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Phylum Coelenterata

Coelenterates can be
called as the simplest
animal group that has
true tissues and have the
coelenteron or the
gastrovascular cavity.
General Features

 There are about 10.000 spesies.
 Most live solitary and life in
 Has radial simetries.
 Multiselular.
 There is cavity (mesoglea) around
endoderm dan ectoderm.
 Has a gastrovaskuler cavity
General Features

Has a gastrovaskuler cavity

An animal dipoblastic.
On top of the body there is the mouh
tentacles to capture prey and move.
Respiratory system by diffusion
Nervouse system using neural net system.
Experience metagenesia.
These organisms show two morphological
forms – Polyps and Medusa.

Polyps contain
exoskeleton and
Medusa; shaped like
a bellor umbrella
The skeletons are
with a
composed of
sectionconcave face
up and
mouthlocated in the
middle of the
sectionconvex facing
Characteristic of Coelenterata

The Polyp
Characteristic of Coelenterata

Coelenterata body
structure : Medusa
How to get food Coelenterata

1) Small fish stick on tentacles and knidoblast

2) the cell produce poison the prey conscious
until the tentacles catch them into the
3) pass through gastrovascuIer
4) the meal is proceeded using an enzim
produced by gastrodermis
5) it absorbs the nutrients, the nutrients is
spreaded difusially
6) the feses is going out through the mouth
Reproduction of Coelenterata
Vegetative reproduction through the
formation of the shoot. If the bud on its
body off it will grow into new
Generative or sexual reproduction
occurs with the fusion between male
sex cells (sperm) and egg cells (ova) –
swimming into the ova – zygot – larva –
planula – swimming away from the
mother – becoming polyp in the edge of
Clasification of Coelenterata:

1) Hydrozoa is genuine from Hydra, it

means likely snake
2) Generally, live in group or individual
3) Soliter is structured polyp and for
those which are in group structures
polyp or medusa
4) Hydrozoa live either in a group or
5) The examples of Hydra and Obellia

Spesial characcteristic feature of which

own hydra :
1. Habitat in freshwater
2. Solitary
3. The shape of the body such as polyps
4. Its shape resembles a cylinder
5. At the end of the mouth called oral tip
6. Tentacle serves as a tool to catch food
7. Asexual reproduction by forming buds
on the side of the body

Special characteristic feature of obelia

1. Live in marine water
2. There are polyp and medusa
3. Experiencing life in its life cycle rotation
4. Obelia polyp phase usually live in colonies

encountered in the life cycle tages of polyp

and medusa, but polyp more dominant

Derived from the word anthos =

flower. Life in marine polyp form,
do not have medusa phase.
Reproduce asexually by budding,
division and fragmentation. Sexsual
reproduction by fertilization
produces a zygote which then
became planula.

Hexacorallia is a subclass of
Anthozoa comprising
approximately 4,300 species of
aquatic organisms formed of
polyps, generally with 6-fold
symmetry. It includes all of the
stony corals, most of which are
colonial and reef-forming, as well
as all sea anemones, and
zoanthids, arranged within five (Anemon Laut) Metridium sp.
extant orders.

Cuzoboa included in the class Scyphozoa

as Cubomedusa or Carybdeida order on
the basis of some of the similarities of
anatomy , physiology and life cycle .
However , became a class by itself
because Cubozoa also have similar
characteristics to the Hydrozoa .
Ex : Chironex

according to the Greek, schypho =

cup, zoa = animal the body like a
bowl life in the deep sea has a thick
layer of mesoglea separates sexes,
with gonads located in the gastric
pouch parasol scalloped edge.
Benefit Of Coelenterata

Cosmetic and food

As a barrier reefs for protect the beach from
As a hiding and breeding place
Beach with beautiful coral could be used as a
place for recreation

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