MRK108 Week 1 - CH 1 - JT

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Chapter 1

Today’s Class
• Nelson MindTap Presentation
• Topic overview
• Weekly expectations
• Evaluation & Assessments
• Who am I?
• Getting to know you
• Chapter 1

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Weekly Expectations
You should expect me to:
Show up on time and prepared, ready to give 100%
Care about the class and your learning
Be available for questions on content, assignments, etc.
Grade fairly

I should expect you to:

Show up on time and prepared, ready to give 100%
Care about your learning and the learning of your classmates
Be curious
Ask insightful questions in class – to classmates & guest speakers
Have class etiquette – act as if this is a business meeting
Manage your phone

Quiz at the beginning of each class:

10 quizzes total – all count

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• Weekly Quiz – 20% total
– 15-30 minutes at beginning of each class
– 10 quizzes total
• Personal Branding Assignment – 15%
• Midterm – 20%
• Strategy Project Proposal – 5%
• Strategy Project Final Assignment – 15%
• Final Exam – 25%
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Contacting Professors:

First half of course:

Second half of course:

Best way to reach us is email!

Who Am I?

• Background
• Why am I here?

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Getting to Know You
• Pick someone you don’t know
• Spend 10 minutes getting to know them
– Where they come from (school, city, country)
– Family?
– Good at?
– Like to do?
– Goals?
• You are then going to introduce them to the

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What Is Marketing? Make a List…

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What Is Marketing?

Marketing is about understanding

the needs of the customer.

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What Is Marketing?
Marketing Need
• A state of being where • The activities that
we desire something develop an offering in
that we do not posses order to satisfy a
but yearn to acquire customer need

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 A conversation with the customer rather than
a distraction

 The conversation is being led in innovative


 Innovative ways that allow the consumer to

talk back

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Evolution of Marketing

Production Sales
Orientation Orientation

Societal Relationship
Marketing Marketing
Orientation Orientation

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Production Orientation
 Make it and they will buy it!

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Production Orientation

• 2
22 Copyright © 2016 by Nelson Education Ltd. 1-18
Sales Orientation
 The evolution of sales techniques to convince
consumers to buy

 Competition now exists

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Sales Orientation
“There will always, one can assume, be a need
for some selling. But the aim of marketing is to
make selling superfluous. The aim of marketing
is to know and understand the customer so well
that the product or service fits him and sells
itself. Ideally, marketing should result in a
customer who is ready to buy.”

—Peter F. Drucker

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Marketing Company Orientation
 Coordination of marketing activities into one

 Goal: understand the consumer better—not

just sell to them

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all the organization’s activities to
satisfy customer wants and needs

long-term goals by
upon customer satisfying
wants and needs customers, legally
and responsibly

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Marketing Company Orientation

“You are the

product. You—
feeling something.
That’s what sells”
—Don Draper
(Mad Men)

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Societal Marketing Concept
 A dual emphasis:

• Consideration of what the customer wants and

what society wants!

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Societal Marketing Concept

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Relationship Marketing Orientation

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Relationship Marketing Orientation
Customer Satisfaction Relationship Marketing

• Focus on delighting the • Focus on keeping and

customer improving relationships
with customers

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Customer Relationship Management

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Key Marketing Terms
 Exchange

 Customer value

 Market segments

 Building relationships

 Marketing mix

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Exchange requires two parties. Each party must
 something of value to the other party
 communication and delivery
 freedom to accept or reject
 belief that it is appropriate and desirable to deal

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Think about an exchange you had today already:
1. What was it?
2. Why did you engage in it?
3. How did it make you feel?
4. Did marketing have something to do with it?

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Customer Value
Marketers interested in offering customer value:
 offer products that perform
 earn trust
 avoid unrealistic pricing
 communicate clearly
 offer organization-wide commitment
 partner with the customer and co-create

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Market Companies


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Building Relationships

Retain current Increase


Increase existing business

Attract new customers

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Marketing Mix


Place Customer Price


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Why Marketing Matters
 Marketing is a part of every company

 Every company has customers

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Launch Your Career Successfully
Analytical Communication
Skills Skills

A Rewarding

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“Study marketing,
entrepreneurship and
philanthropy. The
incredible relevance of
these courses merits
mention. You cannot
over-study these life
enhancing courses at any
stage in your career.”
—Brett Wilson

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Marketing Is Part of YOUR Everyday Life
 28.2—average number of hours of television
 79%—percentage of Canadians with Internet
 27,012,067—number of cellphone
 36.6—average number of hours Canadians
spend working

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The Paradox of Choice video

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Next Week
• Quiz at beginning of class
• Review of Chapter 3

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