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Deforestation or felling of trees is a process generally
caused by human action, in what the forest area is
1. What do you think
about the problem?
I think that deforestation has many negative
effects on the environment and the most
dramatic consequence is the loss of
biodiversity because it has led to the
extinction of many species whose natural
habitat is the rainforest or forest and besides
the destruction of the land. Deforestation is
one of the causes and result of climate
change, that increases CO2 levels and causes
the planet to heat.
2. What would be a possible
solution for it?
There are several ways to help avoid this catastrophe. In
the first place and the most obvious solution is to stop
felling of trees, but we know that it is a very difficult
trend to avoid when there are wood or paper products
that somehow became any essential but if you use wood
products search the certificate FSC (forest stewardship
council). When you plant a tree you are planting oxygen.
If you buy something in a store, carry you own bag, so
you won't have to use plastic bags. Don't use paper as
much as possible or at least reduce its use. Be part of the
3. Do you see this
problem in your
If you live in the city you aspire a lot more
pollution, that if you lived in a the town.
According to the OMS (world health
organization) it is supposed to be 1 tree for each
3 inhabitants but the reality is that in Bogota for
example it is 1 tree per each 8 inhabitants.
What do people do about it?

If the people do nothing to avoid this

activity, it will be much easier to spread
diseases. But in Bogota there are also people
who worry for avoid this activity forming
groups of people to plant trees.
4. What will you do in
the future to help solve
this problem?
At the step that humanity is going in
advances technological it is possible that
in the future it won't longer be necessary
to felling of trees to make the products
that are consumed today, because
everything will be more digital. I'll
participate in the restoration of all the
damage caused over the years.
That’s all,
Environmental issues.

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