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“One of the first conditions of happiness is that the link between man
and nature shall not be broken.”—Leo Tolstoy
Sustainability on college campuses is a growing priority for higher ed.
institutions, and finding ways to keep students aware of these
opportunities to go green. Mobile app is a great way to provide
reminders of sustainability initiatives that get students to embrace a
greener lifestyle.
Our App is based on Android. Our mobile apps act as a central hub for
all sustainability-related initiatives. Information on what can be
recycled – and where. A virtual tour of “green” locations throughout
campus. A dedicated events calendar highlighting sustainability-
focused campus. It helps to follow sustainability best practices to have
a positive impact on the environment. User capture image and send
for cleaning for garbage waste, change of dustbin if it is full by waste.
It’s easy to include information about sustainability within campus.

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