11.prinsip Anode Tumbal Rev

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• Anodic Protection
• Katodic Protection ( ICCP, anode tumbal )
Schematic figure of anodic protection system for
protecting inner surface of storage tank

• Should be permanent and can be used as current

collector without any significant degradation.
• Having large surface area in order to suppress
cathodic overpotential.
• Low cost.
Platinum clad brass can be used for anodic protection
cathodes because this cathode has low overpotential
and its degradation rate is very low, however it is very
Cathodes used in recent anodic protection
Kapal Tug Boat
Prinsip Katodic Protection
Contoh Katodic Protection pada kapal
Contoh ICCP

Two General types of protection with
Cathodic protection systems
• By the use of a metal which will Places a voltage on a
suffer galvanic corrosion, such as conductive material and
Zinc, when zinc is electrically forcing it to emit a current,
connected to steel, it has a higher
potential and will act as the which protects the steel.
anode and emit current which The material chosen
passes into the steel. The steel is (anode) has a high
cathodically protected and the resistance to corrosion and
zinc will corrode, SACRIFICING is not destroyed such as
itself for the protection of the
steel. platinum.

Impressed Current CP
Pros of Impressed Current CP
 Unlimited driving potential.
 Capable of protecting large steel structures
when designed properly.
 Requires less anodes then a galvanic system.
 Output can be controlled using a permanent
reference electrode, desirable when the
electrolyte resistivity is known to change.

Impressed Current CP
Cons of Impressed Current CP
 Initial costs can be more expensive.

 Requires an external DC power source along

with an AC supply.
 System requires routine maintenance and
 Anode wires can be susceptible to damage.

Impressed Current CP Rectifier
A rectifier converts available AC power to low
voltage DC power. Most cathodic protection
rectifiers are provided with a means to vary the
DC output voltage in small increments, or in
some cases offer complete control from zero to
100% of rated DC output.

Marine sub-segments

Key Performances
– Water ballast tanks requirements
– Under water hulls and sides
Resistance to corrosion
– Cargo tank linings
– Cargo holds Chemical resistance
– Boot-topping and splash Mechanical resistance, e.g.
zones abrasion
– Topsides and external
– Offshore oil drilling
Between Boats
• Two different metals
– Aluminum vs steel (or other metal)
– Immersed in current-carrying solution
• Sea water
– Interconnected by current-carrying conductor
• AC ground (green) wire

MElec-Ch5 - 16
Indirect Cathodic Protection
• Used when direct contact not possible
– Zinc bolted to outside of hull
– Inside boat connect with insulated AWG#8 to
• Rudder Post
• Shaft (requires shaft brush)

MElec-Ch5 - 17
Corrosion Measurements
Involve the use of a potentiostat for applying a potential (relative to a reference
electrode) and measuring the current (flowing from the working electrode to the
counter or auxiliary electrode)

*ensure specimen potential (w.r.t. counter) constant … 18

even though solution resistance might alter.
The Manual Potentiostat
Variable High
Voltage Source
50-300 V

High Impedance
Voltmeter 1012 Ω

Working Reference Auxiliary

Electrode Electrode Electrode
Prinsip anode Tumbal :
Keluaran Arus Konstruksi = Keluaran arus Anode
Langkah :
1. Menghitung Yang dibutuhkan untuk melindungi kontruksi
WSA x Density kebutuhan arus Ikon

2. Menghitung keluaran arus anode

Jumlah anode x luar permukaan anode x keluaran arus tiap anode Ian

1. Perhitungan 1 dan 2 nilainya disamakan ( Ikon=Ian )

Dengan demikian dalam 1 tahun akan dapat diketahui jumlah anode tumbal.

Jika ditanya kecukupan anode dalam 10 tahun :

Total Arus 10 tahun = Ikon x 10 = A Amp. Year
Jumlah anode yang tersedia N
Ampere year tiap anode = N/A =C Amp. Year
Volume tiap anode = D m3
Laju pengausan anode = E m3/Amp.year
Untuk melihat memenuhi atau tidak :
(D – CE) >0
• Soal korosi:
1) Sebuah kapal terbuat dari konstruksi baja dengan system
perlindungan korosi Sacrificial system. Anode yang dipakai
bentuknya batangan dengan panjang 200mm, lebar 150mm
dan tinggi 100mm. Luas permukaan korosif = 3000 m2, arus
yang dibutuhkan untuk perlindungan korosi adalah 110 mA.
m-2.. Dengan ketentuan dibawah ini :
• Hitung anode Zn ataukah Mg yang sesuai
• Hitung jumlah anode minimum
• Apakah 3000 buah anode dapat bertahan selama 10 tahun
Notes : Keluaran arus Zn = 6.5 A.m-2, Mg = 10,8 A.m-2, Abaikan
luas anode tegak lurus bidang korosif, Laju pengausan Zn =
1,518 x 10-3 m3/ A. tahun, Mg= 1,314 x 10-3 m3/ A. tahun,

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