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Give three other major scientific

and technological developments in
the world (or in the Philippines) that
created a large impact in your daily

2. What historical antecedents gave
rise to the inventions you mentioned

in the first question?
The invention of antibiotics saved and is still saving countless of lives by preventing the spread of
communicable diseases and moreover by eliminating the development of microorganisms in our system.
The term antibiotics precisely mean of “against life”; in this case, antibiotics are against of microbes that
are detrimental and are the source of illness and poor health. Without it, common infections and minor
injuries could become life-threatening and major surgeries and chemotherapy will no longer save lives.

• A British scientist, Alexander Fleming was remarkable for discovering penicillin throughout the year of
1920’s when he accidentally found out a naturally growing mold in one of his staphylococcus bacteria
samples, he found out that the area around the ring-shaped mold was free of the bacteria and concluded
that it had been destroyed by something in the mold. After he acknowledged what he had done,
antibiotics spread enormously fast throughout the entire world. The discovery of penicillin made hundreds
and millions of antibiotics and immunizations have been developed and produced worldwide.

• The invention of the Internet allowed us to have more knowledgeable in-depth research and a wide
spread of communication across countries and regions. It is so broad that it helps us get our hands on in
any type of information that we need. Internet is so important that whole modern world depends on the
internet, since it has the most impact in the business industries, economic statuses, politics, arts and
creative inventions, news and entertainment, communication applications and devices; and etc.
• The inspiration behind the Internet stemmed from the year 1960s realization, that there would be
great value in allowing computers to share information. ARPANET, the original Internet, was
brought online in 1969. Years later, Tim Berners-Lee, a British software consultant, created HTML
and it rules for its usage, which he established the World Wide Web in 1991. In the present time,
the Internet is used by us, the individuals, corporations and governments across the nations
for communication, socializing, entertainment, commerce and sharing information.

• The invention of the electricity is one of the inventions that people can’t live without today. It is
without a doubt one of the most important things that mark the era we live in. Electricity provides
energy that is a necessity in order to live and without it, it would be hard to do things manually.
Picture a world without electricity; you wouldn’t have TV’s, computers, air conditioning, electric
lights, and others.

• In 1752, an American Founding Father and inventor Benjamin Franklin prove that lightning was
electrical. He flew a kite all throughout a thunderstorm. He attached a metal key onto the string
and, as he allegedly assumed, it would. He successfully provided evidence that there is electricity
from the storm clouds flowed down the string which was wet, and he received an electrical shock.
Franklin was extremely lucky not to have been seriously hurt during this experiment, but he was
excited to have proved his idea. He should be the one whom we should be thanking for.
3. How did the developments in
Science and Technology shape
• The developments in Science and Technology
shape humanity in a lot of ways especially in
making lives so much easier. It created a peaceful
world where in everyone has an access to good
communication, sanitation, lifestyles, and etc. It
made our lives’ work effortless and
unproblematic. We tend to depend on it since all
began and given that it is present in everywhere
but we should also utilize it according to its
function and keep away from abusing it.

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