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• KIDNEY DIALYSIS is a life-saver for patients with end-stage renal disease. When the
kidneys can no longer clean waste products out of the body, dialysis can add years to a
person’s life expectancy and, for kidney transplant candidates, can help buy time until a
kidney transplant becomes available. However, most dialysis in the U.S. is hemodialysis,
which involves removing and cleansing the blood outside the body, and usually must be
performed in dialysis centers. Hemodialysis typically requires three visits a week that last
about four hours each. With the time and logistics demands, as well as the medical
requirements, patients in hemodialysis find it costly and very difficult, if not impossible to
live normal lives.
Dialysis has two main types hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. In
hemodialysis, an artificial kidney (hemodialyzer) is used to remove waste
and extra chemicals and fluid from your blood. LEGINBER is a alternative
organic medicine for hemodialysis. It helps to lower your blood sugar,
decrease creatinine, make clear and clean your kidney including your heart
by using this natural organic medicine.

• Lemon - contain a high amount of vitamin C, soluble fiber that give them a number of
health benefits. It can help also to cleanse and detoxify our kidneys
• Ginger - rich source of antioxidants including gingerols, shogaols, zingerones and other
ketone derivatives that can prevent diabetic kidney damage.
• Cucumber - known as pipino contains low-potassium which is good for people with
kidney disease.
• Water

1. Prepare all the ingredients. Make sure that the lemon, ginger and cucumber are all fresh and
2. Thinly slice the ingredients and infuse it with boiling water. This way helps speed up the
infusion process transferring the active ingredients into the liquid.
3. Take a glass pitcher. Avoid using plastic containers as it may transfer plastic chemicals on
your tea for a long period of time.
4. Let it sit at room temperature then serve. It can be served either hot or cold as the
revitalizing effects are the same just don’t leave it out for more than a few hours

• Lemon per kilo 380 x 50 = 3800

• Ginger per kilo 15 x 50 = 150
• Cucumber per kilo 15 x 50 = 150
• Plastic Bottle per piece 10 x 100 = 500
Overall, this product will only be needing 21,500 per batch

People who can’t afford to go to the hospital will be the benificiary to this product. Because
of it’s convinient price, this product will be an alternative for dialysis. This can help your
blood to decrease until it goes to a normal blood level and it can also clean you kidney. You
can assure that this product is safe to drink because all of the ingredients are 100% organic
so you will not be worried if you drink this Leginber medicine.

Antipuesto, Marie Ramos, Thianna Mae

Bandojo, John Marco Silva, Erika
Delos Reyes,Von Yap, Francess Bettina
Garcia, Alec
Jordan, Jucel Ann
Ortiz, Kenneth
Peña, Luisa Marie Joy
Ramirez, John Carlo

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