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By : Zaqiah Jihan Sijaya

In the name of God Almighty, I was given the
opportunity to implement activities that
prakerin vocational competence. I carry out
prakerin activities in the office of the Joint
SAMSAT Jayapura. Office functions take care
of payment of motor vehicle tax.
And I am very happy to be an intern in the
On Roof System Units

Units Joint Of SAMSAT Office was established on

February 5, 1979 in the background backs to facilitate in
improving service to taxpayers motor vehicle. Was issued a letter
with the Minister of Defence and Security Commander of the
Armed Forces, Minister of Finance, and the Minister of the
interior with the number 132/XII/1876/MK/14/IX/1976
and number 331 of 1976.
Units formed from the
Joint Office SAMSAT sense of
the word, namely “System
Administration Manunggal
Under One Roof ”. In this
office there are three different
agencies namely the Department
of Provincial revenue Papua,
Police & PT. Prog.
Units Jayapura in the office with this, people will
have the upper management services :
- Payment a motor vehicle tax

- Vehicle registration renewal 5 years

- Customs thirdly motor vehicle

- Change number of police vehicle

- Change the color of motor vehicle

- Mutations incoming motor vehicle

- Mutations out motor vehicle

What is the letter mutations out?

IS ..
The certificate of moving a motor

Why I am taking this matter among the

many that I do in the office?

This letter is a hallmark in One Roof
System Unit. Because only issued by

Letter mutation exit the motor vehicle is a letter stating that the vehicle is moved to another
area and have paid the payment of vehicle tax in the city of origin. If the vehicle will be
transfered still in the provinces of Papua and West Papua, the taxpayer must pay the tax
year. Whereas if the vehicle will be transferred out of the area as among the provinces,
then only required to pay taxes for 3 months. The management letter for mutation out of
this vehicle, the completeness of the letter is to be prepared :
1. The original BPKB
2. The vehicle purchase receipt
3. Identity Card Vehicle owners
4. Certificate of domicile
5. Identity Card goal mutation
6. Letter vehicle of deller
7. Unplug the certificate file

After completeness of the letter is ready, then the Administration that of the Units
will be issued a letter of mutation.
The conclusion is . . .
Out mutation letter is the letter
takes a description that has been
revoked file a vehicle in the area is
the origin and explained that the
vehicle owner has been paying the
vehicle tax. After completeness of
the letter are met, then the letter
will be issued by the office of fiscal
SAMSAT region of origin.

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