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Member of Group 5
1.Nabela Iramaswaty
2.Neny R A
3.Nur Amelya S
4.Poco Francisco A C
5.Revangga Dian P

1. Create member of group consist 4-5 persons for doing presentation

(one of them being the moderator)
2. Translate the short text given then analyze the pronoun in.
3. Present with your members of group
4. Anyone who’s not ready for next week, please out of the class and
present it by yourself
It was Katia’s birthday and she was looking forward to seeing her friends.
They were meeting at Mamma Mia’s, her favourite Italian restaurant, for a
special birthday dinner. She was excited and got to the restaurant at exactly
7 o’clock, the time they had arranged to meet. She looked around for a
familiar face, but none had arrived yet. So she decided to wait outside and
stood patiently in the warm evening sunshine.
The restaurant quickly filled up with customers, but none of them were
Katia’s friends. “where are they?”, she thought. At half past seven she was
still waiting, so she called her best friend Isa. “Why doesn’t she answer my
phone?”, Katia asked herself. Then she called Jonty, Alex and Yoko, but they
didn’t answer either. “what’s going on?”, she wondered.
Itu ulang tahun Katia dan dia tak sabar untuk melihat teman-
temannya. Mereka bertemu di Mamma Mia, restoran italia
favoritnya, untuk makan malam spesial. Dia sangat gembira dan
sampai ke restoran di tepat pukul 7, waktu yang telah mereka atur
untuk bertemu. Dia melihat sekitar untuk mewajah yang familier,
tetapi tidak ada yang datang. Jadi, ia memutuskan untuk menunggu
di luar dan berdiri dengan sabar di bawah sinar matahari malam
yang hangat.
Restoran ini segera dipenuhi dengan pelanggan, tapi tak satupun
dari mereka yang teman Katia. "Dimana mereka? "Dia pikir. Pada
pukul setengah tujuh dia masih menunggu, lalu dia menelepon
teman baiknya, Isa. "Mengapa dia tidak menjawab telepon saya? ",
Katia bertanya pada dirinya sendiri. Lalu dia menelepon Jonty, Alex
dan Yoko, tapi mereka juga tidak menjawab. "Apa yang terjadi? "Dia
It was Katia’s birthday and she was
looking forward to seeing her friends.

She : Subject Pronoun

Her : Object Pronoun
They were meeting at Mamma Mia’s, her
favourite Italian restaurant, for a special
birthday dinner.

They : Subject Pronoun

Her : Object Pronoun

She was excited and got to the restaurant
at exactly 7 o’clock, the time they had
arranged to meet.

She : Subject Pronoun

They : Subject Pronoun

She looked around for a familiar
face, but none had arrived yet.

She : Subject Pronoun

So she decided to wait outside and
stood patiently in the warm evening

She : Subject Pronoun

The restaurant quickly filled up
with customers, but none of them
were Katia’s friends.

Them : Object Pronoun

"Where are they?”, she thought.

They : Subject Pronoun

At half past seven she was still
waiting, so she called her best
friend Isa.

She : Subject Pronoun

Her : Object Pronoun
“Why doesn’t she answer my
phone?”, Katia asked herself.

She : Subject Pronoun

Then she called Jonty, Alex and
Yoko, but they didn’t answer either.

She : Subject Pronoun

They : Subject Pronoun
“What’s going on?”, she wondered.

She : Subject Pronoun

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