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• To identify the forms of

dramatized experiences.
• To determine the types of
All dramatization is essentially a process
of communication, in which both
participant and spectators are engaged.
A creative interaction takes place, a
sharing of ideas.

- Edgar Dale
If our teaching is dramatic, our
students get attracted,
interested and affected. If they
are affected and moved by what
we taught, we will most likely
leave an impact on them.
The Dramatized Experiences
• Play
• Pageant
• Pantomime
• Tableau
• Puppets
• Role-Playing
Plays depict life, character, or culture or
a combination of all three. They offer
excellent opportunities to portray vividly
important ideas about life.
• Pageants are about the community
dramas based on local history,
presented by local actors.

• For instance,
• A historical pageant the traces the
growth of a school.
As an instructional device, the
puppet show can involve entire
group of students - as speakers
of parts, manipulators of the
figures, and makers of the
Types of
Hand puppets- the puppet’s head is
operated by the forefinger of the
puppeteer, the little finger and thumb
being used to animate the puppet hands
Glove – and – finger puppets – make
use of old gloves to which small
costumed figure are attached.
Principles that must be observed in
choosing a puppet play for teaching Dale
• Do not use puppets for plays that can be done
just as well or better by other dramatic
• Puppets plays must be based on action rather
than on words
• Keep the play short.
• Do not omit the possibilities of music and
dancing as part of puppet show.
• Adapt the puppet show to the age,
background, and tastes of the students.
Role–playing – is an unrehearsed,
unprepared and spontaneous
dramatization of a “let’s pretend”
situation where assigned participants
are absorbed by their own roles in
situation described by the teachers.
Role–playing can be done by
describing a situation which would
create different viewpoints on an issue
and then asking the students to play the
roles of the individual involved. Any kind
of conflict situation, real or potential, is
useful for role playing or any situation in
which real feelings are concealed.
Dramatic Experiences for
Multiple Intelligences

The kinesthetic intelligence of students

can be seen through plays, pageants,
pantomimes, tableau, puppets and role-
• Musical intelligence is at work when
pantomimes are accompanied by
• The interpersonal intelligence is shown
by students who find it easily to relate
and work with people as they plan,
prepare and implement any of the
dramatic experiences.

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