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Fehling’s Test


 In a vial, put 2 mL of Fehling’s A solution
 Add 2 mL of Fehling’s B solution and mix.
 Note the color. This will serve as the Fehling’s reagent.
 Divide the reagent into 4 test tubes of 1 mL each.
 Label the tubes as “Glucose”, “Sucrose”, “Fructose”, and
 Add 1 mL of the 10 % sugar solution on its corresponding labeled
test tube and mix thoroughly.
 Note any changes.
Procedure  Place test tubes in a warm water bath at 60 degrees Celsius.
 Remove once a change is observed in some of the test tubes.
 Note any changes and record the observations.
A. What is the
 The presence of aldehydes are detected. Cupric ion is reduced to
principle Cuprous ion by the aldehyde and precipitates Cuprous Oxide.
Reduction of the deep blue solution of copper(II) to a red
involved in the precipitate of insoluble copper oxide.
Fehling’s test?
B. What is the  The test is commonly used to determine reducing sugars but is
purpose of the known to be NOT specific for aldehydes. Brick- red precipitate
indicates presence of aldehyde group.
C. What
 Soln. A Contains 7% CuSO4 dissolved in distilled water containing
make up the 2 drops of dilute sulfuric acid.
Fehling’s  Soln. B Contains 25% KOH and 35% NaOH and 35g of potassium
reagent? State
 Fehling’s solution A is aqueous copper sulphate and Fehling’s
the function of solution B is alkaline sodium potassium tartarate ( Rochelle salt).
Rochelle salts (sodium potassium tartarate) present in the reagent
each acts as the chelating agent in this reaction.
 Formation of red precipitate of cuprous oxide denotes the
presence of reducing sugar.

D. Provide the
type of
equations used
in the test
E. Show the
sample equation
involved in the
between the
Fehling’s reagent
and your
samples which
gave positive
The POSITIVE results obtained with your sample/s.
F. Provide a
 GLUCOSE: Has positive result because it has aldehyde group in its
possible open chain
explanation  LACTOSE: The ring of the glucose able to open even though the
glycosidic bond is present
F. Provide a The NEGATIVE results obtained with your sample/s.
explanation  SUCROSE: It did not react because the ring of glucose cannot
open due to the glycosidic bond. It is not a reducing sugar.
G. Why is
there a need to  Fehling's reagent must be freshly prepared because it may
freshly prepare undergo oxidation if it is mixed beforehand thus causing the
effectivity of the reagent to lessen to compare samples.
the Fehling’s
H. Why is the
Fehling’s test  Fehling test is an alternative to Benedict’s test. It differs from
not used in Benedict’s test in that it contains sodium potassium Tartrate in
place of Sodium citrate and potassium hydroxide as an alkali in
analyzing place of sodium carbonate in Benedict’s reagent. It is not a
preferred test over Benedict’s test since the strong alkali present
carbohydrates causes caramelizaton of the sugars; hence it is less sensitive than
Benedict’s reagent
in clinical
I. State the
other  Benedict’s solution is available as a ready-to-use reagent. On the
other hand, Fehling’s solution has to be prepared by mixing two
advantages of solutions: Fehling’s A and Fehling’s B.
using  Fehling's solution is made up out of two separate solutions, is
caustic, and doesn't keep well. Benedict's solution is more stable,
Benedict’s is a single solution, and has no caustic properties, making it easier
reagent to handle.
 Benedict’s solution is stable and does not deteriorate quickly.
instead of Fehling’s Solution: Fehling’s solution deteriorates quickly.
Fehling’s Therefore, it is prepared only when needed.

K. What is diabetes
Differentiate type 1
from type 2
 Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease associated with abnormally
diabetes. Is it high levels of the sugar glucose in the blood. It is due to one of two
possible to have mechanisms: Inadequate production of insulin (which is made by
the pancreas and lowers blood glucose), or Inadequate sensitivity
sugar diabetes of cells to the action of insulin.
even if no member
of your family had
it? Explain your
K. What is diabetes
Differentiate type 1  The two main types of diabetes correspond to these two
mechanisms and are called insulin dependent (type 1) and non-
from type 2 insulin dependent (type 2) diabetes.
diabetes. Is it  In type 1 diabetes or insulin dependent, there is no insulin or not
possible to have enough of it, and it usually arises in childhood.
sugar diabetes  While, in type 2 diabetes, there is generally enough insulin but the
even if no member cells upon which it should act are not normally sensitive to its
action, and usually occurs after age 40 and becomes more
of your family had common with increasing age.
it? Explain your

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