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What a Christian Must Look For In Music
]here is all sort of
music in the world
today. But the
question is what music
is appropriate for
Christians to listen to?

Even though each of

us has styles of music
or taste that we prefer
the Bible gives us what
we need to figure out
what we should have
in our music collection.


 ]here are 3 things in music we must
look at
1. ]he Music Itself
2. ]he Message Proclaimed
3. ]he Messengers Ɗ ]he Musicians
and Singers themselves
] c  
 We must realize that music was
originally created by God for His glory
and honor.
 ƏYou are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive
glory and honor and power,  


  Ɛ (Revelation 4:11, NIV)
 But like every good gift from God,
Satan had perverted it for his purpose.

 ]here is some music which is used to
exalt the world and themselves
 ƏWoe to those who rise early in the morning to
run after their drinksƕbut they have no regard
for the deeds of the LORD, no respect for the
work of his hands.Ɛ (Isaiah 5: 11-12, NIV)

 ]here is some music that is even used
in idol and demon worship.
 Ə]herefore, as soon as they heard the sound of
the horn, flute, zither, lyre, harp and all kinds of
music, all the peoples, nations and men of every
language fell down and worshipedƕƐ (Daniel 3:7,
 Music reflects what we find important
and what we feel and think.
 But does the music glorify the ƌworldƍ
separate from God?
 Why would we want to associate with
music that would glorify sinful
 We sometimes have two sets of music
for our life.
  ]he music we sing and enjoy at church but
would not want anyone outside of church to
know we listen to.
  ]he music we sing and enjoy in the ƌworldƍ
but would not want the pastor or other
Christians to hear.

 ƏIt is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine,

Ɛ (Romans 14:21,


Proof 32 April 11, 2006 Shot in the head
Overdose on cocaine and painkillers in
ODB 35 November 13, 2004 studio
Souljia Slim 25 November 26, 2003 Shot in the face and chest
Jam Master Jay 37 October 30, 2002 Shot in the head in his studio
Big Pun 28 February 7, 2000 Heart attack due to obesity
Notorious B.I.G. 24 March 9, 1997 Killed in Drive-by
Tupac 25 November 13, 1996 Killed in Drive-by
Eazy-E 31 March 26, 1995 A.I.D.S
Kurt Cobain 27 April 5, 1994 Suicide with a shotgun
John Lennon 40 December 8, 1980 Shot in Central Park
Sid Vicious 21 February 2, 1979 Heroin overdose
Elvis Presley 42 August 16, 1977 Heart attack on a toiliet
Jim Morrison 27 July 3, 1971 Heart attack
Jimi Hendrix 27 November 18, 1970 Choked on vomit while high
] c
 If the music has lyrics or a message
what is it saying?
  If the song has lyrics is it promoting Biblical
values and situations Christians can be
apart of.
] c
 Even if we are not going to do what the
message says we can become
excepting of what it says.
 If we accept evil then we lose the
ability to know what is evil and avoid
] c
 [re the singers/musicians the kind of
people a Christian should associate
 Does the singer respect their audience?
 Does the singer show respect when it
comes to God and those things which
are holy?
] [  c 

 Many Christians think that Rock or Rap

music is inherently evilƕ I do not
 ]here are many who do not like a style
of music and will find the worst who do
that music to say its evil.
 But we must be careful about the
message and musician because that is
how someone uses a style of music and
make it evil.

 Know yourself and how you respond to
certain types of music.
  ƏBut solid food is for the mature, who by
constant use trained themselves to
distinguish good and evil.Ɛ (Hebrews 5:14,
  If you know that listening to certain kinds
of music make you do sinful things then you
should listen to softer music.
 ]he bible teaches us that we are to be
ƌlightƍ and ƌsaltƍ to the world and not try
and imitate or conform to the it.
 ]he music we listen to is a direct
reflection on each of us.

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