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• Make a connection between architecture and
A • To develop a deeper understanding of
B structures.

C • The conviction that more collaboration
between architects and structures gives much
T more possibilities and is a right step to take to
develop complex architecture in the future.
Throughout the history, buildings has mostly been
designed and built by one person, the so called
Master-Builder. The Master-Builder was an architect,
engineer and constructor, all in one. When the
industrialization started, the constructions became
more and more complex, and the demands of the
Brief history

buildings increased. Material and instruments

developed with the technical development. This
made it harder for one person to know everything,
and to think about every factor in the constructing/
designing of a building or a bridge. The work was
divided between the architects, The many different
engineers, and the builder. With the distribution of
work came other problems. The greatest was
probably that the master builder with the supreme
knowledge of architecture as well as structure was
no more to formulate and think through staggering
works of art.
An architect works with drawings, models, images and above
all problem solving. An architect has to think both about
the big perspective as well to details. He has to think in
scale, proportions, rhythm, textual effects, lights, colour
and hearing of architecture. He has to understand solids
and cavities in architecture, emotions and how people
experience architecture. When an architect judges a
building its appearance is only one of several factors which
interest him. He studies plans, sections and elevations and

maintains that, if it is to be a good building, these must

harmonize with each other. Just what the architect means
by this is not easy to explain. Architecture is
not producing simply by adding plans and sections to
elevations. It is something else and something more. It is
impossible to explain precisely what it is - its limits are by no
means well defined.
Structure and architecture may be related in a wide variety of
ways ranging between the
extremes of complete domination of the architecture by the
structure to total disregard
of structural requirements in the determination of both the
form of a building and of its
aesthetic treatment. This infinite number of possibilities is
discussed here under six broad headings:

• Ornamentation Of Structure
• Structure As Ornament
• Structure As Architecture
• Structure As Form Generator
• Structure Accepted
• Structure Ignored

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