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Departemen Epidemiologi FKM UNAIR
16 OCTOBER 2018
Biological Markers
A biological marker is a measurable indicator that can tell
us something about a person’s health or disease state, for
• disease (pathological) processes in the body, for example, presence of disease,
disease stage, severity, organ function examination
• biological processes in the body (heart rate, blood pressure, temperature),
 aspect of health physically
• a person’s response to a treatment or medicine, susceptible or resistant?
• or a psychological condition.
Biomarkers can be characteristic biological properties or
molecules that can be detected and measured in parts of
the body like the blood or tissue  normal or diseased
Biomarkers can be specific cells, molecules, or genes, gene
products, enzymes, or hormones. Or complex organ
functions or general characteristic changes.
Examples of Biomarkers
• Glucose levels that are used as a biomarker in managing diabetes

• Brain images such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) that can

provide information about the progression of Multiple Sclerosis.

• Biological substances such as enzymes, which may be found in

the blood or in tissue samples and are often used in cancer

• The presence of an Antigens or antibodies or a toxins.

• Genetic (DNA) changes.

• Medical images, or X-rays, such as CT scan.

Aims of Biomarker Use
1. Disease-related Biomarkers
(Diagnose of disease progression and monitor of treatment
given to individuals)
Biomarker research is helping to
• Improve how well we can predict a person’s risk of disease
• How a disease might progress once it is diagnosed
• How an individual will respond to a medicine
This will enable safer and more effective treatment decisions.
• Examples:
• Antigen or antibody is detected in persons or patients to diagnose they get infectious
• Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans of a patient’s brain can be used to monitor
the progress of the disease in Multiple Sclerosis.
• Blood sugar levels in a patient’s blood can be used to monitor if an individual is
responding to diabetes treatment.
Aims of Biomarker Use
2. Drug-related Biomarkers
(Improving the processes of medicines development)

• Clinical trials seek to measure patients’ responses to a

• If it is not possible to measure the response directly,
biomarkers may provide an alternative way of measuring an
outcome - they serve as surrogate endpoints.

• Many new biomarkers are being discovered and used
during the development of new medicines.

• “classic” biomarker in medicine is all laboratory

parameter that the doctor can use to help make
decisions in making a diagnosis and selecting a course
of treatment.

• “new” biomarker have become the basis for

preventive medicine.

• Many of these use:

• genomics (analyses of changes occurring at the gene level),
• proteomics (analyses of changes on the protein level),
• and/or metabolomics (analyses of differences in chemical molecules that
play an important role in body and cell function).

• Setiap tahun lebih dari 1,4 juta anak di dunia meninggal karena berbagai
penyakit yang sebenarnya dapat dicegah dengan imunisasi.
• Imunisasi adalah suatu upaya untuk menimbulkan/meningkatkan kekebalan
seseorang secara aktif terhadap suatu penyakit, sehingga bila suatu saat
terpapar dengan penyakit tersebut tidak akan sakit atau hanya mengalami
sakit ringan.
• Beberapa penyakit menular yang termasuk ke dalam Penyakit yang Dapat
Dicegah dengan Imunisasi (PD3I) antara lain: TBC, Difteri, Tetanus, Hepatitis
B, Pertusis, Campak, Polio, radang selaput otak, dan radang paru-paru.
• Anak yang telah diberi imunisasi akan terlindungi dari berbagai penyakit
berbahaya tersebut, yang dapat menimbulkan kecacatan atau kematian.
• Program imunisasi merupakan salah satu upaya untuk melindungi
penduduk terhadap penyakit tertentu. Program imunisasi diberikan kepada
populasi yang dianggap rentan terjangkit penyakit menular, yaitu bayi,
balita, anak-anak, wanita usia subur, dan ibu hamil.
• setiap bayi wajib mendapatkan imunisasi dasar Lengkap yang terdiri dari : 1
dosis BCG, 3 dosis DPT-HB dan atau DPT-HB-Hib, 4 dosis polio, dan 1 dosis
I. Pendahuluan PD3I
 Program Imunisasi di dunia di mulai akhir tahun 1960an dengan
vaksinasi Cacar dan Dunia bebas dari Cacar tahun 1970an
 EPI program di Indonesia di mulai tahun 1975
 Polio eradikasi akan mengikuti eradikasi cacar memerlukan waktu
lebih lama (1995- sekarang: exit Strategy)
 MNTE (Maternal Neonatal Tetanus Elimination) Mei 2017
 Eliminasi Campak dan kontrol Rubella pada tahun 2020
 New Vaccine Introduction (Hib-B, Rubella, Kolera, Dengue, JE, dll)
 Immunization Gap dan akibat Cakupan yang kurang (Pocket spot
 Efek Samping/Adverse Event (KIPI)
 KLB Difteri di 26 Provinsi dan Campak di Papua ?
II. Literature
Herd Immunity (Efek Individu Vs Efek Populasi)


Efek Individu
Efek Herd Immunity

 Surveilans PD3I sangat diperlukan untuk melihat apakah terjadi

penurunan tingkat Morbiditas dan Mortalitas
Outbreak Campak Saat Cakupan Imunisasi menurun
Association Between Vaccine Refusal and Epidemiological update: Measles - monitoring
Vaccine-Preventable Diseases in the United European outbreaks, 7 July
States 2017
epidemiological update
A Review of Measles and Pertussis 7 Jul 2017
Varun K. Phadke, MD, Robert A. Bednarczyk, MS, PhD, Daniel A. Salmon, MPH, PhD, and Twitter Facebook Linked In Mail
Saad B. Omer, MBBS, MPH, PhD
Romania has been experiencing a large outbreak of measles since February 2016. Cases continue to be reported
despite ongoing response measures implemented at national level through reinforced vaccination activities.
EVIDENCE REVIEW Between 1 January 2016 and 30 June 2017, Romania reported 7 491 measles cases, including 31 deaths. In
2016, several other EU/EEA countries reported measles outbreaks and an increase in the number of cases
Search of PubMed through November 30, 2015, for reports of US measles outbreaks that continues to be observed in 2017. Some previous and ongoing measles outbreaks in other EU/EEA countries have
have occurred since measles was declared eliminated in the United States (after January 1, been epidemiologically linked to the current outbreak in Romania. Overall, more than
2000), endemic and epidemic pertussis since the lowest point in US pertussis incidence (after 14 000 cases have been reported in the EU/EEA since January 2016, including 35 deaths.
January 1, 1977), and for studies that assessed disease risk in the context of vaccine delay or
Epidemiological update: Measles -
monitoring European outbreaks, 7 July
We identified 18 published measles studies (9 annual summaries and 9 outbreak reports),
which described 1416 measles cases (individual age range, 2 weeks-84 years; 178 cases younger 2017
than 12 months) and more than half (56.8%) had no history of measles vaccination. Of the 970
measles cases with detailed vaccination data, 574 cases were unvaccinated despite being vaccine epidemiological update
7 Jul 2017
eligible and 405 (70.6%) of these had nonmedical exemptions (eg, exemptions for religious or Twitter Facebook Linked In Mail
philosophical reasons, as opposed to medical contraindications; 41.8%of
total). Among 32 reports of pertussis outbreaks, which included 10 609 individuals for whom Romania has been experiencing a large outbreak of measles since February 2016. Cases continue to be reported
vaccination status was reported (age range, 10 days-87 years), the 5 largest statewide epidemics despite ongoing response measures implemented at national level through reinforced vaccination activities.
had substantial proportions (range, 24%–45%) of unvaccinated or undervaccinated individuals. Between 1 January 2016 and 30 June 2017, Romania reported 7 491 measles cases, including 31 deaths. In
However, several pertussis outbreaks also occurred in highly vaccinated populations, indicating 2016, several other EU/EEA countries reported measles outbreaks and an increase in the number of cases
waning immunity. Nine reports (describing 12 outbreaks) provided continues to be observed in 2017. Some previous and ongoing measles outbreaks in other EU/EEA countries have
detailed vaccination data on unimmunized cases; among 8 of these outbreaks from been epidemiologically linked to the current outbreak in Romania. Overall, more than
14 000 cases have been reported in the EU/EEA since January 2016, including 35 deaths.
59%through 93%of unvaccinated individuals were intentionally unvaccinated.
Immunitas akibat vaksinasi

Perlu memperhatikan umur saat imunisasi, frequensi pemberian imunisasi dan dosis
ulangan untuk mempertahankan herd immunity

0 Hepatitis B (< 24 jam)

2 DPT/HepB/Hib1, OPV2, PCV1*
3 DPT/HepB/Hib2, OPV3, PCV2*
4 DPT/HepB/Hib3, OPV4, IPV
9 MR, JE*
12 PCV3*
18 DPT/HepB/Hib4, MR


-MR Td
* hanya di Prov/Kab/Kota Terpilih
*MR secara nasional, 2017 di P. Jawa, 2018 di luar P. Jawa
*PCV di Lombok Barat dan Timur (2017)
*JE di Bali (2018)
*HPV di DKI, DIY dan Surabaya (2017) serta Kota Manado dan
Makassar pada tahun 2018
1 SD 2 SD 3 SD 5 SD 6 SD

Permenkes No 12/2017
Konsep Cakupan dan Mutu pelayanan Imunisasi

Partisipasi Masyarakat Managemen dan Kualitas

pelayanan Perencanaan

Cakupan dan Tingkat
• PD3I
• Faktor Risiko

Tingkat Morbiditas dan /Evaluasi
Mortalitas PD3I
1. Kondisi Cakupan Saat ini
Routine Immunization of BCG Routine Immunization of DPT3/DPT-HB3/DPT-
Coverage in Indonesia, 2006-2017 HB-Hib3 Coverage in Indonesia, 2006-2017
Cakupan Imunisasi Dasar Lengkap, Indonesia, 2015-2017


Tidak Lapor Cakupan

<80% Cakupan 80% -

Cakupan ≥92%

Tidak Lapor

Cakupan <80%

Cakupan 80% - <91,5%


Belum lapor
Source : Ditjen P2P 80%- <91%
Mempertahankan herd immunity Secara
Drop Out Rate Cakupan Immunisasi Anak sekolah
DTP1-D TP3 DTP1-measles

13 14,3

3,7 4,3
2 2,7 1,4

Pesel Padang Lotim Mataram HST Banjarmasin

Cakupan Survei dan Laporan Campak

Dosis Kedua
Survei Laporan Survei Laporan Survei Laporan Survei Laporan
Pidie Aceh Jaya Bantaeng Palopo

Campak I Campak II
17 Tingkat Immunitas pada Anak Balitas dengan Immunisasi Lengkap

Tingkat proteksi yang

diukur dengan Titer
Antibodi < dari studi
systematic review

• Perlu dosis kedua utk Difteri, pertusis dan Tetanus serta HBv
• Ada penyakit atau kondisi balita yg berhubungan dgn
Imune respons (gizi, minum obat2an, dll)
Countries with highest number of unvaccinated
2. Alasan Anak Tidak Diimunisasi

Takul Keluarga Pelayanan Ibu tidak

Ibu Sibuk Anak Sakit
Demam Menolak Jauh Tahu ttg

Source : RISKESDAS 2013 Basic Health Survey

Linking serosurveys to
immunization coverage
Serosurvey :Serologic biomarker of
vaccination for survey immunity level
• A biological indicator directly associated with the
vaccination history that could be assessed
objectively by the survey
- visual biomarkers (vaccine-induced scarring)
- Serologic biomarkers (antibody to a vaccine
Considerations for use of biomarkers to classify
vaccination history
 Vaccine effectiveness (e.g. measles 85% at 9 months)
 Type of vaccine and duration of immunity
 Live-attenuated — long immunity
 Non-replicative — shorter immunity, multiple doses required
 Interval since vaccination (waning immunity)
 Limited ability to discriminate receipt of multiple doses
 Or RI vs. SIA doses
 Likelihood of exposure to natural infection
 Not relevant for tetanus
 Can discern hepatitis B infection from vaccination with HBsAg
 Misclassification error (sensitivity, specificity, PVP, PVN)
Serosurvey Data
• Provide information on population immunity that is
complementary to vaccination coverage survey
• May be used to guide policy/strategy, from vaccine
introduction to verification of disease elimination
Vaccination coverage survey vs. serosurvey
 Vaccination coverage survey ≈ population that received
vaccine dose(s)
 Serosurvey ≈ population immunity
 When representative of population, both:
 Monitor immunization program performance if repeated
at regular intervals
 Provide complementary information useful to the
Pros and cons of vaccination coverage
surveys vs. serosurveys
Vaccination Coverage Serology

Pros  Relatively low cost  Objective biological measure

 Discern RI vs. SIA doses  Better marker of disease risk
 Identify missed  Useful for older children and
opportunities adults (history unreliable)

Cons  Recall bias (unless high  Can’t discern vaccination vs.

rate of documentation) natural infection (most diseases)
 Can’t measure disease  Can’t measure cell mediated
immunity immune response
 Requires high technical capacity
 Relatively high cost
Levels of tetanus antibodies among women aged
15–39 years, Cambodia
Antibody level
Estimated % of women

80 (IU/ml)
60 protection
0.1–0.9 Seroprotection
20 <0.01 No protection






Age (years)
Impact of Hib vaccine introduction on invasive
Hib disease in infants, Bamako, Mali

 Invasive Hib cases/105 infants per 6-month


36-month 12-month 23-month Intervention Period,

Baseline Transition 7-06 to 5-08
Period, Period,
7-02 7-05 to 6-06
to 6-05
S Sow et al 2009
Prevalence of serum Hib PRP antibodies in Malian
infants 6-7 months of age before and 18 & 30
months after the introduction of Hib conjugate
into the EPI for Malian infants
80.00% antibody
70.00% levels:
0.15 mcg/ml
40.00% 1.00 mcg/ml
Baseline 18 mos. 30 mos. S Sow et al,
N=200 N=201 N=200 AJTMH 2009
Serum PRN measles antibody titers in Malian infants of
different ages, demonstrating the “window of vulnerability”
and the response to measles vaccine

M Tapia et al. AmJTMH 2005

Some explanations for “immunization failures”
& other discrepancies
• Defective cold chain
• Immunogenicity of the vaccine
• Even in industrialized countries, ~ 2-3% of
children who receive their 1st measles
vaccination do not develop PRN antibodies
• Residual maternal antibodies interfere with
infant immune response (measles)
• Child responds immunologically but titer is
below the protective “cut-off”
• Transcriptional errors
5. Manajemen Efektivitas Vaksin

Vaccine arrival (E1) : Hanya dinilai pada level


Manajemen Efektivitas Vaksin di tingkat Nasional hampir sempurna di tingkat provinsi masih
5. Manajemen Efektivitas Vaksin


Vaccine arrival (E1) : Hanya dinilai pada level

Nasional Vaccine arrival (E1) : Hanya dinilai pada level

Manajemen Efektivitas Vaksin di tingkat kabupaten dan Puskesmas masih kurang

Serosurveys linked to immunization coverage surveys in 3
districts (woredas) in Ethiopia
Age size in Tetanus Measles Hib PRP
group each Antitoxin Antibody Antibody

12-23 300
Yes Yes -

6-8* 100
* This age group has not historically been used to assess immunization
CVD has shown the utility of documenting high titers of Hib antibodies as
evidence of receipt of pentavalent vaccine.
3 collaborating teams: JSI (coverage survey); Ethiopian Public Health Institute
(serosurvey) CVD, U of Maryland (serosurvey and reference laboratory)
Hintalo Wajerate: pentavalent vaccine doses and tetanus
antitoxin in toddlers 12-23 mos. of age
No. (%) of toddlers
Toddlers with Coverage GMT,
with tetanus
Survey record of tetanus
antitoxin titers
pentavalent vaccine@ antitoxin
> 0.15 IU/ml
3 doses (217 toddlers) 0.95 IU/ml 209/217 (96%)
2 doses (16 toddlers) 0.85 IU/ml 14/16 (88%)
1 dose (5 toddlers) 0.75 IU/ml 4/5 (80%)
238 toddlers total 227/238 (95%)
@ ”CoverageSurvey record” indicates documentation of vaccination
by immunization card or EPI register.
Assaieta: pentavalent vaccine doses and tetanus antitoxin in
toddlers 12-23 months of age
No. (%) of toddlers
Toddlers with Coverage GMT,
with tetanus
Survey record of tetanus
antitoxin titers
pentavalent vaccine@ antitoxin
> 0.15 IU/ml
3 doses (57 toddlers) 0.89 IU/ml 52/57 (91%)
2 doses (9 toddlers) 0.22 IU/ml 6/9 (67%)
1 dose (15 toddlers) 0.04 IU/ml 6/15 (40%)
81 toddlers total 64/81 (79%)
@ ”Coverage Survey record” indicates documentation of
vaccination by immunization card or EPI register.
Pentavalent vaccine-3 in toddlers 12-23 mos. of age:
administrative coverage, coverage survey & serosurvey

Estimate Hintalo Arbegona Assaieta

Administrative (2013) 90% 86% 65%

JSI Coverage Survey:
229/263 103/251 72/215
(Vacc. Card+ EPI Register
(87%) (41%) (35%)
+ Maternal Recall)
Serosurvey: 244/263 151/251 114/215
Number (%) with tetanus
(93%) (54%) (46%)
antitoxin > 0.15 IU/ml
Hintalo Wajerate: pentavalent vaccine doses and PRP &
tetanus antibodies in infants age 6-8 mos.

No. (%) of infants with:

Coverage Survey record of
Penta vaccine@ PRP titers
> 1.0 mcg/ml
3 doses (43 infants) 38/43 (88%)
2 doses (15 infants) 8/15 (53%)
1 dose (12 infants) 3/12 (25%)
70 infants total 49/70 (70%)
@ ”Coverage survey record” indicates documentation of

vaccination by either immunization card or EPI register.

Dried Blood Spots (DBS) in serosurveys
Good spots Poor quality spots
Correlation between tetanus antitoxin titers in DBS eluates vs.
serum from toddlers age 12-23 months

Correlation between measles IgG antibody titers in DBS eluates vs.
serum from the same 60 adult subjects
Measuring antibody in
oral (crevicular) fluid
Correlation of tetanus antitoxin titers measured in serum
and oral fluid of 212 Malian subjects by IgG-ELISA


Tapia et al. Pediatr. Infect. Dis. J. 2006

Correlation of measles antibody titers in serum
measured by PRN and in oral fluid by IgG-ELISA


Vertical line = protection level 120 mIU; n=212

Correlation of measles antibodies measured by
IgG-ELISA in serum and in oral fluid (US adults)
Oral Fluid Measles Titer (mIU/ml)




10 r = 0.9281
P < 0.0001
n = 60
10 100 1000 10000 100000
Serum Measles Titer (mIU/ml)
Correlation of measles antibodies in serum and in
oral fluid measured by IgG-ELISA (children)


Vertical line = protection level 120 mIU; n=212

BD Veritor™ System: Serosurvey Kit

BD Veritor™ System Serosurvey Tool

30 Test Kit
For Use with Oral (Gum) Swab Specimens

•Unitized Tubes with Dispense Tips

Pre-filled with assay diluent

•Pur-Wrap foam swabs – 30 each individually wrapped

Swab Sample Processing :

Swab gums

Remove cap from unitized tube

Insert swab, swirl, remove swab

Attach dispense tip

Dispense three drops to sample well

Tetanus Antitoxin Kits used in field trials
in West Africa Read in 10 minutes
Using round filter papers

 Commercially available
 Each small circle collects 10 µl blood
 Easy to use in field (easy drying) and lab
 Prevents cross-contamination from sequential punching of filters without
proper washing

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