Past Simple Tense: Tiempo Verba Pasado Simple

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Tiempo verba Pasado Simple

• Expresa actions que ocurrieron y finalizaron en el

I traveled to USA last year.

My dad bought a new car yesterday.
• Affirmative (+)
Subject + verb (in past) + complement.
Tomás won a gold medal.

• Negative (–)
Subject + didn’t + verb (infinitive) + complement.
My brother didn’t work last night.

• Interrogative (?)
Did + subject + verb (infinitive) + complement?
Did you go to English class this morning?
• BE es un irregular verb, ya que tiene su propia forma en past.
• El verb BE no funciona igual al resto de los verbs.
– Trabaja por si solo y sin auxiliary verbs.
– Tiene dos formas en past: WAS y WERE.
• I, he, she, it  was
• you, we, they  were

I was in IPChile yesterday.

The students were worried about the test results.
Michael Jackson wasn’t a criminal.
The Nazi soldiers weren’t kind.
Was your father the owner of the company?
Were we at home when the storm started?
• En affirmative sentences el verb se debe transformar a past.
Antes de hacerlo, debemos conocer las dos clasificaciones:

1. Regular verbs:
– Son verbs a los que, para ser transformados a past, se les agrega
la terminación ED.
• Work  worked
• Live lived
• Cry  cried

2. Irregular verbs:
– Son verbs que cada uno tiene su forma en past, y se deben
aprender de memoria.
• Eat  ate
• Go  went
• Read  read
• Complete the sentences. Put the verb into the correct form, positive or

1. It was warm, so I __________ off my coat. (take)

2. The movie wasn’t very good. I __________ it very much. (enjoy)
3. I knew Sarah was very busy, so I __________ her. (disturb)
4. I was very tired, so I __________ the party early. (leave)
5. The bed was very uncomfortable. I __________ very well. (sleep)
6. The window was open and a bird __________ into the room. (fly)
7. The hotel wasn’t very expensive. It __________ very much. (cost)
8. I was in a hurry, so I __________ time to call you. (have)
9. It was hard carrying the bags. They __________ very heavy. (be)
• Read what Debbie says about a typical working day:
I usually get up at 7am and have a big breakfast. I walk to work,
which takes me about half an hour. I start work at 8:45. I never
have lunch. I finish work at 5pm. I am always tired when I get
home. I usually cook dinner a little later. I don’t usually go out. I
go to bed around 11pm and always sleep well.

• Yesterday was a typical working day for Debbie. Write what she did
or didn’t do yesterday:
1. She got up at 7am. 8. She ________ tired when she
2. She ________ a big breakfast. ________ home.
3. She ________ half an hour. 9. She ________ dinner a little late.
4. It ________ her half an hour to get to 10.She ________ out last night.
work. 11.She ________ to bed at 11pm.
5. She ________ work at 8:45. 12.She ________ well last night.
6. She ________ lunch.
7. She ________ work at 5pm.

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