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Performance Evaluation

Flow of presentation
 Industry Profile
 Literature Review
 Research Methodology
 Limitation Study
 Data Analysis and Interpretation
 Inferential Statistics
 Findings & Conclusion
Introduction of oil and gas industry
 The oil and gas sector is among the eight core industries in India and plays a
major role in influencing decision making for all the other important sections
of the economy.
 India’s economic growth is closely related to energy demand; therefore the
need for oil and gas is projected to grow more, thereby making the sector quite
conducive for investment.
 As of April 1 2019,the oil refining capacity of India stood at 249.4 million
tonnes, making it the second largest refiner in Asia.
 Domestic Oil And Gas Companies Are:
 Indian Oil Corporation Limited
 Reliance Industries
 Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited
 Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited
 Gail India Limited
 Oil India Limited
Introduction Of company
 Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC)is an Indian multinational oil and
gas company headquartered in Dehradun, India.
 ONGC was founded on 14 August 1956 by the Indian state.
 Its international subsidiary ONGC Videsh currently has projects in 15 countries.
 It is one of the largest Asia-based oil and gas exploration and production companies
 produces around 77% of India's crude and around 81% of its natural gas.
Performance Appraisal system
 Performance Appraisal is the systematic evaluation of the performance
of employees and to understand the abilities of a person for further
growth and development. Performance appraisal is generally done in
systematic ways which are as follows:
 The supervisors measure the pay of employees and compare it with
targets and plans.
 The supervisor analyses the factors behind work performances of
 The employers are in position to guide the employees for a better
 To maintain records in order to determine compensation packages,
wage structure, salaries raises, etc.
 To judge the gap between the actual and desired performance.
Literature review
 Peter & david(2016) The impact of performance appraisal on organizational
performance and to find out the moderating effect of organizational commitment
on the relationship between performance appraisal and organizational
performance it was found that performance appraisal had a significant effect on
organizational performance. The study further showed that affective
commitment, continuance commitment and normative commitment moderated
the relationship between performance appraisal and organizational performance.

 Lamesa(2017) The findings indicate that there is positive and significant

relationship between PAS and employee motivation. On the basis of the
findings, appropriate recommendations along with implications for further
research have been forwarded
Literature Gape
 Performance appraisal is a method of evaluating the behavior of
employees in the work spot, normally including both quantitative
and qualitative aspects of job performance. It is a systematic and
objective way of evaluating both work-related behavior and
potential of employees. It is a process that involves determining
and communicating to an employee how the job is done and
ideally establishing a plant of improvement. There are numbers of
researches have been done on performance appraisal. In various
areas in different organization. But there is no research done in
specifically ONGC- Mehsana KDMBhavan on performance
appraisal .I found that it is require to do research on performance
appraisal so I am conducting the research
Research Objective
 To study the Performance Appraisal System undertaken by ONGC Ltd,

 To study the techniques of Performance Appraisal followed in ONGC Ltd,
 To study how the employees are rated against these parameters.
 To study satisfaction level of ONGC employee.
 To study the employee awareness Towards performance management
Research Methodology
Type of Research : Basic Research
 Research Design: Descriptive Research Design
 Sources of data:
1. Primary source - Questionnaire
2. Secondary sources - journals, research papers, various websites and reports
Population Definition: All The employee’s Of ONGC Mehsana.
Technique: Non-probability sampling technique (convenience technique)
Sample Size: 100
Research Instrument: Questionnaire with open ended and close ended questions
Table1:Since How many years you have been working with
this organization?
Experience( Frequenc Percentag
Years) y e
0-5 28 28

5-10 12 12

10-15 27 27

More Than 33 33

Total 100 100

Table 2: Do You Think Performance Management System Is Clearly
Defined In The Organization

Particular Frequency Percentage

Yes 72 72

No 28 28

Total 100 100

Table3:Which Method Of Performance Appraisal Is Used In
Your Organization?

Sr. Performance Frequency Percentage

No Appraisal Methods

1 Ranking method 0 0

2 Self appraisal method 100 100

3 360 Degree Appraisal 0 0

4 Graphic Rating Scales 0 0

5 Management By 0 0

6 180 Degree Appraisal 0 0

Table 4: How Performance Appraisal Should Be Carried Out?

Time Period Frequency Percentage

Monthly 0 0

Quarterly 65 65

Half – Yearly 0 0

Annually 35 35

Total 100 100

Table 5:Are You Satisfied With The Existing Performance Management

Particular Frequency Percentage

YES 89 89

NO 11 11

Total 100 100

Table 6:Do You Receive Any Increment In Your Salary After
Performance Appraisal?

Particular Frequency TOTAL

YES 80 80

NO 20 20
Total 100 100
Reliability Analysis
Cronbach’ alpha No of item

0.868 12
Means Score Analysis:
No Factor Mean Output

1 All The Factor Facilitating And Hindering Performance Are Taken Into Consideration While 2.21 Agree
Appraising The Performance.
Performance Evaluation Are Mutually Decided Goals 2.09 Agree
Performance Management System Helps People Set And Achieve Meaningful Goals. 2.11 Agree
You Are Satisfied With The Weightages Given Against Each Activity That You Are Supposed 2.27 Agree
4 To Perform In The Specified Period By PMS
Does Performance Of Employee Improve Due To Current Performance Management System. 2.22 Agree
Promotions Are Strictly Based On Performance Management System 2.40 Agree
Your Leadership And Interpersonal Skills Are Developed Due To Performance Management 2.40 Agree
7 System.
Your Job Description Clearly Defines KRA’s On Which Your Performance Is Rated 2.07 Agree
Performance Appraisal Helps To Provide An Atmosphere Where All Are Encouraged To Share 2.06 Agree
9 One Another Burden
Performance Appraisal Give Constructive Criticism In A Friendly And Positive Manner 2.20 Agree
The PMS Implemented In Your Organization Create A Participative Environment 2.02 Agree
Performance Appraisal Improve Motivation And Job Satisfaction 2.18 Agree
 The concept of performance appraisal system is used in many
organization; people have accepted it and understood the importance
in the organization
 In the organization employee are aware about the performance
appraisal system.
 Many Employees are satisfied with the current system and they don’t
want to change this system.
 Many employees are agreeing that that all the factor are consideration
while appraising the performance.
 Performance appraisal systems are Improve Motivation and Job
Satisfaction of employee.
 The job and responsibility expected from the employees should be
decided well in advance and that too with the consensus with them.
 The time period for conducting the appraisal should be revised, so that
the exercise becomes a continuous phenomenon.
 Training should be given to average or below average performer.
 The oil and gas sector is among the eight core industries in India and
plays a major role in influencing decision making for all the other
important sections of the economy.
 As of April 1 2019, the oil refining capacity of India stood at 249.4
million tonnes, making it the second largest refiner in Asia.
 ONGC is one of the largest Asia-based oil and gas exploration and
production companies and produces around 77% of India's crude
oil(equivalent to around 30% of the country's total demand) and around
81% of its natural gas.
 It is concluded from the survey that employees are aware about the
performance management system and many people are satisfied with
the current system and don’t want to change the current system.
Creating a trust amongst employee about performance review
techniques and maintaining good relationship with employees for
improving their performance and accomplishing goals and objectives of
the organization should be taken care of.
Landmark Legal Decisions
 Many court battles are fought because of
discrimination in the workplace
 Example: Rountree v. Department of Agriculture
 Example: Hopkins v. Price-Waterhouse
 Performance evaluation is often at the center of
these disputes
 I/O psychologists ensure the evaluation process
is fair and help companies avoid these kinds of
legal problems
Evaluating Work Performance
 Identify tasks performed of the job

 Develop performance standards

 Train supervisors to:

 observe/evaluate performance accurately
 focus on only job-relevant issues
 Study why and how rating errors happen

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