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Our fish supply from the sea becomes scarcer

as more fishermen go to the sea to fish. Also, water

pollution from wrong agricultural practices
contributes to fish scarcity in almost all fishing
grounds in the world. Another factor that brought
about the decrease of marine life is the habit of
nonselective fishing that means even small fishes
are harvested.
Raising fish species within a controlled
environment increase the supply of fish for human
consumption. This practice was brought about by
the increasing demand for fish due to the rapid
increase in population and decreasing supplies of
1. Milk fish is a bright and silver-colored fish
species that can be raised in brackish or saltwater
ponds and also in marine water fish pens. Milkfish
farming in the Philippines started about four to six
centuries ago
In 1970s, investments have been made
to do extensive research and
development of infrastructure for
modern milkfish farming.
2. Tilapia is a species of fish that can be
raised in farm cultured ponds. This type of fish
is usually grown in freshwater and its culture
started in the 1970s in Laguna de Bay. The
fingerlings are produced commercially and
distributed y private operators to many fish
farmers in different regions.
3. Catfish is a type of fish that has a
large head and long thin parts that look
like a cat’s whiskers around its mouth.
This type of fish has the ability to live
for a long time out of water like during
4.Carp is one of the most farmed fish out of
the many ornamental fish species.
• Fish, whether fresh or preserved, provide protein
in the diet of people.
• Fish is also a source of income in terms of
• Fish can also be a source of food for poultry

With the Filipinos’ initiative coupled with patience

and perseverance, livestock or animal raising
remains a rewarding and sustainable business

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