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By: Lev Vygotsky
Definition of MKO(More
knowledgeable others
 Refers to anyone who has better
understanding or higher ability level than
the learner.
 Normally thought of as being a teacher,
trainer, or older, adult, but MKOcould
alsopeers, a younger person, even
 Somewhat self explanatory
 Someone who has better
understanding or a higher ability
level than the learner with respect
toa particular task, process, or
Definition of zone of proximal
 Isa concept where it relates the
difference between what a child can
achieve independently and what a child
can achieve with guidance and
encouragement from a skilled partner
 The most sensitive instruction or guidance
should be given
 Allowing the child to develop skills they will
then use on their own.
 Developing higher mental functions.
Definition of scaffolding
 Itis consist of the activities provided by
the educator or more competent peer to
support the student as he or she is led
through the zone of proximal
 According to wood et al. (1976, p.60)
define scaffolding as a process” that
enables a child or novice to solve a task
or achieve a goal.
 Scaffolds requires adult’s “controlling
those elements of the task that are initially
beyond the learners capability.

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