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Camping – is an outdoor recreational activity.

Campers – are the participants, spend a few
days out of the urban life, away from

Campers may use a tent, a caravan, or a

primitive shelter made of wood and leaves as
temporary shelter.

The term CAMPING has no universal

Two Variations of Camping

1. Survivalist camping – wherein campers

set off and rely completely on resources
found in nature to get by.

2. Recreational camping – wherein campers

bring their own sources of electricity and
heat, and other equipment to spend their
nights comfortably.
Camping as a recreational activity became popular
in the 19th century. One of the widely accepted
proponents of recreational camping is Thomas
Hiram Holding, a British traveling tailor.

His book includes “cycles and Camp in Connemara

based on experience.

1901 – first camping group, the Association of Cycle

Campers. The name of the group was later replaced
to Camping and Caravanning Club.
1906 – the group open its camping site.
1910 – the association merge with the National
Camping Club. The association was quickly
revived after the world war when the founder of
the Boy Scouts Movement, Robert Baden-Powell,
became its president.

1932 – the International Federation of Camping

Clubs was established.

1960’s – camping had become a regular holiday

activity to most families in Europe and North
America countries.

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