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and tooth
Sweta chaurasia
Jr 2
 Introduction
 Approach to study tooth movement
 Basic mechanical concept
 Basic concept of biomechanics
 center of mass, gravity, resistance, rotation
 force
 moment
 moment of force
 moment of couple
 moment to force ratio
 Concept of static equillibrium
 Optimal force system
 Factors controling optimal force
 common force systems produced by orthodontic
 Biomechanical classification of
orthodontic appliance system
 Conclusion
 Bibliography

 Orthodontic
problems are the result of
mechanical forces, and their correction
depends on mechanical forces.

 Thusunderstanding of the fundamentals

of mechanics must be the starting point
for understanding orthodontics

 Mechanics is the branch of physics

concerned with the behavior of
physical bodies when subjected to
forces or displacements, and the
subsequent effect of the bodies on
their environment
Branch of mechanics
study of factors associated with non
moving system

Study of factors associated with system in
motion such as moving car or a plane
 When the knowledge and methods of
mechanics are applied to the structure
and function of living system

 E.g-
a tooth and its surrounding oral
architechture it is called as Biomechanics
Approach to study tooth

Describe the tooth movement or
associated skeletal structure in numerical
 E.g- 3mm of canine retraction
15 degree of incisor flaring

 Describe the type or nature of tooth

 E.g- tipping and translation

 Predominant method used by

orthodontist to describe tooth movement
Basic mechanical concepts

 System
 Frame of reference

 It
is a body or a group of bodies or object
Whose motion is to be examined
 Eg- a tooth
With in which a system’s movement takes

Eg tooth movement irt stable structure

Eg- intrution of incisor
Establishing a frame of

 Thesimplest way of identifying direction of

tooth movement is to creat planes or axis
of measurement according to the
relationship of teeth to the ground
Planes or axis of measurement
 X AXIS- // to the ground
 Directed forward and
 Forward – (+)
 Backward-(-)

 Y-AXIS- // to the ground

,perpendicular to to xaxis
 Left direction- (+)
 Right direction –(-)

 Z-AXIS-perpendicular to x and
y axis
 Upward direction (+)
 Downward direction (-)
 Measure of push or pull on an object
 An act that causes or tends to cause a
change in motion or shape of an object
or body

 Unit = newton
= gm ( orthodontics)
 1N = 101.9 (102) gm
Properties of force
stoner’s 4 D

1. Degree
2. Distribution
3. Direction
4. Duration

 Optimal Force: Force magnitude

associated with desired tooth movement
with maximum rate and causing only
minimal interference with normal
biological activity and patient comfort.

 Schwarz (1932) - (20 – 26 gm/cm2)

Type of Tooth Movement force (gm)

Tipping 35-60

Translation 70-120

Root uprighting 50-100

Rotation 35-60

Extrusion 35-60

Intrusion 10-20

 Referes to the point of application of
 Ie where the force is applied on the body
or system receiving it
 Eg –at the center

 Describethe way the force is being

applied or its orientation to the object

 Eg -forward

 Amount of time for which the force is

Continous force is one in which the force
levels do not fall to zero in between
Intermittent force in which force level falls
abruptly to zero in between appointments
e.g. functional, removable, extraoral forces
Interrupted force is one in which force
levels declines to zero between
Effect of two or more force on
a system
 Teeth are often acted upon by more than
one force
 The net effect of the multiple forces
acting on the teeth can be determined
by combining all of the force vectors
 c/a as vector addition or vector
Directional effect of force

 Often an occasion arises in which the

observed movement of a system or a single
force acting on a system will be analysed in
terms of identifying its component directions

 In such cases single vector quantity given is

divided in to two component
- horizontal
- vertical
 FH= F Cos
 FV= F Sin
Basic concept in

1. Center of mass

2. Center of gravity

1. Center of resistance

2. Center of rotation

3. Moment of force

4. Moment of couple

5. Moment to force ratio

Center of mass
 Each body has a point on its mass ,
which behaves as if the whole mass is
concentrated at that single point. We call
it the center of mass in a gravity free

 Center of mass of a free body is the point

through which an applied force must pass
to move it linearly without any rotation.
This center of mass is the free objects
“Balance Point”
2.Center of gravity
The same is called the centre of
gravity in an environment when gravity is
 Thecenter of gravity of the tooth is
located more towards the crown of the
tooth as the mass of the tooth is
concentrated more coronally
Center of resistance
 Since the tooth is partially restrained as its
root is embedded in bone its center of
gravity moves apically and this is known
as center of resistance
Root length &

Level of alveolar Center of

bone support resistance

Number of roots

Factors determining the center of resistance

Location of center of
Single-rooted tooth –
The center of resistance is on the long
axis of the tooth, between one third and
one half of the root length apical to the
alveolar crest.

multi-rooted tooth-
The center of resistance is probably between
the roots, 1 or 2 mm apical to the furcation.
(Burstone, 1980,81)

Center of resistance of 2 teeth

Center of resistance during anterior teeth retraction
and intrusion-
Center of resistance of 6 anterior teeth-
Situated on a projection line perpendicular to
the occlusal plane distal to the first premolar ≈ 7mm
apical to the interproximal bone.

Mark M Vanden Bulcke; location of the center of resistance for anterior teeth during
intrusion using laser reflaction techniqueAJO DO 90:211-220,1986

Mark M Vanden Bulcke; location of the center of resistance for anterior teeth during
retraction using laser reflaction techniqueAJO DO 91(5):375-384,1987
Center of resistance of 4 anterior teeth-
Situated on a projection line perpendicular
to the occlusal plane between the canines and
first premolars ≈ ≈ 5mm apical to the interproximal

Mark M Vanden Bulcke; location of the center of resistance for anterior teeth during
intrusion using laser reflaction techniqueAJO DO 90:211-220,1986

Mark M Vanden Bulcke; location of the center of resistance for anterior teeth during
retraction using laser reflaction techniqueAJO DO 91(5):375-384,1987
 Center of resistance of 2 anterior teeth-
Located on a projection line
parallel to the mid sagittal plane on a
point situated at the distal half of the
canines ≈ 3.5mm apical to the
interproximal bone.

Mark M Vanden Bulcke; location of the center of resistance for anterior teeth during intrusion using laser reflection
technique AJO DO 90:211-220,1986

Mark M Vanden Bulcke; location of the center of resistance for anterior teeth during retraction using laser
reflection technique AJO DO 91(5):375-384,1987

 Is defined as a tendency to rotate

Moment of force
 When a force is applied at
any point other than through
the center of resistance in
addition of moving the
center of resistance in
direction of the force , a
moment is created


 In case of tooth ,since it is embedded in
the alveolar bone we cannot apply force
directly on Cres,

 But can apply force on the exposed part

of the tooth ‘which is at a distance from
the Cres

 Thereforewith a single force we invariably

create a moment called as moment of

Magnitude of the Moment of


Mf = F x d F

A moment may be refered as

The direction of moment

The direction of the moment of a force can be

determined by continuing the line of action around
the center of resistance.
4.Center of Rotation –
It is defined as the point around which a body
appears to have rotated as determined from its
initial and final positions.
Determination of Crot
Take any two points on
the tooth and connect the
before and after positions
of each point with a line.
The intersection of the
perpendicular bisector of
these lines is the CRot.

Smith RJ, Burstone CJ: Mechanics of tooth movement. AJO 85:294-307,1984.

 Center of rotation could be at the center
of resistance ,apical or incisal to Cres or at

 Its
position will determine the type of tooth

Translation Infinity

Uncontrolled Tipping Slightly apical to Cres

Controlled Tipping Root Apex

Root Movement Incisal Edge

Pure Rotation At Cres

Moment of couple
 Twoequal and opposite, non colliear
forces are called a couple

 Couple consists of two forces of equal

magnitude, which are parallel to each
other but not coincident and they face in
opposite direction
The only system of forces that can produce pure
rotation of a tooth.
 Moment of a couple = Magnitude of one of the
force X  distance between them.
 Ifthe two forces of the couple act on opposite
side of the center of resistance their effect is
 Ifthe two forces of the couple act on the
same side of the center of resistance their
effect is substractive
Moment-to-Force ratio
The ratio of counter-balancing moment that
we apply to counteract the tipping and the
force we apply on the crown gives the moment
to force ratio (M:F)
 Theratio of the counter- balancing
moment to the force applied determines
the type of tooth displacement ,brought
about by the combined application of a
force and counter- balancing moment

 Asthe counter-balancing moment

increases the center of rotation moves
Uncontrolled Tipping

Movement of the root apex and crown in opposite direction

Crot – Between Cres and apex
Mc/F ratio = 0:1 to 5:1
Controlled Tipping

Movement of the crown only

Crot – At the root apex
Mc/F ratio 7:1

Bodily moment occurs

Crot – At infinity
Mc/F ratio 10:1

Root movement occurs with the crown being stationary

Crot – at the incisal edge or the bracket
Mc/F ratio 12:1 (Mc/MF>1)

Richard J. Smith: Mechanics of tooth movement: AJO 85(4):294-307,1984

Static equilibrium
 Newton’ s third law of states that with
every action there must be an equal and
opposite reaction
 Since an active orthodontic appliace in
the mouth does not move instantaneously

o The net force system produced by the

applaince as a whole must be zero
 To meet this

Σ Horizontal forces = 0
Σ Vertical forces = 0
Σ Transverse forces = 0
Σ Moments ( Horizontal axis )
Σ Moments ( Vertical axis )= 0
Σ Moments ( Transverse axis )
Optimal force system
 Accurately controls the tooth's center of
rotation during tooth movement,

 Produces optimal stress levels in the PDL,


 Maintains a relatively constant level of

stress as the tooth moves from one
position to the next.

Factors of optimal force system
(spring characteristics)

1. The M/F ratio

2. The load-deflection rate
3. The maximal load or moment of any component
of the appliance.


 Crown tipping, translation, and root

movement are examples of different
types of tooth movement that can be
produced with the proper M/F ratio.
Load-deflection rate
 By definition the load deflection rate gives the
force produced per unit activation.

 As the LDR declines for a tooth that is moving

under a continuous force, the change in force
value is reduced.
 For active members a
low LDR is desirable:

1. Maintains a more desirable

stress level in the PDL

2. offers greater accuracy in

controlling force
Variables for spring

 Mechanical properties of material

 Wire cross-section
 Wire length
 Amount of wire
 Direction/ manner of loading
Mechanical properties of
The ideal orthodontic wire for an active
member is one that gives a high maximal elastic
limits and a low load-deflection rate.

 The elastic behavior of any material is defined in

terms of its stress-strain response to an external load.

Stress is the internal Strain is the internal

distribution of the distortion produced by
load, defined as the load, defined as
force per unit area deflection per
unit length.
Effect of cross section of wires

In doubling the cross section

 Strength- 8 times stronger(I,e increased by

cubic function)
 Springiness- decreased by a factor of 16
(I,e decreased by 4th power function)
 Range- decreased by factor of 2(I,e it
decreased proportionately)
Effect of length of wire

If the length is doubled –

 Strength- decreased in half

 Springiness- increases by a factor of 8
 Range- increased by a factor of 4
Amount of wire

Additional length of wire-

decreases the LDR

increases the range

Can be incorporated
Direction of loading
 When a wire is bent stresses are built-up in the
material at the site of the bend


Loaded in same Loaded in the

direction of the bend opposite direction

Wire resist further

further Stress will distort
deformation the wire easily
Analysis of common force
systems produced by
orthodontic appliance
Bodily movement

Apply the force close Creat a 2nd moment

to the center of in the direction
resistance opposite to the first

Counter moment
Power arm

Practicaly difficulty Practically possible

Principle of counter
Principle of power arm
classification of orthodontic
appliance system
 Equaland opposite force system
 One couple appliance system
 Two couple appliance system
Equal and opposite force
 Involves
pushing two teeth apart with a
compressed coil spring
One couple appliance system
One end of the applaince experiences
couple and other end is tied as a point
Two couple appliance system

 Both
the ends of the appliace are
engaged in to attachments (brackets or
Bends in the archwire


changing the angulation of

the brackets
Bends in the wire
 Central V-Bend
 When an arch wire with
a central V-bend is
inserted in to brackets
on two teeth
 The angulation of the
wire produces two
equal and opposite
moments on either side
 No force is produced
 And since the moments
are equal and opposite
the system is in
Off center V-bend

 When an arch wire with

a V-bend is inserted into
brackets in such a way
that the V- bend is
closure to one tooth
than the other
 When this wire is engaged
in to the bracket the
greater angulation causes
a greater moment on the
tooth closer to the V-bend
and the smaller angulation
of the wire on the other
causes a smaller moment
in the opposite direction
 So in order to meet the
requirement of equilibrium
a counterclock moment is
generated on the
appliance as a result of an
intrusive force on the one
tooth and an equal and
opposite extrusive force
on the other tooth
Step bend
 if a wire with a step bend is
inserted in the brackets two
moments are produced
that are equal and in the
same direction

 An intrusive force is
generated on one end of
the appliance and equal
and opposite extrusive force
is exerted on the other end

 Such that they exert a

moment opposite to the
one being generated on
the two teeth

 Biomechanical considerations serve not

only to explain the effect of an
orthodontic appliance but also to detect
side effects of therapy and to assist in
planning strategies for the avoidance or
therapeutic exploitation of these side
 Efficient orthodontic treatment requires
that sound treatment plans be carried
with sound mechanical plans.
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17. Biomechanics in Orthodontics. Michael R. Marcotte,
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