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Which of the following are typically seen as

being associated with strategic decisions?
A. The organisation's long-term direction
B. The detailed planning of a department's work
over the next month
C.The values and expectations of powerful actors in
the organisation
D.The scope of the organisation's activities
• ANS:- A
Q2. Which strategy is about how to compete
successfully in particular markets?
A. Business-level strategy
B. Corporate-level strategy
C. Alliance-based strategy
D. Operational Level Strategy
• Ans:- A
Q3. An organisation's general expression of its
overall purpose is known as its

a. Objective
b. Vision
c. Goal
d. Mission
• Ans:- D
Q4. Strategy involves:
A. Senior managers and board members
B. managers at all levels
C. senior and middle managers
D. senior management
• Ans:- B
Q5. Which of the following answers the
question: 'Where does the organisation aspire
to be in the future?‘
a. Mission statement
B. Core values
C. Vision statement
D. Objectives
• Ans:- C
Q6. KRA of the company is
a. Organizational Culture
b. Organizational Climat
c. Values and ethics
d. Market share and profits
• Ans:- D
Q7. differentiation strategy is defined as
a. The provision of products or services that offer
benefits different from those of competitors and
that are widely valued by buyers.
b. the innovation of products or services greater
than the competition.
c. higher quality products or services than those of
d. The provision of different products or services
that draw upon competences or resources which
competitors do not have
• Ans:- A
Q8. The major issue(s) of appraisal system is
a. Factors of appraisal
b. Relevance of appraisal
c. Procedure of appraisal
d. All of the above
Ans:- D
Q9. The word tactics is most likely to be
associated with
a. Business Level Strategy
b. Corporate Level Strategy
c. Operational Level Strategy
d. None of the above
• Ans:- C
Q10. What is the key outcome from PESTEL
A. Five Forces
B. Identification of the drivers for change
C. Critical success factors
D. Possible scenarios
• Ans:- B

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