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•Song: Girlfriend
•Artist: Blake Rose
•Year of Release: 2019
•Duration: 3:00 minutes
•Genre: pop/dance
Label: Sony music

• Taylor Swift was one of my artist inspirations, as although her old music was
predominately country, I think her music videos highlighted her as being
carefree and confident, which is what I want to portray within my artist.
Katy Perry was also one of my artist inspirations as she often focuses her old
songs on modern issues, such as not fitting in, although my music video
highlights some of these issues in a very much lighthearted way, I still found it
interesting seeing how other artists portrayed serious issues. Finally I gained
artist inspiration from the original artist of Girlfriend- Avril Lavigne. it is clear
that she is a punk/ dance artist, I chose not to base my music video of a punk
artist because it wouldn't fit as well with the demographic.

Taylor swift was one of the artists I was inspired

by, as in her music videos she used very extreme
and obvious stereotypes, that inspired me to do
that within my own music video. For example in
the music video “ you belong with me” Taylor Swift
highlights the difference between the cool popular
girl, and then the geeky nerd. However the music
video shows that just because your “popular” or
“pretty” it doesn’t mean that you are better than
others. And in the video the popular girl loses,
highlighting how personality is more important
than looks. Another reason I was inspired by Taylor
swift was because she used the same person to
act two different people, which I think is a modern
idea that can be very successful if the character
representations are clear, which they are in Taylor
swifts videos.

Katy Perry was another artist I gained

inspiration from, because I think she is a role
model to many people, especially to
teenagers. Her music videos are often very
bubbly and fun, whilst still talking about
serious issues. For example, her music video
“I kissed a girl” is portrayed in a fun and
crazy way, however the lyrics can be viewed
as meaningful as it shows she is open about
her sexuality. I also gained inspiration from
the music video as she makes it girly by
adding a pink filter to the video, which I think
is interesting as it once again highlights
stereotypes, and that the colour pink is just
associated with being a “girly colour”

• My music video concept is to portray girl on girl rivalry, in a lighthearted way

to fit in with the lyrics of the song. As well as having girl on girl rivalry I want
to highlight that neither the stereotypical “geek” or the “popular girl” are
better than one another, because often in videos one character is shown to be
better than the other, by looking better or having a better social life. In my
music video my artist is being portrayed slightly through the popular girl, she
will be portrayed as being carefree, fun, and confident, which means the target
audience will look up to her, and the artist will act as role model to the target
demographic. The concept will also show how even though girls are from
different social groups there love interests are both the same, in this case they
both have Zac Efron as their celebrity love interests.

• My music video will be a mixture of performance, artistic and a clear narrative. The narrative is
of girl on girl rivalry, who both have the same celebrity crush- Zac Efron. It will highlight that
even though people are from different social groups people are often interested in the same
things without acknowledging it. The lyrics of the song say “ hey hey you you i could be your
girlfriend” showing that they look up to Zac Efron and want to be in a relationship with him. In
my music video I have two completely different characters being acted by the same person, I
chose to do this because I think it is a modern idea that some artists do within their videos,
and I think it can be very successful when executed correctly. Throughout my music video I will
have lip syncing, that will be the artist. It will reflect her care free and confident personality,
highlighted though the lyrics as they are very upfront and show that she isn’t afraid to go after
what she wants. The Narrative in the video will be highlighted though things such as split
screens, to show the geek and popular girl living their separate lives, however both looking at
the Instagram's of Zac Efron. The music video will end with neither of the girls ending up with
Zac Efron, reinforcing that he is a celebrity and out of their reach, this will be relatable with the
target audience as between the ages 16-25 people often have celebrity crushes and aspire to
be with celebrities.

• My target audience is 16-25 year old's, within the B,C demographic. This is a
popular age for people to listen to pop music, and many of people between
these ages will be frequent social media users, which will mean they
understand the references to Zac Efron and commenting on his social media
posts. This is also the target audience because between 16 and 25 is when
many young people have worries, whether it is relationship issues or exams.
The artist will reflect a carefree spirit and hopefully giving the target
demographic a role model to look up to.

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