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Methods of Sociological Research

Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter .

 Definition and elements of scientific social research

 Three ways to do sociological research: positivist,
interpretive, and critical sociology.
 Mixed research methods
 The research process
 Causation and correlation
 Research designs
 Research ethics

What makes listening to live music among
a crowd of people appealing? How are
the motivations and behaviors of groups
of people at concerts different from
those of groups in other settings, such as
theme parks? These are questions that
sociological research can aim to answer.
Definition and elements of scientific
social research
 Sociologists conduct research about almost every area of
human behavior. The choice of research topics depends on the
sociologist's interests, the availability of subjects, the
appropriateness of methods, and ethical considerations.

 Sociological research is needed because common sense ideas
are often incorrect and based on limited information.
 empirical evidence supportted by direct experience and/or
 scientific method a systematic research method that
involves asking a question, researching existing sources,
forming a hypothesis, designing and conducting a study, and
drawing conclusions
Three ways to do sociological research:
positivist, interpretive, and critical
 positivist approach a research approach based on the
natural science model of knowledge utilizing a hypothetic-
deductive formulation of the research question and
quantitative data.
 interpretive approach a sociological research approach
that seeks in-depth understanding of a topic or subject
through observation or interaction.
 Critical sociology has an interest in types of knowledge
that enable freeing from power relations and forms of
domination in society.
Mixed research methods

 Mixed methods research is a methodology for

conducting research that involves collecting, analyzing
and integrating quantitative (e.g., experiments, surveys)
and qualitative (e.g., focus groups, interviews) research.
 qualitative data information based on interpretations of
 quantitative data information from research collected
in numerical form that can be counted
The research process
1. select the topic: select the topic that what you want to
know about more?
2. Define the problem: Choose a suitable topic for a research
project. The general area selected will usually be one in
which the sociologist takes a personal interest.
3. Review the literature: The existing research on the
problem must be tracked down and reviewed. Knowledge
of the relevant literature is essential. It provides background
information, suggests theoretical approaches, indicates
which areas of the topic have already been covered and
saves the sociologist the labor & embarrassment of
duplicating research that has already been done.
 3.Formulate a hypothesis: The research problem must
be stated in such away that it can actually be tested. This
is achieved by formulating a hypothesis, a tentative
statement that predicts a relationship between variables.
 For each idea in the hypothesis, the researcher must create an
operational definition – one that states a concept, for the
purposes of research, in terms that can be measured.
 4.Choose a research method/design: Select one or more
research methods: experiment, survey, observational study, or
use of existing sources.
 5.Collect the data: Collect and record information in
accordance with the research design.
6.Analyze the Results: Arrange the information in orderly form
and interpret the findings. Confirm, reject, or modify the
7 . Draw a Conclusion: Discuss the significance of the findings,
relating them to existing theory and research and defining
problems for future research
Causation and correlation
 A correlation between variables, however, does not
automatically mean that the change in one variable is the cause
of the change in the values of the other variable.
 Causation indicates that one event is the result of the
occurrence of the other event; i.e. there is a causal relationship
between the two events.
 Causation occurs when one variable such as quantity
of alcohol a driver consumes, influences another
variable, such as the likelihood of the driver being
involved in a traffic accident.
 By analyzing the statistics, the sociologist can easily
establish whether there is a correlation between
drunk driving and traffic accidents. In this case the
correlation is very high.
 In fact, not only are drunk driving and traffic accidents
closely associated, but the more alcohol drivers
consume, the more likely they are to have traffic
Research designs

 There are four basic methods of sociological research:

1. Experiments
2. Surveys
3. Observational Studies
4. Use of Existing Sources
 An experiment is a method for studying the relationship
between two variables under carefully controlled
 Experiments can be conducted in the laboratory or in the

 A survey is a method for systematically obtaining standardized

information about the attitudes, behavior, or other characteristics of
a population.
 Surveys are frequently used in sociological research, either
simply to get facts (such as political opinion of university
students) or to find the relationships between facts (such as
how social class or cultural background influence students’
political opinion).
 Surveys are perhaps the form of sociological research best
known to the general public, e.g. political opinion polls.
 The ‘population’ in any survey is simply the total group of
people the sociologist is interested in, e.g. college students,
mothers with twin children, or even the entire nation.
 In most cases it is necessary to survey a sample, a small
number of individuals drawn from a larger population.
 The sample must accurately represent the population in
question. If it does not, then any conclusions are valid only for
the respondents – not the actual subjects of a survey – and
cannot be applied to the entire population.
 Whether a sample is representative has very little to do with
its size. Representative ness can be ensured by using a random
sample – one chosen in such a way that every member of the
population in question has the same chance of being selected.
 A survey may use questionnaires, interviews, or a
combination of the two.
 If the questionnaire is self-administered without an
interview, the respondents are asked to complete it and
often to return it by themselves.
 If the interview technique is used, the researcher asks the
questions directly.
 The interview may be structured or unstructured.
 In a structured interview the researcher has a checklist
of questions and asks them in the same form and exactly
the same order with each respondent.
 It is inflexible, but it enables the researcher to make
careful tabulations and comparisons of the answers.
 The unstructured interview is much more flexible and
‘open-ended’. The researcher puts more general
questions to the respondents, allows them to answer
freely, and follows up on their comments.
Observational Studies

 An observational study is an intensive examination of a

particular group, event, or social process.
 The researcher does not attempt to influence what
happens in any way, but aims instead at an accurate
description and analysis of what takes place.
 Most observational studies take place in the field.
 The most common form of field observation is the case
study – a complete and detailed record of an event,
group, or social process.
 Some case studies deal with events that have already
taken place.
Observational Studies

 The sociologist in a case study may choose to be either a

detached or a participant observer.
 Detached observation is a method in which the
researcher remains as aloof as possible, and the subjects
may not even know they are being studied.
 Participant observation is a method in which the
researcher becomes directly involved in the social
behavior under study.
 Sometimes the P.O. makes it clear to the group that
he/she is a sociologist; at other times the sociologist
pretends to be an ordinary member of the group.
Use of Existing Sources

 Sometimes the sociologist does not have to generate new

information through experiments, surveys, or
observational studies. The relevant data may already exist
and may merely have to be collected and analyzed.
Research ethics
 The American Sociological Association has developed a code
of ethics for researchers, which specifies that the researchers
should maintain:
 a) objectivity and integrity;
 b) c) protect subjects from harm;
 d) preserve confidentiality of personal data collected during
research; and
 e) acknowledge sources of assistance, collaboration, and
 respect the privacy & dignity of subjects

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