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Sexuality Education

Comprehensive Sexuality
• is a curriculum-based process of teaching and
learning about the cognitive, emotional, physical
and social aspects of sexuality
• aims to equip children and young people with
knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that will
empower them to realize their health, well-being
and dignity
Comprehensive Sexuality
• Develop respectful social and sexual
• Consider how their choices affect their own well-
being and that of others; and understand and
ensure the protection of their rights throughout
their lives
Importance of Sex Education
• Clear misconceptions about relationships and
• Address the health and well-being of children
and young people
• Present sexuality with a positive approach
• Establish and accept the role and responsibility
of their own gender by acquiring the knowledge
of sex
Philippine Setting
• OVER a third of Filipinos aged 15 to 24 have
engaged in premarital sex (PMS), and a majority
of them do not use any form of protection,
according to data collated by the Philippine
Statistics Authority (PSA)
• 11% of the surveyed Filipino females 15 to 19
years old are already either mothers or 13.6%
have begun childbearing
Philippine Setting
• 35.5% of young male Filipinos and 28.7% of
young females have engaged in PMS
• 83.8% of young women and 73.4% of young
men did not use any form of protection during
their first PMS
• Around 43.1% of young males have read
pornographic materials
• Only 28.4% of young women have accessed
pornographic materials
Philippine Setting
• The majority, or 75.8%, of young men watched
pornographic movies and/or videos while,
among women, it is much lower at 38.1%
• Nearly a third of young men, or 26.4%, visit
sexually explicit web sites, while only 5.1% of
young women visit these web sites
• Over a third, or 34.5%, of young men said they
have sent or received sex videos through their
cell phones or the Internet
Philippine Setting
• About 500 teenage girls give birth in the
Philippines every day as more adolescents
engage in premarital sex, the Commission on
Population (POPCOM)
• Teenage pregnancy rate in the country declined
to 8.7 percent in 2017 from 10.2 percent in
2016, but the number still remains high
• One in three births (36 percent) in the
Philippines is either unwanted (16 percent) or
mistimed (20 percent), according to the results
of the 2008 National Demographic and Health
Survey (NDHS)

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