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Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Install

Oracle Pluggable Database

Oracle Retail Xstore Software Suite Install
Document overview

This document will provide instructions on how to install the Oracle Retail Xstore Software Suite.

Covering the following:

1.) Oracle Database 12c PDB install
2.) JRE Packager / Java JDK Install
3.) Creation of Certificates
4.) Xstore Office Database Creation
5.) Xstore Officer Software Install
6.) Xstore POS Software Install

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Step 1 of 9
Configure Security Updates

1.) Uncheck – I wish to receive security updates

via My Oracle Support and select Next.

2.) When prompted that no email address was

provided click Yes

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Step 2 of 9
Select Install Option

1.) Choose Create and configure a database

2.) Click Next

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Step 3 of 9
Select System Class

1.) Select Desktop class

2.) Click Next

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Step 4 of 9
Specify Oracle Home User

1.) Select Use Windows Built-in Account

2.) Click Next

3.) Click Yes at the Are you sure you want to

continue? prompt

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Step 5 of 9
Typical Install Configuration
1.) Change Global database name to orclcdb

2.) For the password , type in pos twice and

click Next

3.) Click Yes at the Are you sure you want to

continue? prompt

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Remaining steps

1.) The installer will run Prerequisite checks

2.) After the checks you will be presented with

a summary screen.

3.) Click Install. Once the install is finished you

can exit the installer.

Oracle Database 12c should now be installed

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JRE Packager install
The following files are needed in order to install
Java JDK and Java in order to use Xcenter and
Files required are:
1.) Java 8 JCE Policy
2.) Java 8 32-bit Windows TAR archive
3.) Java 8 JDK x64 Windows installer
4.) Xstore 16 JRE Packager Jar
The first 3 files can be obtained directly from
Oracle’s website.
The JRE packager JAR is pulled from the Oracle
Xstore Office package under the
oraclepdb_install_upgrade path.


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JRE Packager install

1.) Extract the Xstore Office package

2.) Navigate to the \tools\jrepackager folder
3.) Copy the jce_policy_8 and the JRE 8
Windows tar.gz file into that same folder.
4.) At a dos prompt type: java –jar xstore- GUI and
press enter


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JRE Packager install

1.) Choose the correct path to the JRE 8

windows tar.gz file
2.) Do the same for the JCE 8 zip archive
3.) Click Next and the utility will create a new
4.) At a dos prompt type: java –jar xstore- GUI and
press enter
5.) Once completed a new ZIP file will be
created. Extract the JRE folder from the XST-jre- to c:\


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Java 8 JDK for Windows
1.) Download the Java 8 JDK Windows x64
package from the Oracle website and install it.
2.) Open the and extract the
local_policy and US_export_policy files to
your JDK ‘s security folder.
Path should be:
Overwrite any files if prompted.


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Java 8 JDK for Windows
1.) Go into your Windows system properties and click
on Environment Variables
2.) Under System Variables select New and input
Variable name: JAVA_HOME
Variable value: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_###\
Then click OK
3.) Find the Variable Path and click Edit and add the
following to the beginning of the Path
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_###\bin;
Then click OK
4.) Reboot Windows so that these settings take effect


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Certification Creation

Certificated that need to be created are:

1.) Xcenter
2.) Xstore-mobile

Each certificate will be create and self signed.

1.) Create folder c:\certs
2.) Create folders c:\certs\xcenter , c:\certs\xstore-
Use the above folders to store the certificates
you’ve created.


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Xcenter Certification
Create the Xcenter keystore
1.) keytool –genkey –keystore server.keystore –alias xcenter-test –
keyalg RSA –keysize 2048 –validity 395
2.) Enter keystore password allgoodthings
3.) Answer the following questions:
First an Last Name: localhost
Organizational Unit: xcenter-test
Organization Name: Oracle
City or Locality: Solon
State or Province Name: Ohio
Two-letter country code: US
4.) When prompted correct? Type yes and press enter.
5.) Press enter when asked for password to keep the same password.


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Xcenter Certification
Self-sign the certificate
1.) keytool –selfcert –alias xcenter-test –keystore
server.keystore –validity 395
2.) Enter in the password used to create the certificate
Export the certificate
1.) keytool –export –alias xcenter-test –keystore
server.keystore –rfc –file xcenter-test.cer
Create the Xstore .truststore
1.) keytool –import –file xcenter-test.cer –keystore
.truststore –alias xcenter-test
2.) Enter password allgoodthings , twice
3.) Trust this certificate? , answer yes and press enter


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Xstore-mobile Certification
Create the Xcenter keystore
1.) keytool –genkey –keystore –alias xstoremobile-test –keyalg RSA –
keysize 2048 –validity 395
2.) Enter keystore password allgoodthings
3.) Answer the following questions:
First an Last Name: localhost
Organizational Unit: xstoremobile-test
Organization Name: Oracle
City or Locality: Solon
State or Province Name: Ohio
Two-letter country code: US
4.) When prompted correct? Type yes and press enter.
5.) Press enter when asked for password to keep the same password.


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Xstore-mobile Certification
Self-sign the certificate
1.) keytool –selfcert –alias xstoremobile-test –keystore
–validity 395
2.) Enter in the password used to create the certificate
3.) rename keystore to xstore_mobile.keystore


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Xcenter database creation

SQL Files Required:

1.) db-create-xcenter.sql
2.) db-create-repqueue.sql
3.) db-create-xadmin.sql
4.) xstore-
5.) xstore-
6.) xstore-
7.) xstore-
8.) xstore-


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Xcenter database creation
Edit and Execute db-create-xcenter.sql
1.) Open db-create-xcenter.sql in a text editor
2.) Under Create Xstore PDB edit
FILE_NAME_CONVERT to point to the Oracle path
3.) Under Data and Index edit the XCENTER_DATA and
XCENTER_INDEX to point to the correct Oracle path
4.) Save the sql file
5.) At a DOS prompt execute the script:
sqlplus / as sysdba @ db-create-xcenter.sql


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Xcenter database creation
Edit and Execute db-create-repqueue.sql
1.) Open db-create-repqueue.sql in a text editor
2.) Under Create Xstore PDB edit
FILE_NAME_CONVERT to point to the Oracle path
3.) Under Data and Index edit the REPQUEUE_DATA
and REPQUEUE_INDEX to point to the correct Oracle
4.) Save the sql file
5.) At a DOS prompt execute the script:
sqlplus / as sysdba @ db-create-repqueue.sql


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Xcenter database creation
Edit and Execute db-create-xadmin.sql
1.) Open db-create-xadmin.sql in a text editor
2.) Under Create Xstore PDB edit
FILE_NAME_CONVERT to point to the Oracle path
3.) Under Data and Index edit the XADMIN_DATA and
XADMIN_INDEX to point to the correct Oracle path
4.) Save the sql file
5.) At a DOS prompt execute the script:
sqlplus / as sysdba @ db-create-xadmin.sql


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Xcenter database creation
Edit and Execute xstore-
1.) Open xstore-
schema.sql in a text editor
2.) Find and update all xstore_ to xcenter_
3.) Save the sql file
5.) At a DOS prompt execute the script:
sqlplus dtv/dtv@localhost:1521/xcenter @xstore-


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Xcenter database creation
Load data into Xcenter database

1.) At a DOS prompt run:

Sqlplus dtv/dtv@localhost:1521/xcenter @xstore-
2.) At a DOS prompt run:
Sqlplus dtv/dtv@localhost:1521/xcenter @xstore-

The Xcenter database has been successfully created


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Xcenter database creation
xadmin & xcenterreplication
Load data into the Xadmin and Xcenter Replicaiton databases

1.) At a DOS prompt run to populate the xcenterreplication database

Sqlplus repqueue/repqueue@localhost:1521/xcenterreplication @xstore-
2.) At a DOS prompt run to populate the xadmin database.
Sqlplus xadmin/xadmin@localhost:1521/xadmin @xstore-
The Xadmin and Xcenter Replication databases are now complete.


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Genkeys Install
1.) Extract the contents of the genkeys folder into a local temporary folder.

2.) At a DOS prompt type in

Java –jar xstore-

This will install genkeys program to the root of your C: drive

The path to this archive is listed below in the picture example


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Xcenter Jetty Install
1) The following files will need to be copied into the same folder
Jetty-9.3.6-insallter.jar – located in the in the
Xstore Office archive
Ant.install.properities – located in the in the
Xstore Office archive – not needed , may not be present
CIP files – located in the \xstore-genkeys\res\keys
Server.keystore – the certificate that was created for Xcenter
War files – located in the Xstore Office archive under
ter\ folder
Xcenter-config - located in the Xstore Office archive under
ter\ folder
2.) At a DOS prompt type java –jar jetty-9.3.6-install.jar GUI


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Xcenter Jetty Install

Install Location
1.) Use default , click Next and create the directory when prompted
Jetty SSL Configuration
Java Keystore: Should already be pointed to server.keystore
Keystore Passoword: allgoodthings
Confirm: allgoodthings
SSL Key Alias: xcenter-test
1.) Click Next
Jetty Memory Configuration
Xms/Xmx Value: 2048
1.) Click Next
2.) Click Next at Jetty Configuration
3.) Uncheck Start Jetty After Installation , click Next


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Xcenter Jetty Install

Xcenter Authentication Configuration

Username: xcenter
Password: xcenter123
Confirm: xcenter123
1.) Click Next
2.) Application War Files , click Next
3.) Xcenter Config File , click Next
4.) Cipher Files, click Next
5.) Click Install


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xcenter-config setup
Updating file Xcenterreplication
1.) Open \xcenter-config\ # dtv.xcrepl.db.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xcenter
2.) Change the following properties in this file:
Jvm.preferIPV4Stack=true (uncomment this option)
Comment out all dtv database URLs and enable those for PBD
Oracle PDB Connections should be updated to:

3.) Once these changes have been made , save the file
# dtv.local.db.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xcenter






# dtv.xadmin.db.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xcenter





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Log4j2.xml setup
Updating xadmin-log4j2.xml
1.) Open \xcenter-config\xadmin-log4j2.xml
2.) Change the following to look like:
<Configuration status="WARN">
<!-- <Property name="">${sys:user.dir}</Property> -->
<Property name="">${sys:jetty.logs}</Property>
<!-- <Property name="">${sys:catalina.home}/logs</Property> -->
3.) Save the file

This will enable proper Jetty logging for Xadmin


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Log4j2.xml setup
Updating xcenter-log4j2.xml
1.) Open \xcenter-config\xcenter-log4j2.xml
2.) Change the following to look like:
<Configuration status="WARN">
<!-- <Property name="">${sys:user.dir}</Property> -->
<Property name="">${sys:jetty.logs}</Property>
<!-- <Property name="">${sys:catalina.home}/logs</Property> -->
3.) Save the file

This will enable proper Jetty logging for Xcenter


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Starting Jetty

1.) In Windows Services , Start the Jetty service

2.) Check the logs located in \jetty-9.3.6\logs for any
3.) If the service started up you should see bootstrap
status = OK in the logs
4.) Smoke test Xcenter by going to the following URL:

5.) Test Xadmin by going to the following URL:


User Name: 1 Password: 1111


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Xstore Install
Xstore POS Package is Patch #25734772

1) The following files will need to be copied into the same folder
The two file above can be found in the Xstore POS installer archive.
xstore_mobile.keystore – the certificate created earlier for Xstore
2.) At a DOS prompt type java –jar xstore-
pos-install.jar GUI


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Xstore Install
Install Location
1.) Keep install directly to it’s default setting
2.) Database install directory should point to your Oracle PBD
orclcdb location
For example:
c:\app\(windows user)\oradata\orclcdb
3.) Other settings:
Local database present? Yes
Environment: Test
Advanced installation option: Xstore Mobile
4.) Click Next and select Yes to create the Xstore directory


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Xstore Install
Location Settings
1.) Leave default settings and click Next
Miscellaneous Settings
1.) Leave default settings and click Next
Xstore Mobile Settings
1.) Enter the following other than the default values:
Register #: 31
Server Key Alias: xstoremobile-test
Server Keystore Password (OBF):
Disable Tablet startup?: Yes (Checked off)
2.) Click Next , Yes to create the directory


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Xstore Install

Email Server
1.) Leave default settings and click Next
Xstore Configuration Path
1.) Leave default settings and click Next
Data Sources
1.) Uncheck Customer Engagement and click Next
Xcenter Application Server Settings
1.) Enter in the following settings
App Server Username:Pj4+MAAAAAAcvTjVTHaNT3W5QZN4DqKe
App Server Password:Pj4+MAAAAACWrJ1C02SoH1ZJYmC+6xGG
2.) Leave everything else default and then click Next


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Xstore Install

StorePrimary Data Source Settings

1.) Leave default settings and click Next
Local Data Source Settings
1.) Leave default settings and click Next
Replication Data Source Settings
1.) Change the following settings:
Replication Database: xstorereplication
2.) Leave the remaining as default and click Next
Other Data Source Settings
1.) Leave default settings and click Next
Training Data Source Settings
1.) Change the following settings:
Training Database: training
2.) Leave the remaining as default and click Next


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Xstore Install

Select Services
1.) Turn Authorizations Off and click Next
Installation Progress
1.) Click Show Details then Install Xstore
2.) Exit the installer once completed
Post Xstore Install
1.) Stop Xstore by deleting the anchor files in c:\Xstore\tmp
2.) Once Xstore is stopped , copy the .trustore that was created into
3.) Start Xstore c:\Xstore\Xstore.bat and press ALT-V at the login
screen to verify Xstore is communicating with Xcenter.


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Xenvironment Install
Extract the Xenvironment install jar
1.) The installer xenvironment- ,
can be found in the Xstore POS Install archive
2.) Also extract the files and place both files in
a temporary folder
3.) At a DOS prompt type:
java –jar xenvironment- GUI
Installing Xenvironment
1.) Click Next
Install Location
1.) Check off , Xstore Handheld Present?
2.) Click Next and select Yes to create the directory.


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Xenvironment Install
System Information
1.) Update the Lead Register Hostname to your local hostname
You can obtain this by typing in hostname at a command prompt.
2.) Select Next to continue
System Information
1.) Update the following fields
Store Name: Test Store
2.) You can leave the Helpdesk Phone Number blank
3.) Select Next to continue
Is a local database present?
1.) Select Yes , then Next to continue
1.) Enter in xstore , then select Next to continue


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Xenvironment Install
StorePrimary Data Source Settings
1.) Leave default settings and click Next
Security Parameters
1.) Update the following field
Encrypted Password Algorithm:
2.) Click Next to continue
Is a local database present?
1.) Select Yes , then Next to continue
Installation progress
1.) Click Install Xenvironment
2.) Once it’s completed Xenvironment will start , exit the installer.


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Post Install Instructions
1.) Stop the Xenvironment engine and GUI by deleting anchor files in
2.) Copy the .truststore you created to c:\environment\res\ssl
3.) To start the Environment run c:\environment\start_eng.bat
4.) You may receive an Environment startup error , delete this my
deleting the ERR file in c:\environment\marker
NOTE: The Environment GUI password is pos

1.) Stop Xstore-Mobile by deleting the anchor files in c:\xstore-
2.) Open the c:\xstore-mobile\wrapper\conf\xstore_mobile.conf in a text
3.) Change to 8450
4.) Save the file


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