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BANAYOS, Angela Michelle P.

English Instructor
“A man’s character may be
learned from the adjectives
which he habitually uses in
-Mark Twain
“gender is a social variable that could account
for language & communication differences.” -
women = indirect, apologetic, sensitive,
into rapport-talk & advice-seeking
men = assertive, dominant, power & status-
oriented, info-oriented
inclined to report talk
regardless of gender, characterized as
feminine/masculine depending on personality.
What are the challenges that
gender differences in
communication bring?
digital natives
someone is talking to you while
he/she is texting or on a computer.
Hundo P
‘a 100%’; showing support & approval
JOMO (Joy Of Missing Out)
from FOMO; missing something that
was lame in the first place
Sorry not sorry
fake apologies; a little sorry but
making fun of the idea of being apologetic
when it is not deserved.
I can’t even
losing patience; is at loss for words;
annoyed about something
The struggle is real
annoyed; with though problem/real
On fleek
origin: eyebrows
on point; something well executed &
worthy of acknowledgement
bail on something – leave because
something is lame
significant other; Before Anyone Else;
perfect; agreement to a plan
Just Kidding
It Me
it’s me; agreement or self
pretty as in ‘pretty excited’
To Be Honest; followed by a joke or a
more sincere comment
eliminate the cultural differences
retain some cultural uniqueness and to
transform the existing dominant
structures so that there is less hierarchy
Rejects the dominant society and
organizations, and individuals attempt to
join similar co-cultural group members to
form organization

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