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Advertising is a integral part of our life.

The audience’s attitudes, beliefs, motives and values

mainly determine the media they select, the advertisement
they select, the message they accept and the products they
The changes in social values and lifestyles pose both
problems and opportunities for advertising.
Advertising is now being used more frequently to meet
social problems as evidenced by campaigns dealing with
no smoking, drug abuse, crime prevention, family
planning, rehabilitation of the handicapped, traffic
safety, dosmetic violence etc.
Social aspects of advertising is a continous process
Social Impact of Advertising
 Provides employment
 Improves standard of living
 Bridges the gap
 Develops economy
 Higher revenue
 Gives information on social, economical
and health issues.
 New ideas
Roles of advertising opposed
by the society
 Advertising confuses the people
 Advertising encourages materialism
 Advertising may be false, deceptive &
 Advertising compels people to buy things
they do not need
 Advertising stereo types portrayal of
Cultural impact of advertising
 The term ‘culture’ refers to a moral fabric
of society. cultural heritage is reflected in
the attitude of people.
 culture also indicates a way of life. It is
reflected in literature, music, architecture
and clothing.
 It determines our conduct, behaviour and
attitude towards life and behaviour.
 Culture is a determinant of a persons want
and behaviour.
Cultural impact of advertising
 Protects social values
 Supports cultural values
 Promotes healthy outlook
 Supports sports and cultural
 Supports family life
 Emphasis on girl child
 Creates favourable attitude towards
Role of advertising opposed by
the culture
 Supports materialistic values
 Depicts socially undesirable elements
 Influence of western culture
 Exploits women
 Use of surrogated advertising
 Encourages purchase of costly goods
 Encourages harmful consumption
 Displays passive role of women
Economic impact of
 Promotes investments
 Effect on consumer choices
 Effect on consumer prices
 Effect on competition
 Effect on brand value
 Effect on consumer demand
 Effect on trade cycle
Impacts of ads on kids
 Children are becoming consumers at younger age
 A variety of influences such as advertising
determines the consumption habit
 children constitute three different marketing:
 The primary market
 The Influencer
 The future market
Impact of ads on women
 Advertising often depicts women as
preoccupied with beauty, household duties, a
 Advertising is a marketing tool. There are
numerous ads where the woman is shown in
a positive light and vice versa. It is not
advertisements that project a distorted view
of women. It is the society which is
confused and does not draw a line between
good and bad.
 The attitude of advertisers towards women have
changed over the years.
 From objectifying women in cigarette ads in
1980s to showcasing Indian women can walk
shoulder to shoulder, the women occupy much
elevated position today
 India is a major consumer market. Womens are
the decision makers in consumer segments. With
more women taking up professional careers, it is
vital to change the role women in advertising.

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