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A language course should progressively

cover useful language items, skills and

It is necessary to have list of useful items

to check the course.
Teacher should decide what leaning
goal of the task is.

Teacher should have regular goal-

directed tests.
6. The teaching of language items should take
account of the most favourable sequencing of
these items and should take account of when
the learners are most ready to learn them.

Teachability Hypothesis states the course of second

language development cannot be altered by factors
external to the learner.
Implications of this hypothesis for teaching and
curriculum design:

1. A course which does not present the items in

this sequence will result in teaching which
has little effect.

2. It is important to know what stage in the

sequence a learner is at because, to be
effective, teaching has to be directed at
the next stage.
7. The course should help the learners to
make most effective use of previous

state that first language has a major
effect on second language learning

There is plenty of evidence however that

aspects of the first language can help
Before reading this passage, look at the questions carefully, since
they will give you some clues about the subject matter.

1. What sort of activities can an Italian engage in when he goes to a

2. What buildings might you find around the square?
3. Which Italian cities are mentioned as famous for their squares?
4. Which square has fountains on either side of it?
La piazza
In Italia la piazza rappresenta una parte integrante della vita, e una
bella status o una bella fontana contribuiscono spesso alla sua
bellezza. Per un caffe, per un appuntamento, per una discussione o
per un po’ di
musica, un italiano va generalmente in piazza dove c’e spesso un
teatro famoso, un monumento, una status importante, un bar o un
ristorante con un’orchestra.
8. The items in a language course should be
sequenced so that items which are learned
together have a positive effect o each other for
learning, and so that interference effects are
Format and
1. As much as possible, the learners should
be interested and excited about learning the
language and the should come to value this

Motivation is a very
important determinant of
the amount of time,
involvement and effect that
learners give to learning.
Ways to attract them and involve
them in learning:

1. Make the subject matter of the lessons relevant and

interesting to them.
2. Give the learners some control and decision-making
over what they do.
3 Set tasks with clear outcomes and with a high possibility
of the learners completing them successfully.
4. Set many short achievement tests to encourage the
learners to work and
to show them that they can be successful learners.
5. Show the learners how to keep records of their progress
so that they can see their continuing success.
6. Help the learners become autonomous learners
(Crabbe, 1993; Cotterall, 2000)
7. Reward learners’ efforts through publication in a class
newsletter, through praise and through attention from
the teacher.
8. Use tasks that contain built-in challenges such as
competition, time pressure, memory and hidden puzzle-
like solutions (Nation, 1989a).
9. Encourage learners to set achievable and realistic
individual goals (Boon, 2007).
2. A course should include a roughly
even balance of the four main strands
of a language course

1. Meaning-focused input – through

listening and reading where the learners
attention is on the ideas and messages
conveyed by the language.
2. language- focused learning - through
attention to the sounds and spelling of the
language, direct vocabulary study,
grammar exercises and explanation.

3. Meaning – focused output- through

speaking and writing where the learners,
attention is on conveying ideas me
4. Fluency activities- developing
fluent use known language items
and features over the four skills of
listening, speaking, reading and

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