therefore killing himself. There are a
lot of aspects to think about but in the end, it does not really matter

He died because he was not contented with his life. He died because he
did not get what he wanted. He died because he couldn’t live up to
the expectations anymore. He died because he saw the weakness of
his and his clan.

It was his inner struggle that convinced himself more than anyone that
this life is not worth living for anymore. He was not able to function
as greatly with the changing society.

He was his own enemy. Similarly, like us sometimes.


Hello, II-2!
That is all. Thank youuuu! :D

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