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Investigatory project

 It makes use of the scientific method.

The Scientific Method

Forms of Scientific Method

Used by physical sciences, like physics and chemistry
Experiments are done to gather numerical data from
which relationships are derived, and conclusions are

Gathering of information by Visual

Observation or Interview

Used by the descriptive sciences, such as

biology, zoology and anthropology.
Research Cycle


Evaluate Plan


Sort-sift Gather
and analyze

The Investigation Process

Identification of the Problem

PROPOSAL Literature Survey
Research Design

Data Collection

Data Analysis & Inference

Problem Identification
 Most critical decision that has to be made.
 Choosing the topic determines the area on
which the investigation will be focused.
Challenge is in the choice of the system
to be used in the investigation.
For science laboratory classes – choices are
limited by the concepts that are to be learned.

For student projects, problems could –

 Arise from curiosity  Be of theoretical value

 Be based on necessity  Be an exploratory study

 Be of practical importance  Or application of a known concept

towards a new development
Literature Survey

 Generates new ideas and approaches to research.

 Identifies relevant studies and investigators.

 Suggests methods.

 Identifies other sources of information.

 Evaluates various studies by comparison.

 Must be paraphrased. Do NOT just

merely copy and paste from the internet.
Research Design

Factors to consider
Choice and control of condition

Information gathered from literature survey

can be a guide in the selection of the
condition to be set on the research.

 Preliminary experiment could be carried out

to screen the appropriateness of
various experimental conditions.
Guidelines for Experimental
 Select one factor at a time to change in each
experiment. Things that can be changed are called

 Change something that will answer your question/s.

 The procedure must tell how you will change this


 The procedure must state how you will measure

the amount of change.

 Each experiment should have a “control” for

comparison so that you can see the effect of the
Stages in Conducting an
Investigatory Project
Stage 1: Proposal Writing

 A detailed written plan of how the project

will be done (An Experimental Design).

 Since it is yet to be done, the

future tense of the verbs must be used.

Deadline – Before First Periodic Exam

It contains the following parts:
Patterned from the question and must contain
only the essential words. (Cover Page)

Who proposed the project? The names of group
members appear here. (Cover Page)

The background of the problem and answers the
following questions:

 How did you arrive at that kind of problem?

 Why do you like to investigate that kind of problem

when there are hundreds of problems out there?
Parts of Science Investigatory

Doing an investigatory project considers as a

major achievement of any students in Science.
Through scientific investigation, they learn how
to apply the acquired knowledge, scientific
concepts, theories, principles and laws of nature.
They can use their higher-order process or
thinking skills in conducting a research. Let us
provide you a brief description of the parts of the
Science Investigatory Project Report

•The Title should be clear and precise. It

has an objective or purpose. It should
not be written too long or too short. By
just reading the title, you can determine
what the investigative study is all about.

•The Abstract should be one or two paragraphs only. It includes your

research problems, the method or procedure that you used and the findings
or conclusion of the study.
Chapter I
1. Introduction and Its Background

•The Introduction is about one page only

wherein it includes the background of the
study and its rationale. It usually leads into
the research problem.
2.  Statement of the Problem
Stated as a question or scientific inquiry

• The Statement of the Problem has two categories namely: the general
problem and specific problems. Usually, one general problem and three
specific problems which derived from the general problem. The research
problems should be specific, reliable,valid, measurable, objectively stated. It
can be a question form or in a declarative statement.
3. Formulation of the Hypothesis

•The Formulation of the Hypothesis has two

types namely: the null hypothesis and
affirmative hypothesis. Hypotheses is a
scientific guess which intends subject for
thorough investigation. It is recommended to
use null hypothesis in your research project.
4. Significant of the Study

• The Significant of the Study indicates how important is your investigatory

project for the people, environment and community as a whole. It is really
relevant in the changing world or global impact into the field of technology.
• In case your problem will be solved, what will be its
importance to the school or to the community? Will your
findings benefit others?
5.  Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The Scope and Delimitation of the Study covers the range of your research. It
includes the period of research, the materials and equipment to be used, the
subject of the study or the sample of the study, the procedure and the
statistical treatment to be used.
6. Definition of Terms

•The Definition of Terms has two types:

the Dictionary-derived definitions and
the Operational definitions which
derived from how these terms were
used in your research.

This contains the theoretical

background and findings
of other studies or
investigations related to yours.

Capsicum sinensis and Zingiber officinale Pesticide

An Investigatory Project Presented to

University of San Carlos
Basic Education Department--South Campus
J. Alcantara Street, Cebu City

As Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements in Science and Technology 9

Researcher’s name
Grade level and section

Science Teacher’s name

(one page)
• Overview of the study. The Abstract should be one or two
paragraphs only.
• It includes your research problems, the method or
procedure that you used and the findings or conclusion of
the study.
• Answers the following questions:
Why chose the problem? What’s the problem? how you will
solve the problem? describe the process and includes the
findings and conclusions.
Chapter I
Background of the Study
In a paragraph simply discuss the background or overview of your
What is the study all about.
Statement of the Problem
(Stated as a question or scientific inquiry)
This study aims to ……..
Specifically, this study is intended to answer the following questions:
Main Problem:1. question
Sub Problem: 2-3 questions
Statement of the Hypothesis
The researchers of this study believe on the …….(Simply
answers the Statement of the problem main question)
Thus, the researchers believed in the following
hypothesis. ( Simply make an educated guess of the sub problem
questions in the Statement of the Problem)

Objectives of the Study

The researchers of this study has two objectives/ has
the following objectives:
First, is to make organic pesticide that can lessen pests that harm
Second,to test the effectivity in eradicating pests./to compare
Significance of the Study
This study is important ……
The purpose of this study ……
Specifically this study will bring benefits to the following: will
your findings benefit others? Who? Why?
Parents-( explain why they are benefited)
Students- ( explain why)
Community-( explain why)

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study focuses on the making of ……as…to ..This study
only covers the comparison of the two…..No other insect, etc…to be
experimented, It only focus on …..with the _____duration of time.
Definition of Terms

The following terms are important and technically used in the

Note: 8-10 words. Define the words on how it is being used in the study.
Capsaicin-component of chili pepper that gives its hot flavour, gives
irritating and burning sensation to the insects body.

Subject-the person, group of people where the sample product

being tested.

Allium cepa-scientific name of an onion, used as a pungent spice

that irritate the eyes of the insect.
Chapter II
Review of Related Literature
This study is anchored with some related studies.
Gather related studies….. From articles, books, magazines, internet,
encyclopedia, other IP studies, etc…..
According to………Ahasfljsdnfbvmn l/vbnm;lv,mnb/m.,
.bn,m jhkb,bnmvbn,mvnkzjfnxvnxcvccmn ,mbnmv,m (Author, 2011)
The study of…….( source)
At least you have 10 sources…
 What are the things you need in solving your problem?
 Are you going to buy them or just borrow?

 How will the materials and equipment be arranged in
gathering your data?

 What are the orderly steps you are going to do to
solve your problem?

 How are you going to present the data that you will
gather? Will it be through graphs or tables?
A bibliographic account of the reference materials used
in the conceptualization of the research project. Use
standard format (e.g., APA format).

How are you going to schedule the making of your
project against the deadline set by your adviser? The
schedule should be attainable.

What materials do you need?
How much does each material cost?

How much are you going to spend for the project as a

group? How much will be the contribution of each member?

Do your parents approve your budget? Did your leader

inform them about the possible expenses through a letter?
PHASE 2: The Investigation

Once the proposal is approved you can now

start the investigation. The procedure will be
your guide. Keep track of all your observations
in a journal and tabulate your data. Document
also your work by photographs, videos, etc.
PHASE 3: The Output

After conducting the research, organize the data

gathered and present the findings.

The output has three levels:

I. The Written Report

II. The Exhibit

III. The Oral Defense

I. The Written Report


Sometimes judges have no time to study all the
details of your work, they only read the Abstract, the
“Show Window” of the project. The abstract must
contain brief explanation of the following: Problem,
Purpose of the Study, Procedure, Findings

Just enrich your proposal’s rationale. It makes a good





Detailed explanation of what was done to solve
the problem. The proposal procedure is your
guide in making this portion.


Data gathered are presented here and arranged in
tables or graphs. The data must already speak of the
whole thing. The data must be able to stand on its own.

Discuss the results. What do those data mean?

Briefly & directly states the answer/findings
about the problem.

If others would be doing similar to your project,
what would you advise them?

Includes reference materials used in development of the
research proposal, in the actual conduct of the research,
in the analysis of results, and in the formulation of
Short biography of the researchers.

Science teacher’s name. May be placed in the Cover Page.
II. The Exhibit (optional)

This is the showcase of your IP mounted on a board

(to be explained by you)

Should attract viewers to get their interest in your IP.

III. The Oral Defense

You will present your work to a panel of judges and

they will ask you questions about your project.

• Effect of Detergents to Growth of Plants

• Soap Making
• Electrical Conductivity of Citrus Fruits
• Comparing Detergent Brands
• Citrus Fruits for Stain Removal
• Recycling Used Paper
Sample IPs

• Evaluating the Effectiveness of Pure Coconut Oil

• Effectiveness of the Neem Leaf Extracts


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