"Fertilizers": Made By: Abdul Rehman Mughal Class: 8 Purple

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What are fertilizers:

A fertilizer or fertiliser is any

material of natural or synthetic origin
that is applied to soils or to plant
tissues to supply one or more plant
nutrients essential to the growth of
plants. Many sources of fertilizer
exist, both natural and industrially
Types of fertilizers:
 organic Fertilizers:
Organic/natural fertilizers are
fertilizers derived from animal matter, animal excreta,
human excreta, and vegetable matter. Naturally occurring
organic fertilizers include animal wastes from meat
processing, peat, manure, slurry, and guano.
 Inorganic fertilizers:
Inorganic/artificial fertilizers also
known as mineral or commercial fertilizer, is fertilizer mined
from mineral deposits or manufactured from synthetic
compounds . example: ZA and Urea.
Mineral element with uses:
 Nitrogen :
making new plant tissues.
 Potassium:
making flowers and fruits.
 Phosphorus:
making roots.
 Magnesium:
making chlorophyll for photosynthesis.
Fertilizing a Garden:
 Plants must have light, moisture and nutrients
to grow. The sun provides light. Moisture comes
from rainfall or irrigation. Nutrients come
from fertilizers, compost or manure.
 If plants are not growing well, fertilizing
them will help only if a lack of nutrients is
the cause of the problem. Plants grown in
poorly drained soils, in excessive shade, or in
competition with tree roots will not respond
to fertilizer.
Too much fertilizers:
 Applying excessive amounts of fertilizer to lawns
will cause the nitrogen and salt levels in the soil
to increase, which may damage or kill the grass.
This phenomenon, known as fertilizer burn,
manifests itself as yellow to brown strips or
patches of dead grass. Many times symptoms
appear the day after an application.
 The nutrients of fertilizer that helps plants grow
can pollute the water and affect the water cycle
in a bad way. When fertilizer gets in the water it
makes a rapid growth in algae in the water. This
causes bacteria to feed off the algae and it
consumes all the dissolved oxygen.
Eutrophication process:

 Eutrophication,or hypertrophication,
is when a body of water becomes
overly enriched with minerals and
nutrients which induce excessive
growth of algae. This process may
result in oxygen depletion of the
water body. Process is on next slide.
Why eutrophication happens:

 Eutrophication happensif too much

untreated sewage gets into streams
and rivers. Sewage contains an
excellent source of food for bacteria
as well as phosphates from household

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