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Herpes Simplex Virus 1

• Herpes simplex virus (HSV) types 1 (HSV-1) are DNA viruses that
cause localized infections of the skin, oral mucosa, oral cavity, eyes,
genital tract, and central nervous system
• HSV 1 most common affect upper waist area
• No cure for herpes
• Exchange of body fluid which means through sex(oral,anal)
• Direct contact with the cold sores like kissing
• Sharing of toothbrush
• Through asymptomatic shedding meaning that the herpes virus is in
the saliva or genital secretion even when there are no sign a cold sore
or genital lesion.
• Painful red blister that may burst leave ulcerating lesions that may
heal over couple of weeks
• After that the virus is latent means it is present but not visible
• May not cause any symptom over time but might flare up and still can
be transferred to another person
Nursing management
• Wear gloves when dealing with open sores
• Administration of anti viral drugs like acyclovir, valacyclovir,
famciclovir, and penciclovir as prescribed. If used correctly, they may
speed up the healing time of a recurrent infection.
• Topical application of antiviral creams to facilitate healing
• Screen sexual partner
• Pain killers like ibuprofen can to relieve painful sores
• Do not share the medical equipment with other patient
Health education
• Advise to abstain from sexual activity until completion of treatment
• Avoid direct skin contact with others to avoid spreading the cold sores to
other people
• Ask patient to complete the course of antibiotic medication
• Safe sex using condom and use dental dams for oral sex
• If pregnant women has active sores,advise to deliver through c section to
avoid contact with the open sores.
• If sunlight seems to trigger your recurrences, apply the sunblock to the
spot where the cold sores tends to erupt
• Keep the finger nails short to avoid injury to the cold sores
• Avoid rubbing eyes to avoid infection to that area which may lead to vision
- Episodic treatment for people who have less than six recurrence in a year. Doctor
may prescribe antiviral agent each time symptom occur.(eg : acyclovir)
- Suppressive treatment if patient experience more than six recurrence in a year .
Three major drug used to treat that is Acyclovir , Famciclovir , Valacyclovir and IV
Acyclovir ( in severe cases)
- Daily antiviral treatment to prevent recurrence is some cases.
- New born infection : Babies that are born to infected mom can be
exposed to virus during delivery which may result in brain damage ,
blindness and death of the new born.
- Skin infection : Eczema herpetic
- Ocular infection : Conjunctivitis
- CNS involvement : Meningitis

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