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Documenting Literacy

as Part of Situated
Social Practice
Prepared by:
Frianeza Emalyn M.
Activity 1: Documenting A Literacy
 Observe one literacy event .
 For something to qualify as literacy event
there must be a written text and at least one
person involved.
 Notice the interactions, the visual
environment, the texts that are involved
and those that are visible in the surroundings.
 Take written notes of what you have
 Write a short account of what you have
found out to discuss with others.
The overall context in which
literacy is being used and considers:
 Participants
 Activities
 Settings
- who is involved in an
interaction with a written text.
- what participants do with
text ( and this is not just reading
or writing, it can be displaying it,
passing it on to others, hiding or
even erasing it).
- where they do it
physically – in the kitchen, on
the bus.
- the different areas of social
life, such as family/ household,
community/ public, life/ citizenship,
workplace, education, commerce,
religion, dealing with public
- these might be cognitive
skills and knowledge, they might
also be paper, a wall or other
surface to write on, a computer, a

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