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Group Members:

1. Rainal Anugrah P (03111942000015)

2. Hafidz Rahim (02211942000001)
3. Marsha Haya A (02111942000012)
4. Nadya Pratiwi C.A (03211942000020)
5. Farrel M. Akbar (032111942000010)
6. M. Hanif Budiman (02111942000002)
• The formation of the National Identity was closely
connected to the progress of nationalism which arose and
developed in the West.
• Principles of nationalism:
• Freedom/independence
• Unity
• Equality
• Needing one another, complementary, and closely connected to one another
• The innermost essence and content of the Indonesian National Identity is
• Pancasila is the Indonesian national identity. It is actualised in the worldview of the nation,
the national identity, the philosophy of Pancasila, the structuring of the nation’s
administration and as State Ideologi
• ‘Identity’ is the characteristics of a person, a thing that distinguish him/her/it from
other persons/ things.
• Nationality is a character attached to people
who are bound constitutionally by physical or non physical similarities in a certain
National identity is a person's identity or sense of belonging to one state or to
one nation. It is the sense of a nation as a cohesive whole, as represented by
distinctive traditions, culture, language and politics.
Why we need a national identity ?
• Unite the nation
National identity is used as a brand to unite indonesia’s diversity.
• As a differentiator with other nations
The existence of a national identity will be more specificly differentiator.
• Foundation of the nation
For an overview of the potential and capabilities possessed by the country.
The Examples of National Identity
• The National Language: Indonesian
• The State’s Flag: the Red and White
• The National Anthem: Indonesia Raya
• The National Emblem: Pancasila
• The National Motto: Bhinneka Tunggal Ika
• The State’s Constitution: the UUD 1945
• The State’s form: the Unitarian State of the Republic of Indonesia embodying the people’s
• The Conception of the Nusantara Worldview
• The regional cultures accepted as the National Cultural Heritage

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