Chapter 1. An Overview of Macroeconomic S: Introduction To Macroeconomics

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Introduction to Macroeconomics

Chapter 1. An Overview of Macroeconomic


Introduction to Macroeconomics
An Overview of Macroeconomics

1. What is Macroeconomics

2. Macroeconomic Goals

3. Key Principles of Economics

Introduction to Macroeconomics
1. What Is Macroeconomics?

• Microeconomics - study of behavior of in

dividual economic agents.

• Macroeconomics - study of aggregate m

easures of the economy

Introduction to Macroeconomics
2. Macroeconomic Goals

• Low Unemployment
• Price Stability
• Economic Growth
• Complementary and Conflicting Goals

Introduction to Macroeconomics
2. Macroeconomic Goals
Complementary and Conflicting Goals

• Complementary Goals
– Low unemployment and high economic

• Conflicting Goals
– Low unemployment and low inflation

Introduction to Macroeconomics
3. Key Principles of Economics

• Scarcity, Choice, and Opportunity Cost

• Rational Self-Interest

• Relationship Between Opportunity Cost

and Rational Self-Interest

• Decisions Are Made at the Margin

Introduction to Macroeconomics
3. Key Principles of Economics
Scarcity, Choice, and Opportunity Cost

The Production Process

Inputs Outputs
• Nonhuman Resourc • Goods
es • Services
– Natural Resources
– Real Capital
• Human Resources

Introduction to Macroeconomics
3. Key Principles of Economics
Scarcity, Choice, and Opportunity Cost

• Limited Resources
• Unlimited Wants
• Scarcity - resources, goods and services a
re limited relative to the wants and desires f
or them
• Choice
• Opportunity Cost - the highest valued alte
rnative foregone in making any choice

Introduction to Macroeconomics
3. Key Principles of Economics
Rational Self-Interest
• Rational
– Individuals are able to estimate benefits and costs
(net benefit) of a particular action
– They are able to compare the net benefits of altern
ative actions

• Self-Interest
– Only engage in that activity if the net benefit is grea
ter than zero
– Engage in the activity that yields the greatest net b

Introduction to Macroeconomics
3. Key Principles of Economics
Decisions Are Made at the Margin

• Marginal Benefit
– the increase in total benefit from the production
or consumption of one additional unit of a good
or service

• Marginal Cost
– the increase in total cost from the production or
consumption of one additional unit of a good or

Introduction to Macroeconomics

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