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The culture of
Brunei is one of three countries located on the island of
Borneo in the central area of Maritime Southeast Asia. It is
close proximity to Malaysia, the culture of Brunei shares a
number of similarities with its neighbor. In fact, over 66% of
the population of this country are ethnically Malay. A number
of other large minority groups, like individuals from India and
China, have also contributed to the current culture of Brunei.
Throughout its long history, this country has experienced
several religious periods (including, animism, Hinduism, and
Islam) that have culminated in the state of Brunei today.
Brunei’s culture is very similar to other
Malay cultures, but it is also influenced
by the country’s diverse population –
two-thirds are Malays, and the
remaining residents are Indians,
Chinese, and indigenous Kedazans,
Dusuns, and Dayaks.
Social Beliefs and Customs
The social beliefs and customs of Brunei are primarily
influenced by Islam, which is the official national religion.
In terms of social makeup, individual families play a critical
role and are considered the building blocks of society.
Within families and their extended relatives, each person
occupies a place in the hierarchy. Elders tend to hold the
most important part within the familial structure and
showing them respect is of utmost importance in the culture
Religions and Festivals
As previously mentioned, Islam is the most widely practiced religion in
Brunei. The Constitution of this country dictates that the official national
religion should follow the Shafi’ i school of Islamic teaching, which
makes up part of the complete teachings of the Sunni sect. The Sultan of
Brunei acts as both the political and religious leader of this country.
Religious freedom is protected by the national law, however, and several
other religions are practiced here as well. Buddhism is the second most
widely practiced religion here with 13% of the population identifying as
Buddhist. Christianity is practiced by around 10% of the population,
making it the third most widely practiced religion in Brunei.
Music and Dance
Brunei is home to unique folk music and dance styles, although Islamic
practices do restrict these types of performances. Some of the most
traditional types of music are combined with specific dance styles.
 coconut shells as percussion
rebana tambourines
and dombak drums
One popular music and dance combination
Aduk Aduk
Adai Adai
Literature and Arts

Literature is an important part of the culture of Brunei and one

of the most important literary works is Sya’ir Awang Simawn, an
epic poem.
The Arts in Brunei take on a number of forms, including painting,
architecture, jewelry, textiles, metal works, and baskets. During the
mid-20th century, the government of Brunei took an active part in
promoting art in the society. Since then, the production and sale of
art have increased.

As in many countries around the world, the

traditional food of Brunei is an important
component of the culture and often brings its people
together. Over the years, the dishes served in this
country have been influenced by the culinary
practices of its neighboring countries and of its
immigrant communities.

As in many countries around the world, the

traditional food of Brunei is an important
component of the culture and often brings its people
together. Over the years, the dishes served in this
country have been influenced by the culinary
practices of its neighboring countries and of its
immigrant communities.

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