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Prof. Serafin A. Arviola Jr.

Associate Professor, Philippine Normal University

College of Teacher Development
“Everybody knows that the
world has become a ‘global
-Marshall McLuhan
a Canadian philosopher who coined the
phrase "global village"
1. Which among strategies are least
desirable in teaching history?
A. genuine understanding of historical events
B. acquisition and memorization of facts.
C. distinguish between historical facts from opinion
D. view historical events from multiple perspectives.

B. acquisition and memorization of facts.

2. Which of the competencies in teaching
geography develops global citizenship
among students?
a. developing a sense of place;
b. developing locational skills and understanding the
significance of location
c. understanding the interaction between humans and
the natural environment through time;
d. understanding world regions and the interrelated
impact of cultural and global interdependence.

D. understanding world regions and the interrelated impact
of cultural and global interdependence.
3. Student interest is heightened when ________ is
used as an integral part of a social studies
program. It includes fiction, biography and
autobiography, speeches, diaries, poetry, myths
and legends, plays, and even religious literature.
A. Musicals C. Dances
B. Literature D. sculptures

B. Literature

4. All Filipinos, both old and new, belong in the
history of this nation. Recognition of this diverse
and changing society is associated with the term
"_________." The effective social studies
curriculum highlights and celebrates the diversity
of our society.

A. Multidisciplinary C. Multiculturalism
B. Interdisciplinary D. future-orientation

C. Multiculturalism 4
5. Without neglecting the important ideas and
technological advances of peoples in Africa, the Middle
East, and the Americas, students are learning about
the growth of political and economic freedom that had
its roots primarily in Eastern Civilization. The new
social studies curriculum seems to be heading for a
blend of global multiculturalism, including emphasis
on eastern civilization. The following Eastern
Civilization greatly influence Social Studies curriculum
A. Chinese Civilization C. Hindu Civilization
B. Inca Civilization D. Middle Eastern Civilization

B. Inca Civilization
6. Which of the following is not a civic
A. sense of fair play
B. respect for minority rights
C. tolerance of other beliefs
D. desire not to actively participate in a democratic

D. desire not to actively participate in a democratic society.
7. Many major historical events or issues such as the
Crusades, the half-century of struggle and war
between India and Pakistan; and today's bitter
conflicts in the former Yugoslavia; and conflict
between Israel and Palestine have common
causes. Which is the common tension in the
aforementioned conflict?
A. Tension between religion
B. Tension between modernity
C. Tension between territory
D. Tension between resources

A. Tension between religion

8. Seeing the arrival of Columbus or the arrival of
Spanish or English settlers through the eyes of
indigenous peoples of the Americas is an example of
these trends in social studies teaching. Examining the
controversial decision to colonize the Philippines and
comparing the protests that erupted in the streets with
those related to opposition to America's role in Vietnam
can help students understand contemporary events in
the U.S. and other nations. What trend in social
studies teaching is illustrated?
A. Increase attention to the role of religion
B. Attention to contemporary and controversial issues

C. Using literature to teach social studies
D. Focus on the multicultural nature of society
B. Attention to contemporary and controversial issues
9. Which one is not a quality of a global
A. ability to look at and approach problems as a
member of a global society
B. ability to work with others in a cooperative way
and to take responsibility for one’s roles/duties
within society
C. ability to understand, accept and tolerate cultural
D. capacity to think in a creative and systematic way

D. capacity to think in a creative and systematic way

10. Which of the following “Vision of a
preferred future” as sets out in the 21st
century social studies curriculum is related
to the respect of elders?
A. peaceful
B. just
C. sustainable
D. intergenerational

D. intergenerational
11. It is a current curricular direction in the
Social Studies curriculum that analyses
present problems that have implication to
future directions of humanity with special
focus on policies that will be implemented
A. Future Studies
B. Human Rights Education
C. Trasformative Education
D. Education for Sustainable Development

A. Future Studies
12. It is a current curricular direction in the
Social Studies curriculum that encourages
the teaching of tolerance, respect and non-
violent techniques in solving problems.
A. Global Citizenship Education
B. Peace Education
C. Multicultural Education
D. Gender Studies

B. Peace Education
13. Which 21st century skills for Social Studies
teachers and students (based on the new K-12
Curriculum) is connected to “Learning to
Know” of the four pillars of education?
A. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
B. Creativity and Innovation
C. Communication and Collaboration
D. Information, Communications and Technology

D. Information, Communications and

Technology Literacy 13
14. According to 2015 World Economic Forum,
all countries around the world, developed and
developing countries alike, the poorest half of
the population often controls less than _______
of its wealth. This is a universal challenge
that the whole world must address.
A. 10% C. 15%
B. 20% D. 25%

A. 10%
15. There are better policies in some countries to
address social inequalities and access to resources
more evenly, and where effective targeting for
conditional cash transfers have changed behaviors
and bolstered progress in the lives of marginalized
groups. Which of the countries below implements
conditional cash transfer to uplift its citizen from
A. Rwanda, Brazil and Mexico, Singapore
B. Rwanda, Brazil and USA, Singapore
C. Rwanda, Brazil and Mexico, Philippines
D. Rwanda, Brazil and USA, Philippines

C. Rwanda, Brazil and Mexico, Philippines 15

16. The term ____________________ refers to the
phenomenon in which economies exiting
recessions demonstrate economic growth while
merely maintaining – or, in some cases,
decreasing – their level of employment.
A. Persistent sustainable growth
B. Persistent homeless growth
C. Persistent jobless growth
D. Persistent defenseless growth

C. Persistent jobless growth

17. If current trends continue, it could well be said that a
generation from now a quarter of the middle-aged
demographic will be out of work at any given moment.
Even China, which has enjoyed unprecedented growth
in competitiveness and exports, has seen
manufacturing employment decline over the last 20
years, thanks to its rapid industrialization and use
technology and automation. What age group is “middle-
aged demographic”?
A. 18-30 years of age
B. 23-40 years of age
C. 25-54 years of age
D. 30-60 years of age
C. 25-54 years of age 17
18. The following dimensions of “lack of
leadership” had been identified as trends
that exacerbate global problems EXCEPT
A. Corruption of leaders
B. Dynastic control of power
C. Hierarchical Patronage
D. Transparent and participatory leadership

D. Transparent and participatory leadership

19. In the years following the Cold War, the
prevailing view was that the world had moved
towards a liberal, democratic consensus. What
global events manifest this wave of liberal
A. break-up of the Soviet bloc
B. the integration of Russia and China into the
global economic system
C. fresh wave of democratic transitions, from Latin
America to Eastern Europe
D. all of the above
D. All of the above 19
20. Geopolitics – and realpolitik – is once again taking
centre stage in the 21st century, with potential wide-
ranging consequences for the global economy, politics,
and society. The obvious illustration of these changes is
the worsening tension between Russia and the West,
the dynamics between Japan and China over the
control of maritime navigation. This recent phenomena
is called?
A. Increasing water stress
B. Deepening income inequalities
C. Weakening representative democracy
D. Rising geostrategic competition

D. Rising geostrategic competition

21. This is a peninsula that belongs to Ukraine
but was recently annexed by Russia triggering
insecurities among the members of NATO
particularly the United States.
A. Crimea peninsula
B. Balkan peninsula
C. Scandinavian peninsula
D. Iberian peninsula

A. Crimea peninsula
22. In the last two years, citizen protest has dominated the
headlines in many countries around the globe. Greece and
Spain have seen unrest in the aftermath of the Eurozone
crisis. Ukrainians occupied central Kiev. Few nations from
North Africa to the Middle East remain unaffected by the
fallout from the Arab Spring, as citizens of the digital age
grow ever more confident to mobilize in the face of a
democratic deficit. Hong Kong is the latest place to
experience large-scale protest. What global phenomena is
illustrated here?
A. Increasing water stress
B. Deepening income inequalities
C. Weakening representative democracy

D. Rising geostrategic competition

C. Weakening representative democracy

23. The industrialization of the developing world
is creating unsustainable pollution levels.
What is the best solution for this global
A. technological and an intellectual revolution
B. promotion of education for sustainable
C. devotion to industrialization, market competition
and liberalization
D. an alternative route to economic prosperity that
preserves resources and limits carbon emissions

D. an alternative route to economic prosperity

that preserves resources and limits carbon
24. According to World Resources Institute,
these countries or conglomeration of countries
are the largest green house gas emitter in the
globe since 2005 up to the present.
A. China, USA, Brazil, India
B. China, USA, Russia, Saudi Arabia
C. China, Canada, Russia, Saudi Arabia
D. China, USA, Brazil, Canada

A. China, USA, Brazil, India

25. According to Global Burden of Disease Study,
this country’s pollution contributed to
1.2million premature deaths in 2010,
representing loss of 25 million years of healthy
A. USA C. Canada
B. Brazil D. China

D. China
26. Severe weather events have dominated headlines
recently, causing immense devastation. Every
continent has been affected, from one of the world’s
strongest storms hitting the Philippines and the
widest tornado ever seen in the United States, to
extreme droughts gripping central Africa, Brazil and
Australia and a series of massive floods in Pakistan.
What was the cause of severe weather events
according to Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change 2014 report?
A. Industrialization C. global warming
B. Globalization D. political corruption

C. global warming 26
27. Resource-constrained water stress will be the
norm for many countries in Asia, while finance-
constrained water stress will be the norm for
many countries in Africa. Due to a combination of
problems, including rapid population growth,
constrained water supplies and high levels of
poverty which countries will be hit the hardest by
this trend according to World Economic Forum.
A. India, Indonesia, Bangladesh and Philippines
B. India, Indonesia, Bangladesh and Nigeria
C. India, Indonesia, Bangladesh and Thailand
D. India, Indonesia, Bangladesh and Uganda

B. India, Indonesia, Bangladesh

and Nigeria
28. For developed economies, ageing populations
place a heavy strain on healthcare networks.
In developing nations, a lack of resources or
inadequate infrastructure present separate
challenges. Currently, National Institute for
Health is wrestling with the _______ crisis in
West Africa.
B. Ebola D. Polio

B. Ebola
29. Global citizenship makes people less
nationalistic. Is this statement correct?
A. Yes, because to be a global citizen means loyalty to
the world
B. Yes, because global citizenship contradicts
national citizenship
C. No, because to be a global citizen requires
understanding of global issues that affect national
D. No, because global citizenship means knowledge of
issues about the world

C. No, because to be a global citizen
requires understanding of global
issues that affect national concerns
30. Is it justified to suspect Muslims and people
of Mediterranean descent of possible link to
terrorist organizations?
A. Yes, because people of Mediterranean descent
usually are members of terrorist organizations
B. Yes, because most terrorists are Muslims
C. No, because not all Muslims and people of
Mediterranean descent are terrorists
D. No, because religion and ethnicity are not bases
joining a terrorist organization. This is called
racial profiling and it leads to racial discrimination

D. No, because religion and ethnicity are not bases
joining a terrorist organization. This is called racial
profiling and it leads to racial discrimination
31. The following principles explain why global
citizenship education is imperative EXCEPT
A. The world we live in is unfair and unequal, and Global
citizenship promotes the challenging and changing this
B. We live in a rapidly static world and Global citizenship is
about flexibility and adaptability as well as about a positive
image of the future
C. We live in an interdependent world, and Global citizenship
encourages us to recognize our responsibilities towards each
D. We live in a diverse society and Global citizenship gives
children the tools to counter ignorance and intolerance
within it
32. A person unselfishly concerned
for or devoted to the welfare of
others is

A. Tolerant C. altruistic
B. Compassionate D. benevolent

C. altruistic
33. ___________ means bitter hatred or

A. Animosity C. raunchy
B. mercantile D. stoically

A. Animosity
34. The Philippine House of Representatives
is gung-ho on proposed charter change. It

A. strongly against C. enthusiastically in favor

B. apathetic D. feel the public pulse

C. enthusiastically in favor
35. To prepare students to become global
citizens, teachers need to contribute to the
celebration of United Nation international
days, years and decades. The decade 2005-
2015 is for
A. Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the
B. Human Rights Decade
C. Education for Sustainable Development
D. UN Decade for Indegenous People

C. Education for Sustainable

Development 35
36. In the DepEd Revised Basic Education
Curriculum, which of the following is
not listed a Filipino core value to be
A. Makatao C. Makakalikasan
B. Makabayan D. Makapamilya

D. Makapamilya
37. The efforts of former DepEd Secretary
F. Abad to reform Philippine education
are collective embodied in
A. School First Initiative
B. No Child Left Behind
C. Focus on Lifelong Learners
D. Ligtas Paaralan

A. School First Initiative

38. It is considered by the United Nations
as the side of the world’s worst
humanitarian crisis in 2004
A. Darfur, Sudan
B. Kashmir, India
C. Colombo, Sri Lanka
D. Bali, Indonesia

A. Darfur, Sudan
39. Which of the following provinces in
Mindanao is not under the Autonomous
Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM).
A. Basilan
B. Sulu
C. Northern Mindanao
D. Tawi-Tawi

C. Northern Mindanao
40. The highest incidence of poverty and
high mortality rate in the country is in
the region of

A. Cordillera C. ARMM
B. Central Luzon D. Northern Luzon

41. What recent social issue has caused
grave division/polarization among
A. Abortion
B. Catholic Priest sex scandal
C. same sex marriage
D. gun control

D. Gun control
42. In the emerging new curricular
imperatives in Social Studies education
such as peace, human rights, global and
environment education which concept is

A. Interdependence C. human dignity

B. scarcity D. sustainability

C. Human dignity
43. Which geographic region in the world has the
following profile?
• 3 billion people or 61% of the world’s population
• 73% of the world’s 1.3 billion people live below
poverty line
• disparity between the rich and poor countries
• diversity in religion, culture and language

A. Europe C. Africa
B. North America D. Asia-Pacific

D. . Asia-Pacific
44. Which date has been set by UNESCO
and Education International (EI) in
1995 to celebrate the valuable role of
teachers in educating for the young?

A. December 4 C. June 30
B. October 16 D. October 5

D. October 5
45. Ten years after Jomtien, the
UNESCO Summit in Education held
in Dakar, Senegal gave priority
attention to .
A. access to basic education
B. quality education in all levels
C. relevance for the 21st century challenges
D. use of ICT in education

B. quality education in all levels

46. According to World Health
Organization (WHO) the first human to
human transmission bird flu
occurred in
A. China C. Thailand
B. South Korea D. Taiwan

D. Taiwan
47. Which of the following is not true of
the Millennium Development Goals
formulated by member states of the UN
in September 2000?
A. reduce child mortality
B. eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
C. provide housing for squatters
D. achieve universal access to primary education

C. provide housing for squatters

48. Which educational philosophy believes in
education as developing each individual
awareness of choice and the teachers
provide opportunities for introspection and
self-analysis and choice through
individualize learning activities is

A. Idealism C. Realism
B. Progressivism D. Existentialism

D. Existentialism
49. Which should be proper role of
states in the promotion of human

A. Catalyst C. mediator
B. main advocate D. duty bearer

D. Duty bearer
50. Identify this country. It had two female
presidents, almost half of the cabinet is
female, four women senators, 34
congresswomen elected and 53% of the 1.45
million civil servants are women. Almost
complete parity has been achieved for
women in education.
A. India C. Pakistan
B. Philippines D. Great Britain

B. Philippines
51. Actions performed by man,
knowingly and freely

A. human act C. intentions

B. acts of man D. will

D. will 51
52. Anything man is obliged to do or to
omit based from his rights as
enshrined in the UDHR…

A. responsibility C. accountability
B. duty D. works

A. responsibility 52
53. The law which directs human
behavior to the norms of conduct

A. Divine Law C. Natural Law

B. Moral Law D. Eternal Law

B. Moral Law 53
54. The axiom “ the end does not justify
the means “ simply explain that
A. the worthiness of purpose does not make an evil
act good
B. an evil act when done in good faith is acceptable
C. an evil act when done with good intention is
D. the utility of means is best evaluated by its

A. the worthiness of purpose does not make

an evil act good 54
55. nineteenth century value
philosophy which suggested that
one’s value are ultimately product of
one’s economic situation is

A. Utilitarianism C. Marxism
B. Existentialism D. Emotivism

C. Marxism
56. Utilitarianism is best explained in
which statement ?
A. Dominant values in a society affect the values of
individuals in that society
B. Actions are evaluated by the usefulness or
harmfulness of their consequences
C. A person can be happy only when he has
internal harmony .
D. Values are but products of one’s economic
B. Actions are evaluated by the usefulness
or harmfulness of their consequences 56
57. The standard and norms used
by a person to decide and act on
what is right are called

A. orientation C. values
B. attitudes D. beliefs

C. Values
58. Values are best defined as
A. basic attitudes and core beliefs
B. what one is worth or what one prizes in
C. selective orientations which serve as
criteria for action
D. bases of judging attitudes whether
favorable or not

D. bases of judging attitudes

whether favorable or not 58
59. Which of the following is
NOT a characteristic of an
absolute moral value?
A. eternal C. objective
B. universal D. relative

D. Relative
60. Which of the following statements is
NOT TRUE regarding behavioral
A. They are concern to approve by members of a
particular social group.
B. They may undergo periodic changes to the
times or circumstances
C. They are considered as objective moral
D. They are understood within a culture
C. They are considered as objective moral
61.The most important
component in the valuing
process is
A. freedom to make one’s decisions
B. consistency of thinking, feeling and
C. cherishing what one values
D. acting upon one’s choices

A. freedom to make one’s decisions 61

62. In making value judgment, which is
always correct?
A. There are choices for the value in
B. Affirmation given by others should be
C. Appropriate actions should be taken.
D. One should be happy of his choice or
A. There are choices for the value in
63. When a value is taken seriously
and is being sought after by many,
the value has passed the test of
A. extensiveness C. duration
B. intensity D. prestige

A. Extensiveness
64. The Values Education Program is
being implemented primarily for the
purpose of
A. developing the human person
B. developing Filipino’s sense of
C. building a just and humane society
D. creating a new social order

A. developing the human person 64

65. Values Education is being offered as a
separate subject in the secondary level
primarily because of the following reason
A. it reorients the students to the national development goal
B. it allows for the articulations of values development started
at the elementary level.
C. it provides for the scientific identifications, analysis and
choice of values which are not possible for integration in
either subject areas.
D. it responds to the serious need for the teaching of values
A. it reorients the students to the national
development goal 65
66. Which related value should NOT
belong to the group that develop the
core of TRUTH?

A. honesty C. knowledge
B. creativity D. critical thinking

B. creativity
67. The affective development of the
student is a prime importance because
A. it helps and develop an adequate construct
B. it sharpens his decision making skills.
C. it assists him to make control of his feelings.
D. it enable him to develop a sound value system.

D. it enable him to develop a

sound value system.
68. In value development, values are best
evaluated in terms of
A. psychological competencies as manifested by the
B. behavior indicators observed in the learner
C. cognitive skills of the learner
D. affective development of the learner.

B. behavior indicators observed

in the learner
69. The most common and oldest strategy
in teaching values education.
A. cognitive analysis of issues and events
B. solving moral dilemma
C. direct inculcation of values
D. clarification of one’s values

C. direct inculcation of values

70. An approach in Values Education which
is directed towards an active examination
of student’s beliefs, choices and decisions to
enable them to utilize these in their lives.

A. Values Inculcation C. Values Clarification

B. Moral Development D. Values Analysis

D. Values Analysis
71.The following strategies illustrate the
application of values inculcation as an
approach in the teaching of values

A. role playing C. reinforcement technique

B. modeling D. case study

C. reinforcement technique???
72. Which approach to teaching values
utilizes the discussion of value laden
social issues?

A. moral development C. action learning

B. values analysis D. values clarification

A. Moral development
73. A person who involves himself in
community-based activities and tries to
learn from the experience which
strategy of value formation?

A. Action Learning C. Values Integration

B. Values Inculcation D. Values Analysis

A. Action Learning
74. Which practice should be avoided if
you are to develop worthwhile values
among your learners
A. Be a good model of the value to be taught
B. Encourage openness and sincerity among
C. Allow the students to express their taught, their
feelings, and emotions
D. Pass judgment to right or wrong behavior of the

D. Pass judgment to right or wrong

behavior of the learner
75. A teacher who infuses desirable value
concepts through her subject matter is
employing what approach in the teaching
of values?
A. values incalculcation approach
B. values clarification approach
C. values integration approach
D. PNU ACES approach

C. values integration approach

76. Which of the following students best
describe the role of a VE teacher?
A. Present a systematic and purposive method of
B. Facilitates structural learning experiences for self
C. Integrates the strengths of the different strategies
in values education
D. Functions as a facilitative and directive mature

C. Integrates the strengths of the

different strategies in values education 76
77. Miss Sevilla is a high school teacher in Bago
Bantay Barrio School. She would like to
monitor the learning progress of her students
in terms of feedback concerning learning
successes and failures. If you were Miss
Sevilla what evaluation procedure will you
A. Placement C. Summative
B. Formative D. Diagnostic

B. Formative ???

C. Summative
78. Which statement below represents
placement evaluation?
A. Mrs. Romero conducted an achievement test to
certify pupil mastery.
B. Mrs. Dela Fuente gave a ten-item test to
determine her pupils’ learning progress.
C. Mr. San Juan gave a test at the beginning of a
new unit.
D. Algebra students took an arithmetic test on
the first day of class.
C. Mr. San Juan gave a test at the beginning of
a new unit. 78
79. Despite the use of prescribed alternate
methods of instruction (like using visual aids).
Josefa who is Mr. Fernando’s grade V pupil
continues to experience failure in
mathematics. What evaluation procedure
should Mr. Fernando implement to find the
above mentioned learning problem of Josefa?
A. Placement C. Summative
B. Formative D. Diagnostic

D. Diagnostic
80. Mrs. Lorenzo is a high school Math teacher.
Majority of her student are afraid of her
subject. She believes that it might be one of
the reasons why they are failing in Math. She
planned then to conduct a study on the
“Anxiety Levels and Self-Concept” of her
second year high school students. What is the
most appropriate method of research should
she use?
A. Historical C. Experimental
B. Descriptive D. Participatory

B. Descriptive 80

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