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Iin Indriani 2820173107

Ismi Febriyanti 2820173108

Diabetes melitus (DM) is a group of metabolic
disorders characterized by hight blood sugar
levels over a prolonged period.

Diabetes is due to either the pancreas not

producing enough insulin, or the cells of the
body not responding properly to the insulin
• Helps you control your blood sugar (glucose)
• Manage your weight
• Control heart disease risk factors, such as high blood
pressure and high blood fats
Energy requirements are
determined by calculating the
need for a basal metabolism of
25-30 kcal/kg normal body
weight, plus the need for physical
activity and special conditions,
such as pregnancy or injury and
• Skinless chicken, fish, low • High-fiber vegetables: kale,
cholesterol eggs or egg white, peanut leaves, oyong,
lean meat. cucumber, tomatoes, water
• Tofu, green beans, kidney pumpkin, cauliflower, turnips,
beans, peanuts, soybeans mustard greens, lettuce,
• Oranges, apples, papaya, celery.
guava, star fruit (as needed).
• All sources of carbo-hydrate • Pineapple, grape, mango,
are restricted: rice, porridge, banana,avocado, watermelon,
bread, noodles, potatoes. cooked jackfruit
• Animal high saturated fat • Fried food and using thick
(corned beef, sausage, coconut milk, soy sauce.
sardines, egg.
• Cheese, shredded, jerky, full • Alcoholic drinks, sweetened
cream milk condensed milk, soft drinks,
• Sweet and preserved fruits: ice cream, yogurt
jackfruit, avocado, dates, • Sugar, brown sugar, rock
candied fruit. sugar, honey Sweet food/
drink: cake, cakes.

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