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An analytical exposition is a type of spoken or
written text that elaborates the writer’s idea
about the phenomenon surrounding. Its social
function to persuade the readers or listeners that
the idea is important matter.
The purposes of the Analytical Exposition
 To persuade the readers or listeners that
something is the case by presenting
 To analyze or explain ‘how’ and ‘why’
This type of text can be found :
 Scientific books
 Journals
 Magazines
 Newspapers articles
 Academic speech or lectures
 Research report
Analytical expositions are popular among
science, academic community and
educated people.
The text organization of analytical exposition
- A thesis
Introducing the topic and indicating
speaker / writer’s position.
- Argument 1
Explaining the argument to support the
writer’s position.
- Argument 2
Explaining the other arguments to support
more on the writer’s position, etc.
Reiteration / conclusion
Restating the speaker / writer’s position.
 Emotive words (e.g. : alarmed, worried)
 Word that qualify statements (e.g.: usual,
 Word that link arguments (e.g. : firstly,
however, on the other hand, therefore )
 the use of the present tense
 The use of compound and complex
Do you know if you are too fat. You may have serious
problems with your health? A group of doctors wrote a thesis
report about some of the effects of too much fat.
One important effect is on the heart. If you are fat,
your heart has to work harder. This may lead to a heart
attack; or it may lead to other heart problem.
In addition, extra fat can also change the amount of argum
sugar in your blood. This can cause serious disease ents
such as diabetes.
Furthermore high blood pressure is another
possible result of being fat.
More studies are needed about all these problems.
But one thing is clear, extra fat may make your life
 The Importance of English Language (Title)
 I personally think that English is the world’s most important
language.Why do I say that? (Thesis)
 Firstly, English is an international language. It is spoken by many
people all over the world, either as a first or second language.
 Secondly, English is also the key which opens doors to scientific
and technical knowledge, which is needed for the economic and
politics development of many countries in the world.
 Thirdly, English is a top requirement of those seeking jobs.
Applicants who master either active or passive English are more
favorable than those who don’t.
 From the facts above, it is obvious that everybody needs to learn
English to greet the global era. (Reiteration / conclusion)
 (Adapted from Student Book For SMA, Balai Pustaka)
 Title
The Importance of Internet
 Thesis
 …………………………………………………………
 Argument 1
 …………………………………………………………..
 Argument 2
 …………………………………………………………..
 Argument 3
 …………………………………………………………
 Reiteration / Conclusion
 …………………………………………………………..
 1. know
 2. create
 3. cause
 4. Deaths
 5. contribute
 6. emit
 7 bronchitis
 8. asthma
 9. die
 10. secondly
 11. pedestrians
 12. biggest
 13. on roads
 14. conclusion
 15. above
 Decide in which paragraph you can find the following
1. The economic purposes are used for
2. The percentage of the world’s food supplies which originate in
rainforests areas
3. Fruits originated in rainforests
4. Activity that people take part in rainforests
5. Sickness and diseases which are treated with medicines from
the rainforest
6. Industrial products that originate from the rainforests
7. Daily products which are produced from plants growing in
rainforest areas
8. The area of rainforests which are being destroyed each year for
economic purposes

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