Life of St. La Salle

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LaSallian Values


 Midterm Requirement:
 Learning and Application of Lasallian Values

 Final Requirement:
 Creative presentation of your learning
Grading System

Written Task 25 %
Performance Task 45 %
Major Exam 30 %
"What is nobler than to
mold the character of the
young? I consider that he
who knows how to form
the youthful mind is truly
greater than all painters,
sculptors and all others of
that sort“.
(St. John Chrysostom)
Warm Up: Alma Mater Hymn
Hail, Hail
Alma Mater,
Hail to De La Salle!
We'll hold your banner high
and bright,
A shield of green and white,
We'll fight to keep your glory
And never shall we fail,
Hail to thee our Alma Mater!
Hail! Hail! Hail!
Context: Every moment is an opportunity.
From a small harmonica to capture the attention of
students emerged a music that evokes a sense of

From a composition out of one’s innovation came a

hymn that has become a tradition, battlecry and

From the key events in the life of St. John came out
a Christian educator
Life of
St. John Baptist
De La Salle

Humble Servant

Eldest son of a
wealthy couple

Noble family in
Birthdate: April 30, 1651
Birthplace: Rheims, France

Old Place New Place:

Hotel De La Salle
Destined for the Church
Received tonsure at age

Named Canon of Reims

Cathedral at age sixteen

Entered the Seminary of St.

Sulpice Seminary, Paris at age

Studied in Sorbonne University

Family Man
Became Legal Guardian
of his 6 brothers and

His mother died at age 20

His father died at age 21

Forced to leave the

seminary in 1672
A Scholar: 1678
Ordained a priest at age 27

2 years later,he obtained a

Doctorate in Theology

Met a layman friend, Adrian


Became involved with

teachers, students, school
and condition of poverty
La Salle as a Teacher
Teacher Training Center
Students are grouped
according to ability
Instruction: Christian
and Human education
Devoted his talents to
open schools for poor

Abandoned his family,

canonry and wealth

Established a
community of brothers

Formed a community
who offered free
education for all

• Children
• Delinquents
• Working Young Men
Heroic Vow in 1691
with his two

Established Vaugirard

Received Perpertual
Vows with 12 brothers
in 1693
Use vernacular medium
of instruction

Trained Lay Teachers

Superior of the Brothers

Went into Solitude at
Parmenie in 1712-14
Serious attack of
Period of Self-
effacement & doubt

Parmenie, France
Received letter from
the Brothers to return

First General Chapter

Election of Brother
Last Days

Died at St. Yon

near Rouen

April 7, 1719 on
Good Friday

Age 68
Achiever: Christian Educator

Pioneered in training college teachers

Reform schools for delinquents
Technical schools
Secondary schools for modern languages,
arts and sciences
Educational Institutions spread across the
Life of St. John Baptist De La Salle

Born at Rheims, France on

April 30,1651
Ordained Priest on April 9, 1678
Died on April 7, 1719
Canonized as Saint on May 24, 1900
Patron of Christian Teachers on
May 15, 1950 by Pope Pius XII
Life of
St. John Baptist
De La Salle

Humble Servant
Reflection Paper 1
My Life
– key events in your life
My School
– lessons learned from the life of St. John
Baptist De La Salle
My Thoughts
– reflections (refer to the next slide)
Worksheet: Key Events in One’s Life (Sentence Completion)
“A person who takes risks is free.” "God does not need our ability, rather our
My crucial choice and risk that changed availability" Mother Theresa
my life was . . . My personal experience of God is . . .
________________________________ _________________________________
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____________________________ ________________________

“Doing ordinary things, extraordinary “You can perform miracles by touching the
well.” La Salle hearts of those entrusted to your care.”
I should take my studies seriously La Salle
because . . . Whenever I help people in need, I feel . . .
________________________________ ______________________________________
________________________________ ______________________________________
________________________________ ______________________________________
__________________________ __________________________________
Life of
St. John Baptist
De La Salle
The Family of
John Baptist
de La Salle
De La Salle’s Parents

Louise de la Salle (1625-1672)

 A distinguished magistrate of the
presidial court of Reims

 Married at the age of 25

 A faithful husband and devout father

De La Salle’s Parents

Louise de la Salle (1625-1672)

 He was highly respected in his
profession and was a true humanist
with an extensive library.

 He had a life-long interest in music

and arts.
De La Salle’s Parents

Louise de la Salle (1625-1672)

 He provided well for all of his children

 And in the case of De La Salle paid

the significant expense of an
education at the seminary of St.
Sulpice in Paris.
De La Salle’s Parents

Nicole Moet de Brouillet (1633-1671)

 She lost her claim to nobility by
marrying Louise de la Salle, a

Married at the age of 17 and bore

eleven children during 20 years of
married life.
De La Salle’s Parents

Nicole Moet de Brouillet (1633-1671)

 She was known for her deep and
genuine piety with a deep sense of
the presence of God.
De La Salle’s Brothers and Sisters

Of eleven children in the family, four

died in infancy:
 Remy (b.1652)
Jean-Louis (b.1663)
Simon (1667-1669)
Anne-Marie (b.1656)
De La Salle’s Brothers and Sisters

Seven survived into adulthood:

 Marie (1654-1711) – eldest sister
She is said to have had a beautiful voice and
played a popular lute-like stringed instruments
called a theorbo.
After her parents’ death she went to live with
her maternal grandmother and helped to nurse
her youngest brother – Jean-Remy
De La Salle’s Brothers and Sisters

Seven survived into adulthood:

 Marie (1654-1711)
She married Jean Maillefer and blessed with
ten children.
From ten children, five survived until adult,
including one who became a Benedictine who
wrote about the life of his uncle.
De La Salle’s Brothers and Sisters

Seven survived into adulthood:

 Rose-Marie (1656-1682)
 Called Rosette by De La Salle
 She joined the Canonesses of Saint Augustine
at the age of 16, just before the death of her
 Died at the age of 25, victim of poisoning from
a badly-prepared medicine.
De La Salle’s Brothers and Sisters

Seven survived into adulthood:

 Rose-Marie (1656-1682)
 Had taken affectionate care of her.
St. John visited het at the convent, located near
the Brother’s house on Rue Nueve, and his
records show him buying her books, articles of
clothing and small personal gifts: (sugar,
orange, and iron bedwarmer.
He also provided her with a small annual
income as pocket money.
De La Salle’s Brothers and Sisters

Seven survived into adulthood:

 Jacques-Joseph (1659-1723)
 The next oldest boy of the family
 He remained with De La Salle at the family
home in Reims for five years after the death of
their parents when he was not yet 13 years old.
 At the age of 18, he entered the Canons
Regular of Saint Augustine in Paris.
De La Salle’s Brothers and Sisters

Seven survived into adulthood:

 Jacques-Joseph (1659-1723)
 He acquired degrees in philosophy, civil law,
including a doctorate in theology.
He was a professor of philosophy and theology
and became a prior of the monastery and pastor
of the church of St. Martin in Chaunny, a post
he held until his death.
De La Salle’s Brothers and Sisters

Seven survived into adulthood:

 Jean-Louis (1664-1724)
 The only siblings to remain with De La Salle
after he and the first Brothers moved out of the
family home and into the simple house of Rue
He came to have the distinguished church
career De La Salle could have had..
De La Salle’s Brothers and Sisters

Seven survived into adulthood:

 Jean-Louis (1664-1724)
 A student at the Sorbonne and the Seminary of
Saint Sulpice.
He became a doctor of Theology and later a
Canon of the Cathedral of Reims.
He supported his older brother’s work, heading
a civil association that was formed to provide
financial and legal support for the work of the
Brothers in Reims.
De La Salle’s Brothers and Sisters

Seven survived into adulthood:

 Pierre (1664-1741)
 Living with the De La Salle from the age of six,
when their parents died until the age of sixteen.
His education was supervised by his oldest
After spending a short time with his oldest sister
when De La Salle and the Brothers moved out
of the family home, he studied law and became
a successful lawyer in Paris.
De La Salle’s Brothers and Sisters

Seven survived into adulthood:

 Pierre (1664-1741)
 He became magistrate of the Presidial Court of
Reims, as his father had been.
Married in 1696 at the age of 29 to Francoise-
Henriette Bachelier, a distant cousin, with 8
Pierre reorganized the civil association that
continued to support the Brothers’ work in
De La Salle’s Brothers and Sisters

Seven survived into adulthood:

 Jean-Remy (1670-1732)
 married in 1711 at the age of 41 but gradually
began to exhibit strange patterns of behavior.
1715, he had lost almost all control over his
affairs and two years later was declared
mentally incompetent.
He was confined in the mental institution, died
1732, and two oldest supported his family.

Describe your family members (from

your parents up to your co-siblings)
Concrete identity of your family and your
La Sallian Core Values
La Sallian Core Values

Christian Men and Women

 Courteous in relating the faculty and
staff and fellow students.
Show proper behavior during prayers
and participates meaningfully in
recollection and outreach programs.
Manifest other qualities befitting
Christian men and women.
( Allison Luna, ericson ramos, ezekiel casino, princes zenia delis,, jay abella poi, nicole santos )
La Sallian Core Values

Commitment to Excellence
 Comes to class well – prepared
Submits exemplary work other
Does more than what is expected
 manifest other qualities that show
commitment to excellence
La Sallian Core Values

Contributing Member of Society

 Participates actively in group and class
Follow rules and regulations and show
responsibility in the performance of
assigned task
 Volunteers in various reach-out activities
organized by the school.
 Manifest other qualities that show
willingness to contribute to society.
La Sallian Core Values

 Skilled in specific area of interest
 Gives the best in whatever endeavor
 Creative, innovative and resourceful
 Manifest other qualities that show
La Sallian Core Values

Concern for the Marginalized

 Relates well with the needy sectors of society
Active in service-oriented organizations
 Gives generously during mission-collection or any
relief operations
Manifests other qualities that show concern for the
La Sallian Core Values

Care for the Earth

 Disposes the garbage properly
Observe CLAYGO
 Uses school materials wisely
 Helps in the general upkeep of school facilities
 Manifest other qualities that show care for the
La Sallian Core Values

Christian Leaders
 Takes initiative in group undertaking
 Commands respect from peers and
 Set good examples to others
 Manifest other qualities befitting a
true leader
La Sallian Core Values

Proud Filipinos
 Participates actively during the flag ceremony
 Gives importance to Filipino culture and heritage
 Show interest in Philippine national affairs
 Manifests other qualities that show pride in being
a Filipino.
La Sallian Core Values

 believes in one’s goodness
 accept limitations honestly and works
to improve oneself
 has a positive outlook and attitude in
Manifests other qualities that show
La Sallian Core Values




De La Salle Araneta University, formerly Gregorio

Araneta University Foundation, is a pioneer Catholic
private educational institution in Agriculture and
Veterinary Medicine. Inspired by the ideals and
philosophies of its founder, Don Salvador Z.
Araneta, and the charism of St. John Baptist de la
Salle, DLSAU seeks to produce experts who will be
the resource of Church and Country in the areas of
government, animal welfare, food security,
entrepreneurship, and technological development.

De La Salle Araneta is a leading industry-

aligned and globally-linked Catholic
educational institution committed to
experiential teaching and learning for the
creation of new knowledge in food
security, animal welfare and
entrepreneurship towards societal

In FAITH, DLSAU is committed to building

a community that sees the goodness and
likeness of God in each member, thus
being moved to contributing to each
others growth and development in the
service of society.

Ask 10 individuals from our university

(students, faculty or staffs), ask them how
they feel and experience DLSAU CORE
VALUES – FAITH in our institution.. Ask
them a concrete example.

As a SERVICE-driven institution, DLSAU

is passionately committed to excellence in
teaching and learning towards the building
of an academic community characterized
by efficiency, effectiveness, and integrity.


DLSAU is committed to become a catalyst
for societal transformation through poverty

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