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Aprilyani Safira H.
1. What the pharmacologycal and nonpharmacologycal of PV?

Hald,M Et Al. 2015. Evidence-Based Danish Guidelines For The Treatment Of

Malasseziarelated Skin Diseases, Journal Compilation Acta Dermato-Venereologica.
Issn 0001-5555
Non Pharmacology

• Kebersihan pribadi yang baik dapat membantu dalam membatasi rekurensi.

Secara khusus, pasien harus mandi sesegera mungkin setelahnya
berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan atau olahraga yang menghasilkan signifikan

Nura M.S, Sani N.M et all. 2016. A review of the current status of tinea versicolor in
some parts of Nigeria. Departemen of Microbiology and biotechnology, federal
University Dutse, Nigeria. International journal of scientific engineering and
applied Science Vol. 2
2. How are the counseling of PV?

Medical/legal pitfalls
• Routine evaluation of hepatic function before therapy is seldom
warranted for young healthy patients. However, patients at extra risk
for preexisting hepatic dysfunction need assessment before treatment.
Hepatotoxicity has been associated with the use of ketoconazole
tablets, including rare fatalities. Several cases of hepatitis have been
reported in children.
• In patients taking terbenafine concurrently with ketoconazole tablets
and other serious ventricular dysrhythmias (in rare cases, leading to
fatality) have been recorded.
• Pharmacokinetic data indicate that oral ketoconazole inhibits the
metabolism of astemizole, resulting in elevated plasma levels of
astemizole and its active metabolite desmethylastemizole, which may
prolong QT intervals.
• Ketoconazole may enhance the anticoagulant effect of coumarin like
Pasien harus diberitahu bahwa agen penyebab pityriasis versicolor adalah
penghuni jamur komensal dari flora kulit normal, dan karena itu penyakit ini
tidak dianggap menular. Selain itu, pityriasis versicolor tidak menyebabkan
jaringan parut permanen atau gangguan pigmen. Namun, dalam banyak kasus,
kekambuhan penyakit dapat terjadi meskipun ada pengobatan yang efektif.

Karray M and William P. McKinney. 2018,. inea Versicolor. University of

Rai, M.K. 2009. Tinea Versicolor - An Epidemiology. Journal of Microbial &
Biochemical Technology, Volume 1(1) : 051-056
3. What the hystopathology of PV?

The spores and hyphae are more numerous and more easily identified in the
hyperpigmented than in the hypopigmented cases (Fig. 3).

Spora dan hifa lebih banyak banyak dan lebih mudah diidentifikasi dalam
hiperpigmentasi dibandingkan dengan hipopigmentasi kasus (Gbr. 3).
Fontana stain showed that the density of melanin pigment in keratinocytes of the
diseased skin is less than that of adjacent normal skin of every patient. In the nine
hyperpigmented PV cases, there was an increased intensity of stain in keratinocytes of
the diseased skin, compared to adjacent normal skin

Noda Fontana menunjukkan bahwa kepadatan pigmen melanin dalam keratinosit kulit
yang sakit kurang dari kulit normal yang berdekatan dari setiap pasien. Dalam sembilan
kasus PV hiperpigmentasi, ada peningkatan intensitas pewarnaan pada keratinosit kulit
yang sakit, dibandingkan dengan kulit normal yang berdekatan.
DOPA reaction showed decreased density of melanin pigment in melanocytes of the
hypopigmented The density of melanin pigment in keratinocytes decreased in the
hypopigmented PV lesions and increased in the hyperpigmented ones as shown by
Fontana stain and this may be due to a decrease in melanin granules transfer to
keratinocytes or non-replacement of the already shed melanin granules.

DOPA-oxidase (tyrosinase) reaction menunjukkan penurunan densitas melanin pigmen

dalam melanosit hipopigmentasi. Kepadatan pigmen melanin dalam keratinosit menurun
pada PV hipopigmentasi lesi dan meningkat pada yang hiperpigmentasi seperti yang
ditunjukkan oleh Fontana noda dan ini mungkin karena penurunan transfer granula
melanin ke keratinosit atau non-penggantian butiran melanin yang sudah dilepaskan. Asam
dekarboksilat yang diproduksi oleh malassezia yang bersifat sebagai inhibitor kompetitif
terhadap enzim tirosinase mempunyai efek sitotoksik terhadap melanosit

Abdulwahab, et al. 2012. Pityriasis versicolor: Histopathological

study. Kuwait: Department of dermatology, AL-Amiri Hospital,
Ministry of Health

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